Awards & Honors

Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Assistant

2024    Michael Mueller
2023    Matthew Barrett
2022    Timothy Luttermoser
2021    Kara Fikrig
2020    Kyla O'Hearn
2019    Zoe Getman-Pickering
2018    Ethan Degner
2017    Heather Connelly
2016    Silas Bossert
2015    Leticia Smith
2014    Kristen Brochu
2013    Sarah Jandricic
2012    Erin Morris
2011    Margarita Lopez-Uribe, Leo Stellwag
2010    Laruen Cator, Punita Juneja
2009    Susan Villareal
2008    Jim Hayden
2007    Marueen Carter
2006    Ronda Hamm
2005    Jon Darbro
2004    Andrea Encalada
2003    Angelique Paulk
2002    Kate Macneale
2001    Cheryl Heinz
2000    Melanie Filotas
1999    D. Mace Vaughn
1998    David Lytle, Kip Will
1997    Jessamy Rango
1996    Chris Marshall
1995    Sarah Vance
1994    Ted Schultz

Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

2024    Natalie Brennan
2023    Laura Galvao Attarian
2022    Nina Devine
2021    Nina Devine and Ben Burgunder
2020    Joseph Giulian
2019    Annika Salzberg
2018    Jacob Gorneau
2017    Brandon Woo
2016    Erin Krichilsky
2015    Kyle DeMarr
2014    Alix Gresov
2013    Ryan Reynolds
2012    Michael Garvey
2011    Andrew Debevec
2010    Anthony Auletta and Michael Orr
2009    Eric Denmark

Mike G. Villani Award

2023    Morgan Swoboda
2022    Lidia Komondy
2021    Samantha Willden
2020    Samantha Willden
2019    Erica Moretti
2018    Matthew Boucher
2017    Natalie Bray
2016    Ashley Leach
2015    Ashley Leach
2014    Michael Wolfin
2013    Michael Wolfin
2012    Erik Smith
2011    Xiaozhao Song
2010    Masanori Seto
2009    Erik Smith
2008    Anuar Morales
2007    John Diaz-Montano
2006    Rebecca Loughner
2005    Xin Zhang
2004    Shannon Olsson
2003    Rebecca Loughner

Paul J. Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship

2024-2025    Lidia Komondy
2023-2024    Hayden Bock
2022-2023    Ashley Jernigan
2021-2022    Rey O. Cotto-Rivera
2020-2021    Samantha A. Willden
2019-2020    Matthew Boucher
2018-2019    Ashley Leach
2017-2018    Kristen Brochu
2016-2017    Michael S. Wolfin
2015-2016    Heather Connelly
2014-2015    Erik Smith
2013-2014    Mia Park
2012-2013    Xiaozhao Song
2011-2012    Sarah Jandricic
2010-2011    Doo Hyung Lee
2009-2010    Masanori Seto
2008-2009    John Diaz-Montano
2005-2006    Rebecca L. Loughner
2004-2005    Francisco R. Badenes-Perez
2003-2004    Mark A. Sarvary
2002-2003    Catherine J. Westbrook
2001-2002    Shannon Bice Olsson
2000-2001    Fred R. Musser
1999-2000    Amy L. Roda
1998-1999    Jennifer Grant

George G. Gyrisco Award for Applied Research in Entomology

2021    Ashley Jernigan
2019    Erica Moretti
2018    Matt Boucher
2017    Ashley Leach
2016    Heather Connelly
2015    Joanna Fisher
2014    Michael Wolfin
2013    Susan Claflin
2012    Erik Smith
2011    Mia Park
2010    Doo Hyung Lee
2009    Sarah Braun
2008    Gaylord Desurmont

Award for Best Graduate Student Talk at the Jugatae Symposium

2019    Kara Fikrig, Zoe Getman-Pickering, Talya Shragai
2018    Lindsey Fennell, Jamie Freeman, Kass Urban-Mead
2017    Silas Bossert
2016    Ricardo Perez Alvarez Heather Connelly
2015    Michael Wolfin
2014    Erik Smith and Aloy Gu
2013    Heather Connelly, Calum Russell, Luci K. A. Kavi


