Communicating research to the broader community
Our extension program applies the results of research to alleviate insect problems in New York state, across the U.S. and around the world. This effort reflects the ever-changing needs of the state’s agriculture industry, recreational resources and urban dwellers. A primary reason for a department devoted to the multifaceted study of insects and related arthropods is to bring our collective expertise to bear on important insect-related issues of society.
Extension & outreach assistants
The extension/outreach assistantship gives entomology graduate students the opportunity to engage the local community directly with educational and enriching experiences with insects.

Applied entomology resources
Naturalist outreach & public education
The Cornell University Insect Collection
The Cornell University Insect Collection is a world-class research and training collection that includes over 7 million insect specimens representing about 200,000 species, or roughly 20% of the world’s described insect fauna. Our collection is an important resource for Cornell students, staff and faculty, for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, for residents of New York state, and for the broader systematics community.

Insect Diagnostic Lab
Need help identifying an insect? Check out the Insect Diagnostic Lab, where a scientist can help identify insects and related organisms or where you can do your own research using available photos and information.