WRI Staff

Brian kneels along the shore of a body of water.

WRI Director

Woman sitting on ground

Great Lakes Water Resource Scientist
DEC Great Lakes Watershed Program

Photograph of a woman wearing sunglasses holding a fish on a boat.

Research Support Specialist, Aquatic Invasive Species

Woman in canoe

Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, DEC Region 3

Photograph of a man with a mustache wearing a blue hat squatting down next to a black and white dog on the side of a river.

Communications Coordinator

Beth Roessler kneels in a field.

Tributary Conservation Specialist
Hudson River Basin Estuary Program

Photograph of a person wearing glasses and a brown winter jacket with longer dark hair and a beard with mossy rock in the background.

Administrative Assistant

Christopher Bowser stands in front of a lake.

Education and Citizen Science Lead
Hudson river Basin Estuary Program

Restoration Ecologist

Woman with clipboard

Eastern Great Lakes Watershed Coordinator
DEC Great Lakes Watershed Program

Photograph of a woman wearing an orange beanie with long blonde hair holding a turtle by a stream.

Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, DEC Region 7

Evie Brahmstedt portrait

Postdoctoral Researcher

Photograph of a woman wearing tan clothes crouched down holding a camera looking back and smiling with a Galapagos tortoise in the background.

Climate Outreach and Water Equity Specialist

Photograph of a woman in chest waders and green baseball cap standing in a stream with a red colored backpack on and holding a yellow stick like probe.

Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, DEC Region 5

Man in field

Restoration Hydrologist

Woman in lifejacket

Research Ecologist

Photograph of a man wearing a yellow shirt and white bucket hat looking at a small device on a boat in a lake.

Principal Aquatic Ecologist

Woman sitting in front of water

Climate Adaptation Planning Specialist
Hudson River Basin Estuary Program

Kenji Doering stands in front of a waterfall.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Photograph of a woman with long brown hair wearing glasses holding two small birds in each hand.

Data Analysis Ecologist

Photo of Kristen Hychka

Research and Outreach Specialist

Lindsay Yoder sits in front of a lake.

Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, DEC Region 9

Maija Liisa Niemisto wearing a lifejacket stands on a lake bank, next to two kayaks holding a paddle.

Education and Community Science
Hudson River Basin Estuary Program

Photograph of a man smiling wearing glasses wearing an olive green quarter zip sweater with a stone building in the background.

Climate Program Manager

A picture of Rassil at the office.

Research and Support Specialist

Woman standing in front of a wall

Research and Outreach Specialist

Ryan Elliott takes readings on a boat.

Western Great Lakes Watershed Coordinator
DEC Great Lakes Watershed Program

Scott Cuppett wearing a helmet in a raft.

Watershed Management Team Lead

Man sailing a boat

Programming Coordinator

Woman sitting on shoreline

Climate Adaptation Specialist

Administrative Staff
Hudson River Basin Estuary Program