Past Awards


  • Alan Liang: CALS Academic Excellence Award, Highest GPA in Entomology
  • Ben Burgunder: Outstanding Undergraduate TA Awards
  • Nina Divine: Outstanding Undergraduate TA Awards
  • Sabrina Celis: Senior Honor's Theses
  • William Kandalaft: Senior Honor's Theses
  • Olivia Miller: Senior Honor's Theses
  • Chang Chen: Senior Honor's Theses
  • Zoe Kim: Senior Honor's Theses
  • Nadya Kandel (Dec 2020): Senior Honor's Theses

Graduate Students

  • Matthew Barrett: Honorable Mention, NSF-GRFP
  • Rey Cotto: Chapman Fellowship
  • Drea Darby: Exemplary Service Award, Early Career
  • Kara Fikrig: CALS Outstanding Graduate TA Award, People's Choice Award, 3 Minute Thesis Competition
  • Jamie Freeman: ESA's Fitch Award for Outstanding Research, Teaching and Service during her MS
  • Megan Gallager: NSF-GRFP
  • Leland Graber: NSF-GRFP
  • Ashley Jernigan: Gyrisco Award
  • Laura Martinez (new admit): NSF-GRFP

Faculty & Academic Staff

  • Anurag Agrawal: National Academy of Sciences
  • Bryan Danforth: Association of American Publisher's Award
  • Laura Harrington: Donald Burgett Distiguished Advisor Award
  • Corrie Moreau: Fellow, ESA; Faculty Champion Award for DEI work
  • Tony Shelton: International IPM Lifetime Achievement Award of Excellence
  • Jennifer Thaler: Senior Faculty Champion

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Matt Boucher - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Ashley Leach - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Erica Moretti - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Trevor Sless - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Silas Bossert - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Callum Kingwell - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Julie Davis - Won prizes for their oral presentations
  • Zoe Getman-Pickering - Won the Antlion pit competition and a monetary award & the Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences TA Award
  • Heather Grab - Was awarded the ESA Early Career Professional Research Award
  • Jessica Gillung - Won the Snodgrass Memorial Research Award
  • Elizabeth Murray - Won the Early Career Professional Teaching Award for the teaching she did here at Cornell
  • Ethan Degner - Won the John Henry Comstock Student Award
  • Max Helmberger - Won the Asa Fitch Memorial Graduate Student award & first prize in the “YouTube Your Entomology” competition for their video on Asian longhorned beetles done with Ann Hajek
  • Eric Clifton - Took first prize in the “YouTube Your Entomology” competition for their video on Asian longhorned beetles done with Ann Hajek

Faculty Awards:

  • Ann Hajek - (CALS Career Accomplishment Award)
  • Laura Harrington - (ESA MUVE Recognition Award in Medical, Urban, & Veterinary Entomology) & (CALS Distinguished Advisor Award)
  • Anurag Agrawal-  E.O. Wilson Award, American Society of Naturalists

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Ethan Degner – 2nd place; Section: MUVE, Mosquitoes 2, “Sperm modification explains female fertility and reproductive behavior in the mosquito Aedes aegypti”; Co-author:  Laura Harrington.
  • John McMullen – 2nd place; Section: PBT, Crop Pests, “Drosophila microbiome-dependent functions: More than the sum of its parts?”; Co-author: Angela Douglas.  
  • Lindsay Fennell – 2nd place; P-IE, Biocontrol, General 2, “Pest management tactics have seasonal impacts on the biological control potential of entomopathogenic fungi”; Co-authors:  John Tooker and Kyle Wickings.
  • Samantha Willden – 1st place; P-IE, Biocontrol Predators, “Efficacy of two predatory mites (Neoseiulus fallacis and Phytoseiulus persimilis) in controlling two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) on strawberry grown under low tunnels in New York”; Co-author: Greg Loeb.
  • Laura Figuerora – 1st place; P-IE, Pollinator Health, “Functional traits of wild bees predict pathogen prevalence”; Co-authors: Sally Compton, Heather Grab and Scott McArt.
  • Lindsy Iglesias – 1st place; P-IE, Spotted-Wing Drosophila, “Biorational insecticide evaluation for Drosophila suzukii management in small fruits”; Co-author: Oscar Liburd.
  • Carrie Preston – 2nd place; P-IE, Stink Bugs, “Prevalence of Nosema maddoxi in Halyomorpha halys populations in eastern and western U.S.”; Co-authors:  Ann Hajek and Art Agnello.
  • Silas Bossert, 1st place; SysEB, Wasps and bees, “Combining transcriptomes and ultraconserved elements to illuminate the phylogeny of Apidae”; Co-authors: Elizabeth Murray, Eduardo Almeida, Sean Brady, Bonnie Blaimer, Sophie Cardinal and Bryan Danforth.
  • Kaitlin Deutsch, 1st place; P-IE, Pollination and Parasitoids, “Contrasting effects of landscape context on bee and hover fly pollinator populations”; Co-Authors: Mahilet Kebede, Aaron Iverson and Scott McArt.

Faculty Awards:

  • Elson Shields, was awarded the NYS Excellence in IPM Award from the NYS IPM Program.
  • Ann Hajek became a Fellow of the Entomological Society of America at the 2018 ESA meeting. 
  • Ann Hajek was recently voted a 2018 Fellow of the Entomological Society of America 

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Leticia Smith - Awarded the 2018 American Chemical Society Award.
  • Leticia Smith- Was awarded the 2018 American Committee of Entomology Young Investigator Award.
  • Ashley Leach-Was awarded the Department of Entomology Paul J. Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship for 2018-2019.
  • Matt Boucher—First place for his 10-minute talk in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems, Vectors of Plant Diseases section titled, “Identifying and detailing the role of insects in the  spread of Erwinia amylovora, a devastating disease of rosaceous crops”.  Kerik Cox and Greg Loeb were co-authors.
  • Kristen Brochu – First place for her 10-minute talk in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems, General Ecology 2 section titled, “Microbial communities in ground-nesting bee brood cells:  Diverse, stable, and unique”.  Bryan Danforth was a co-author.
  • Laura Figueroa – First place for her 10-minute talk in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems, Pollination 1 section titled, “Pathogen transmission among bees through shared floral resources:  The role of flower species and pathogen placement”.  Lynn Adler, Rebecca Irwin, Cali Grincavitch, Emilia Mann, Lucy Metz, Amy Zhao and Scott McArt were co-authors.
  • Zoe Getman-Pickering – First place for her poster in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems, Chemical Ecology and Climate Change section titled, “The role of mycorrhizae and nutrient availability in plant-herbivore interactions”.  Jennifer Thaler was a co-author.
  • Maxwell Helmberger-- named a winner in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems section Pollinator Video Contest and an honorable mention in the ESA-wide YouTube Your Entomology Video contest. 
  • Ashley Leach – First place for her poster in the Virtual Poster: Plant-Insect Ecosystems section titled, “Evaluating major sources of iris yellow spot virus in New York”.  Marc Fuchs, Riley Harding, Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris, and Brian Nault were co-authors.
  • Ricardo Perez-Alvarez - First place for his 10-minute talk in the Plant-Insect Ecosystems, Biological Control, Predators section titled, “Delivery of pest control services is mediated by the  functional composition of predator communities”.  Anthony Polyakov and Katja Poveda were co-authors.
  • Erin Krichilsky – Second place for her 10-minute talk in the Plant-Insects Ecosystems, Miscellaneous section titled, “Taking inventory:  Drivers of the bee associated fungi (Genus: Asocsphaera) in the solitary mason bee, Osmia cornifrons.  Heather Grab, Mary Centrella and Bryan Danforth were co-authors.
  • Danielle Rutkowski – First place for her poster in the Plant-Insects Ecosystems, Ecology section titled, “The effects of jasmonic acid and mycorrhizal species on the nutrition, defense, and mycorrhizal colonization of Solanum lycopersicum”.  Zoe Getman-Pickering and Jennifer Thaler were co-authors.
  • Natalie Bray awarded the 2017 Villani Award.The Villani Award is a stipend given annually to a Geneva-based graduate student. The award is named in honor of Dr. Mike Villani who had a very active research program in soil arthropod ecology
  • Ashley Leach recently named this years recipient of the Gyrisco Student Award. This award is given to students who have been outstanding in research and who are excellent Department citizens. 
  • Jeffrey Scott recently received the Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring, Nominated by Undergraduates in the College
  • Dr. Katja Poveda recently accepted the CALS Young Faculty Teaching Excellence Award at the Deans Award Dinner.
  • Erin Krichilsky recently won Best Poster in Behavioral and Ecological Biology at the Cornell Undergraduate Research Board Spring Forum.
  • Katherine Ruth Urban-Mead was recently awarded the 2017 Bollar Research Award.

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Kristen Brochu was recently awarded second place in the 2016 Entomological Society of America’s Student Competition for Oral Competition: Ecology and Population Dynamics. 
  • Heather Grab was awarded first place in the 2016 Entomological Society of America’s Student Competition for Oral Competition: Apidology, Sericulture, and Social Insects as well as the John Henry Comstock Graduate Student Award for Eastern Branch.
  • Ashley Leach was recently awarded the 2016 Michael Villani Graduate Student Fellowship for the second year in a row.  She also won first place in the 2016 Entomological Society of America’s Student Competition for Oral Competition: Integrated Pest Management and Sustainable Agriculture and received the Larry Larson Graduate student Award for Leadership in Applied Entomology. Ashley was also recently awarded first place in the student poster competition for her poster titled “Integrating nitrogen rate, onion cultivar, and insecticide program to optimize onion thrips management in onion”, by Ashley Leach, Steve Reiners, and Brian Nault.   Her poster was presented at the National Allium Research Conference that was held in Savannah, GA from Nov. 30 through Dec. 3. 
  • Ricardo Perez-Alvarez was recently awarded second place in the 2016 Entomological Society of America’s Student Competition for Oral Competition: Biological Control and Insect Pathology
  • Leticia Smith was awarded second place in the 2016 Entomological Society of America’s Student Competition for Oral Competition: Medical and Veterinary Entomology.
  • Leticia Smith was awarded the Daniel M Jobbins Scholarship from the New Jersey Mosquito Control Association for outstanding research on Pyrethroid resistance in Aedes aegypti.
  • Michael Wolfin was awarded the Paul J. Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship for 2016-2017. The award is based on three broad criteria: 1) scientific quality of research, 2) publications and presentations, and 3) involvement in professional activities.

Faculty Awards:

  • Jeff Scott was recently selected as an Entomological Society of America Policy Fellow
  • Scott McArt, Bryan Danforth, Jennifer Grant(NYS IPM), Emma Mullen, Maria Van Dyke, Mary Kate Wheeler, and Dan Wixted (PMEP program) received the 2017 CALS Outstanding Accoplishements in Extension and Outreach Awards
  • Kayja Poveda received the 2017 CALS Young Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
  • Jeff Scott received the 2017 CALS Faculty Excellence in Undergraduate Research Monitoring Award
  • Charlie Linn received the 2017 CALS Career Achievement Award
  • Kyle Wickings received the 2017 CALS Early Achievement Award
  • Greg Loeb received the 2017 CALS Outstanding research Award
  • Greg Loeb recently received the Award for Excellence in Integrated Pest Management at ESA
  • Linda Rayor was a finalist at ESA for the YouTube Your Entomology Stinger Awards for her video titled “Pollination: Trading Food for Fertilization in 3 Minutes”, created with Carol Jennings 

