WRI Publications
2023 Annual Report
Highlighting the continued efforts of the New York State Water Resources Institute to advance water resource management and address critical water resource problems, we're proud to share the 2023 Annual Report at the link below.
Publications by date
September 18, 2024
Finewood, M. , Vail, E., Meierdiercks, K., Bennett, C., Read, L., Environmental Management
Geochemical and Hydrological Controls on Manganese in a Weakly-Stratified Drinking Water Reservoir
September 10, 2024
Sang, Y., Pietz, O., Christiansen, E., Abu-Ali, L., Pollack, C.J., Sinton, C.W., Johnston, R., Reid, M.C., ACS ES&T Water
Road Stream Crossing and Assessment Prioritization
July 3, 2024
Jared Popoli, WRI (Originally published June 28, 2024)
Social considerations for the removal of dams and other aquatic barriers
May 20, 2024
Lutter, S. H., Cuppett, S., Sethi, S. A., and Rahm, B.G., BioScience
Harmful algal blooms in Cayuga lake, NY: From microbiome analysis to eDNA monitoring
March 20, 2024
Wang, N., Mark, N., Launer, N., Hirtler, A., Weston, C., Cleckner, L., Faehndrich, C., LaGorga, L., Xia, L., Pyrek, D., Penningroth, S., Richardson, R., Journal of Environmental Management
Challenges to implementing a full renewable, emission-free New York State
Doering, K., Hychka, K., WRI (Originally published January 24, 2024)
An Anguillid lens: how Eels reconnect people and waterways
January 7, 2024
Gansworth, K. L. and Bowser, C. H., Frontiers in Human Dynamics 5:1270644.
Approaches to Water Justice in NYS
Schull, V.Z, Bramhstedt, E.S., Hychka, K.C., WRI (Original May 4th, 2023)
Characterization and drivers of haloacetic acids (HAAs) in New York State
Sayess, R. and Steinschneider, S. (2023) AWWA Water Science
Scientific Examples of Water Justice in NYS
Schull, V.Z, Bramhstedt, E.S., Hychka, K.C., WRI (Original May 4th, 2023)
Gregory et al. (2023) Estuaries and Coasts.
McGuire et al. (2023) Environmental Microbiology.
Application of Water Quality Indices in Assessing Status of New York Great Lakes Tributaries
Schull, V.Z. & Rahm, B.G, WRI (Original July 28th, 2022)
Joshua Cerra and Libby Zemaitis (2022) Routledge Handbook of Urban Landscape Research
Allred et al. (2022) Review of Policy Research, 39: 570-601.
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs): A NYS Overview
April 4, 2022
Rassil Sayess and Brian G. Rahm, WRI (Original October 1st, 2020).
December 13, 2021
Buchanan et al., 2022. Journal of Enviornmental Management, 302(A), 113952. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113952
Responding to Risk from Floods and COVID-19: Beyond Partisanship, Through Experience
December 1, 2021
Nocua Tole et al. CaRDI Research & Policy Brief Series, Issue 95. October 2021.
October 15, 2020
Knighton, J. et al., 2020. Journal of Environmental Management, 272, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111051
Building Community Consensus for Flood Risk Adaptation
June 1, 2020
Marcell, K., and B. Brooks. CaRDI Research & Policy Brief Series, Issue 90. June 2020.
Rapid Remote Assessment of Culvert Flooding Risk
February 18, 2020
Truhlar, A.M., et al., J. Sustainable Water Built Environ., 2020, 6(2): 06020001
March 25, 2019
Clifton Staples, NYS Water Resources Institute
The Mystery and Value of Place Names: Can History Help Us Get to the Bottom of Sturgeon Pool?
March 18, 2019
Tess Webb & Andrew Meyer, Fisheries Magazine. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10259
November 1, 2018
Fernandez-Baca, C.P., Et. Al., Science of the Total Environment, Volume 640-641
Perceptions of Risk and Behavior: Climate Change & Weather-Related Relocation
November 1, 2018
Fenton, E., Blakely-Armitage, R., and D. Kay. CaRDI Research & Policy Brief Series, Issue 82. November.
September 4, 2018
Jacquet, J.B., et. al., The Extractive Industries and Society (2018)
Turning Vacant Lots into Green Infrastructure: Application of A Multi-objective Optimization Tool in the City of Buffalo
June 18, 2018
Zhenduo Zhu, University at Buffalo. Two papers were published from this effort:
1. A new tool for automatic calibration of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM)
2. Modeling the transport of titanium dioxide nanomaterials from combined sewer overflows in an urban river
Is bigger better? Driving factors of POTW performance in New York
May 15, 2018
Rahm, B.G.; Morse, N.; Bowen, M.; Choi, J.; Mehta, D.; Vedachalam, S. Water Research. 2018, 135, 134-143
The Light at the End of the Culvert
May 1, 2018
M. Lung, A. Meyer, R. Marjerison & B.G. Rahm (2017) Talk of the Towns, Association of Towns of the State of New York. Vol. 31, May/June.
Using multivariate analysis and USGS stream gage data to improve source tracking of micropollutants in the Hudson River Estuary
April 1, 2017
deh262 [at] cornell.edu (Damian Helbling), Cornell University. For a publication based on this work, read here.
June 1, 2016
Brian G. Rahm, Nicole B. Hill, Stephen B. Shaw & Susan J. Riha, Journal of the American Water Resources Association Volume 52, Issue 3, pages 592–604, June 2016
A meta-analysis of public compliance to boil water advisories
February 12, 2016
Sridhar Vedachalam*, Kyra T. Spotte-Smith, Susan J. Riha, Water Research 94 (2016) 136-145
October 23, 2015
McPhillips, L. and M.T. Walter, Ecological Engineering, 85 (2015) 67-75.
Public–Private Partnerships and Contract Choice in India’s Water and Wastewater Sectors
August 4, 2015
Vedachalam. S., Geddes, R.R., Riha, S.J. 2016. Public Works Management & Policy, 21(1):71-96.
Septic Systems, New York State (2011): A Geospatial Database
June 22, 2015
Vedachalam, S., Joo, T., Riha, S.J. 2015. Available at CUGIR: Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository.
Water Without Borders: The Importance of Regional and Intermunicipal Water Resource Planning
June 12, 2015
Rahm, B.G., Vedachalam, S. 2015. New York State Association of Counties: NYSAC News, Spring/Summer, 36(2):40-41.
Media discourse on ageing water infrastructure
May 13, 2015
Vedachalam. S., Lewenstein, B.V., DeStefano, K.A., Polan, S.D., Riha, S.J. 2015. Urban Water Journal. DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2015.1036087. [pre-print].
Reevaluating onsite wastewater systems: Expert recommendations and municipal decision-making
April 24, 2015
Vedachalam, S., Vanka, V.S., Riha, S.J. 2015. