An excellent option for those who are sure they would like to pursue graduate studies or a career involving insect biology. This is a small major, which increases the interactions between students and faculty and their graduate students. Students study broadly across biology and other natural sciences, such as chemistry and physics, and deeply within the biology of insects.

A good option for students in other CALS majors who have a casual interest in Entomology.
Research Honors
Finally, students with interest in pursuing entomological research should consider fulfilling the requirements for Distinction in Research Honors in Entomology. In this case, students work directly with a faculty member to complete an independent research project and submit an honors thesis by the end of their senior year.

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Katja Poveda, Professor
Email: entom-ug [at] cornell.edu (entom-ug[at]cornell[dot]edu)
Undergraduate Field Administrative Assistant
Stephanie Westmiller, Student Services
Phone: (607) 255-6198
Email: st342 [at] cornell.edu (st342[at]cornell[dot]edu)
Entomology Club
Many undergraduate students interested in insects are members of the club Snodgrass & Wigglesworth, named for two of the foremost entomologists of the 20th century. American Robert Snodgrass was a morphologist who worked at the Smithsonian Institution for decades and Sir Vincent Wigglesworth was a Brit who many consider the father of modern insect physiology.
Club members are called SnodWiggs, for short. Most club members are majoring in entomology, but there are many active members who are majoring in another subject, but who also share a passion for insects. The SnodWiggs meet weekly during the school year and punctuate their year with bake sales, guest speakers, camping trips, barbeques, and other fun events.