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Silas Bossert has been awarded this year's Outstanding Teaching Award in Entomology.  A golden apple was presented to Silas for his contributions to Insect Biology and Alien Empire.
  • Isis Caetano has received a student travel award from the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Nematode division.
  • Heather Connelly received the Paul J. Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship in recognition of her many accomplishments. Heather also received the John Henry Comstock Award from the 2016 ESA Eastern Branch meeting in January. This May Heather was also awarded the George G Gyrisco Student Award in Entomology for applied research.  
  • Kyle DeMarr was awarded the CALS Academic Excellence for being an exemplary undergraduate student.
  • Joanna Fisher received third place in the the Society-wide student paper competition at the Society for Invertebrate Pathology meeting in Vancouver.  She is also the winner of this year's George S. Gyrisco Award for Applied Research which is given to students who have been outstanding in research and who are excellent Department citizens.
  • Erin Krichilsky was awarded the Entomology undergraduate TA award this year.  She was instrumental in the success of 4 open labs for Honey Bees and provided individual attention to students!
  • Ashley Leach was recently awarded the 2015 Michigan Vegetable Council Industry Scholarship at the Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Expo as well as the winner of the Graduate Student Poster Contest at the 2016 Northeastern Plant, Pest and Soils Conference/ ESA Eastern Branch meeting.  Ashley has also been awarded the Michael Villani Graduate Student Fellowship for the second year in a row.  
  • Dan Olmstead was awarded the Asa Fitch Memorial Graduate Student Award at the 2016 ESA Eastern Branch meeting.
  • Rebecca Schmidt-Jeffris was awarded the John Henry Comstock graduate student award from the 2016 ESA Pacific Branch meeting. 
  • Michael Wolfin was awarded the Paul J. Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship for 2016-2017. The award is based on three broad criteria: 1) scientific quality of research, 2) publications and presentations, and 3) involvement in professional activities.

Faculty Awards:

  • Angela Douglas has received the 2015 ESA Recognition award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, & Toxicology which encourages outstanding extension, research, and teaching contributions in urban entomology. 
  • Greg Loeb was selected as the recipient of the Excellence in Integrated Pest Management Award at the 2016 ESA Eastern Branch meeting.
  • Linda Rayor has been named this year’s recipient of the Entomology Society of America (Eastern Branch) Recognition Award in Teaching.
  • John Sanderson recently won the NYS Excellence in IPM award which will be presented at the Floriculture Field Day here in Ithaca.
  • Dave Soderlund has been recognized by ESA as a 2015 Fellow.  He is recognized internationally as a leading authority on the toxicology and mode of action of insecticides affecting ion channels.

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Kristen Brochu was awarded a research travel grant from the Graduate School for an invited presentation.  Congratulations.
  • Marissa Cardillo received this year's Outstanding Teaching Assistant for CALS 2014-2015 TA work in Undergraduate Biology-BIOG 1445.  
  • Mary Centrella received a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award; This is a highly competitive award and she has been selected in this round for a full three-year graduate research fellowship award. 
  • Heather Connelly won first place (for the 2nd year in a row!) for her talk in the Plant-Insect Interactions student competition at this year's ESA as well as a NIFA student travel award.
  • Kyle DeMarr received the Outstanding Undergraduate Student Teaching Award for enthusiastically helping a lot of students in Insect Biology key out and learn the natural history of insects in their nets.
  • Joanna Fisher was awarded the Palmer Finishing Fellowship for this year.
  • Ashley Leach, first year MS student working in Dr. Brian Nault’s research group, was awarded the 2015 Michael Villani Award.  She will be using the stipend to "examine the effects of three factors; nitrogen rate, insecticide regime, and cultivar selection, to optimize onion thrips management in onion."
  • Patricia Pinheiro received a NIFA travel award to attend ESA this year.
  • Erik Smith, current graduate student with Brian Nault, has just been awarded the Paul Chapman Graduate Student Fellowship.  The Chapman Fellowship is given each year to a graduate student in Entomology, with preference given to students sponsored by a Geneva faculty member.  The Chapman Fellow is selected by a committee composed of the full professors of Entomology located at the Geneva campus.  The award is based on the three broad criteria used for nominations for the John Henry Comstock Graduate Student Award in the ESA:  1) scientific quality of research work, 2) publications and presentations, and 3) involvement in professional activities.  Candidates will be judged on their achievements while conducting graduate study.”
  • Leticia Smith received the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award for her contributions to Plagues & People and Alien Empire where she was a creative and thoughtful TA.  
  • Ryan St. Laurent was awarded a Cornell Presidential Research Scholarship. The Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholars program selects highly motivated students and provides them with the opportunity to conduct financially supported, faculty mentored research throughout their undergraduate years. Congratulations.
  • Anyi Mazo Vargas received a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award; This is a highly competitive award and she has been selected in this round for a full three-year graduate research fellowship award. 
  • Michael Wolfin won second place for his talk in the Plant-Insect Interactions student competition at this year's ESA meeting.  He has also been awarded the Andrew W. Mellon Grant in support of his research.

