Vegetable Entomology

The principal objectives of the vegetable entomology extension program include:

  • Improving our understanding of pest biology and ecology in vegetable crop systems and applying that information to develop practical, cost-effective, and environmentally sensitive pest management tactics
  • Predicting vegetable pest outbreaks, developing insecticide resistance management strategies and mitigating the spread of insect-transmitted viruses
  • Developing or refining management practices for vegetable insect pests by examining the efficacy of cultural and biological controls, resistant plants and novel insecticides
  • Helping growers implement sound IPM strategies and educating the public about agricultural issues, including biological control and biotechnology
  • Helping develop regulatory policies on a national and international level, especially for transgenic insecticidal plants

Visit our experts' lab pages to view other guidelines including onion disease management and diagnosis, thrips, maggots, leafhoppers and mosaic virus in snap beans, and carrot insect pests.


A man stands in a sunny greenhouse.

Area of Expertise: Insect ecology, vegetable insect pest management, epidemiology and management of insect-transmitted viruses, insect dispersal, insecticide resistance management