Faculty Awards

  • Angela Douglas was awarded the CALS Research and Extension award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research for her important contributions to our understanding of molecular symbiosis and her pioneering use of molecular and genomic tools in this area of research.
  • Bryan Danforth has been awarded ESA's Thomas Say Award.  This ESA award acknowledges significant and outstanding work in the fields of insect systematics, morphology, or evolution.  
  • Cole Gilbert has been promoted to full professor. Please be sure to congratulate Cole on this recognition of his outstanding accomplishments!
  • Ann Hajek was awarded The Eastern Branch L.O. Howard Distinguished Achievement Award.  This award is given to recognize scientists in the Eastern Branch who have made significant contributions in the field of entomology. 
  • Linda Rayor was awarded the Animal Behavior Society’s Penny Bernstein Distinguished Teaching Award.  With this honor she will also have the opportunity to organize a symposium on improving education at the next meeting.
  • Jeff Scott received a Class Council Award  for “outstanding contributions to the entire Cornell community” at a ceremony at the A. D White House on April 13.
  • Jennifer Thaler has been promoted to full professor. Please be sure to congratulate Jennifer on this recognition of her outstanding accomplishments!

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Kristen Brochu has been awarded as the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant for CALS
  • Heather Connelly won first place at ESA in the graduate student 10 minute paper competition
  • Aloy Gu was awarded best poster at the annual Department Symposium held by the Jugatae Club
  • Sara Hermann won first place at ESA in the graduate student 10 minute paper competition
  • Sarah Jandricic won second place at ESA in the graduate student 10 minute paper competition
  • Xiaowei Li won the PhD oral competition at the 2014 Eastern Branch meeting of the Entomological Society of America in Williamsburg VA
  • Brett Morgan has been awarded Academic Excellence for CALS
  • Erin Morris won the 2013 USDA-AFRI Student Travel Grant at ESA
  • Mia Park won the 2013 USDA-AFRI Student Travel Grant at ESA
  • Stephen Pecylak has been awarded Academic Excellence for CALS
  • Erik Smith won second place at ESA in the graduate student 10 minute paper competition.  Eric also won best talk at the annual Department Symposium held by the Jugatae Club
  • Michael Wolfin has been selected as the 2014 winner of the George G. Gyrisco Graduate Student Award in Applied Entomology. This award consists of $1000 that will be put into an account in support of his research.   Congratulations!!
  • Michael Wolfin has been awarded the Michael Villani Award this year for Geneva Graduate Students.  This award consists of $1000 and will be used to help with his research efforts.  

Faculty Awards

  • Ron Gardner, the coordinator of the Pesticide Safety Education Program, in the Pesticide Management Education Program (PMEP) received the Emmett R. Gauhn Memorial Award, which is the NYS Association for Food Protection's  highest honor, at their 2013 Annual Conference held in Syracuse in September.  The Executive Board makes this award in memory of the Association's first president and they recognized Ron for his outstanding service to this organization during his 30-year career at Cornell.  
  • Peter Jentsch has been named superintendent of the Hudson Valley Laboratory.  Congratulations!
  • John Losey has been selected as the Eastern Branch nominee for the ESA Distinguished Award in Extension.  
  • Tony Shelton was recently notified that his 10-member team will be awarded the Entomological Society National IPM Team Award at the ESA National Meeting. Congratulations to all.  The Risk Assessment of Bt Plants on Beneficial Non-target Arthropods (NTA) IPM Team members include Jörg Romeis (Agroscope, Switzerland), Anthony Shelton (Cornell, USA), Steve Naranjo (USDA-ARS, USA), Richard Hellmich (USDA-ARS, USA), Morven McLean (Center for Environmental Risk Assessment, USA), Alan Raybould (Syngenta, UK), Marco Candolfi (Innovative Environmental Services, Switzerland), Jian Duan (USDA-ARS, USA), Joseph Huesing (Purdue, USA), Raymond Layton (Pioneer Hi-Bred, USA).
  • Kyle Wickings is a new Assistant Professor in Soil Arthropod Ecology and we would like to Welcome him to the Department.
  • Dan Wixted, Extension Support Specialist for PMEP, was recognized for his outstanding contribution to pesticide safety education by the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators at this year’s meeting.  He was honored as an AAPSE Fellow which “is the highest recognition bestowed by AAPSE.”  Fellows are nominated because of their superior achievement in research; education; public service; personal achievement; recognition; and service; and have a minimum of 10 years of AAPSE membership.

Student and Post Doc Awards:

  • Kristen Brochu was selected to receive Presidential Life Science Fellowships
  • Suzi Claflin received a Towards Sustainability Foundation Graduate Research Grant, a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture and Education Graduate Research Grant and three years of graduate support from the NSF predoctoral fellowship program
  • Heather Connelly received a graduate student grant from NE SARE for her Ph.D. research as well as the Griswold award for Spring 2013
  • Christopher Donovan received the CALS Academic Experience Award for highest GPA in the major
  • Elaine Fok received the ESA Eastern Branch Asa Fitch Memorial Award for an outstanding Masters level graduate student as well as  the first place President's Prize Winner in the Graduate Student Ten Minute Paper Competition at ESA 
  • Mike Garvey was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Undergraduate TA
  • Eric Gordon received the CALS Academic Award for Excellence in a double major in Entomology and Bio-Microbiology
  • Philip Houtz was selected to receive Presidential Life Science Fellowships
  • Sarah Jandricic was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Graduate TA
  • Rebecca Johnson received the Paul Schreurs Memorial Award (Presented by Ho-Nun-De-Kah Honor Society)
  • Monica Kersch-Becker received a Towards Sustainability Foundation Graduate Research Grant
  • Erin Morris received the Griswold award for Spring 2013
  • Mia Park was the recipient of the 2013-2014 Chapman Fellowship based on scientific quality of research, publications, presentations and involvement in professional activities
  • Erik Smith was the 2012 recipient of Mike Villani Award 
  • Ryan Reynolds was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Graduate TA

Faculty Positions and Awards

  • Anurag Agawal was awarded the ESA Founder's Award in honor of Dame Mirian Rothschild 
  • Nicolas Buchon is Welcomed to the Department as Assistant Professor in Insect Physiology
  • Laura Harrington was promoted to Professor this year as well as awarded the ESA Eastern Branch Distinguished Award in Teaching
  • Andrew Landers was awarded Excellence in IPM Awards presented by the NYS IPM Program
  • Brian Lazzaro was awarded the CALS Early Career Achievement Award
  • Brian Nault was promoted to Professor this year as well as awarded the Excellence in IPM Awards presented by the NYS IPM Program
  • Jeff Scott was awarded the ESA National Distinguished Achievement Award in Insect Physiology, Biochemistry, and Toxicology
  • Don Rutz  was awarded the ESA National Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension
  • Elson Shields was awarded ESA Eastern Branch Entomological Foundation Award for Excellence in IPM  
  • Ping Wang became the Director of the Tang Cornell-China Scholars Program

Outstanding Teaching Assistants:

  • Erin Morris

Department Awards:

  • Founders' Memorial Award:  Angela Douglas
  • Distinguished Scientist Award:  Ann Hajek
  • Outstanding Accomplishments in Extension/Outreach:  Arthur Agnello
  • Excellence in Integrated Pest Management (from NYS IPM):  Brian Nault
  • Entomological Foundation Award for Excellence in IPM:  Jennifer Grant
  • President's Prize (Entomological Society of America):  Susan Finkbeiner
  • ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching:  Laura Harrington
  • ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension:  Don Rutz
  • L.O. Howard Award:  Tony Shelton
  • John Henry Comstock Award:  Sarah Jandricic
  • Paul J. Chapman Graduate Fellowship:  Sarah Jandricic
  • National Science Foundation Fellowship:  Jacqueline Dillard
  • George C. Gyrisco Student Award:  Mia Park

  Recent ESA Award Winners:

  • ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching - Dr. Laura Harrington, Associate Professor, Cornell University
  • ESA Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension - Dr. Donald Rutz, Professor, Cornell University
  • John Henry Comstock Award - Sarah Jandricic
  • Entomological Foundation Award for Excellence in IPM - Dr. Jennifer Grant, Assistant Director, NYS IPM Program Congratulations to Don, Laura, Sarah and Jennifer on their well-deserved awards.  Thank you to the awards committee for getting these awards submitted.
  • Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Extension/Outreach: Arthur M. Agnello, Department of Entomology, for his work as an extension entomologist working with stakeholders, fruit growers, and others in New York and beyond. Congratulations Art!!!
  • Congratulations to Ann Hajek who was selected as the International Organization for Biological Control NRS Distinguished Scientist for 2011. This award is based on your lifetime achievements and contributions in researching, facilitating, implementing, and promoting the field of biological control. Thanks to Tony Shelton and the Awards Committee for putting together this nomination.
  • Congratulations to Susan Villarreal who just won a "Best Student oral presentation" award at the 13th International Meeting on Invertebrate Sound and Vibration for her talk entitled "1 pulse, 2 pulsp, 3 pulse, 4: Acoustic communication in a dueting katydid, Scudderia pistillata".

A recent paper by Ann and Anurag (Nielsen et al) was selected by the editor of Biology letters as one of the five most interesting papers published in the journal for 2010. Jim was also given the award for best paper in the 2009 volume of The Coleopterists Bulletin. That paper is titled " Alien and native Carabidae (Coleoptera) share Lanai, an ecologically devastated island." Congratulations Ann, Anurag and Jim!!

ESA Award Winners

  • Five Cornellians won awards for their presentations at ESA this year: Mia Park, Sam Ramsey, Sarah Braun, Doo Hyung Lee, and Eric Van Fleet. Congratulations to Mia, Sam, Sarah, Doo Hyung and Eric!!

Award Winners

  • Congratulations to Erin Morris, who received second place for her oral presentation at the annual Society for Invertebrate Pathology meeting in Trabzon, Turkey this past week. The presentation was titled 'Development time and survivorship of Deladenus siricidicola (Tylenchida: Neotylenchidae) on different strains of Amylostereum areolatum (Russulales: Stereaceae)'.
  • Congratulations to Eric Yip for being awarded the Liu Memorial Award.

Entomological Society of America - Recent Award Winner

  • James Liebherr received the Entomological Society of America (ESA) Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching for the Eastern Branch at the banquet for the yearly conference in Annapolis on 2/7/10. Congratulations Jim!

Recent Awards Winners at ESA

  • Sarah Braun: ESA President's prize winner for her talk
  • Geroge Lin: ESA President's prize winner for her talk
  • Erik Smith: ESA President's prize winner for his talk
  • Xiaozhao Song (Swecy): ESA President's prize winner for her poster
  • John Diaz-Montano: President's Prize Runner-Up for his poster.


  • Congratulations to Brian Lazzaro for receiving the Provost's Award for Distinguished Scholarship
  • Congratulations to Cole Gilbert who won the CircleLink Award from CALS for excellence in teaching, advising and student development.Recent Award Winners
  • Congratulations to Jessica Walden who won the CALS Academic Excellence award for highest GPA in our Major.
  • Congratulations to Jenna DiNicola who won the 2008-2009 Student Employee Recognition Award.
  • Congratulations to Cristina Monk who was selected to received the 2009 Paul Schreurs Memorial Award in recognition of excellence in undergraduate research.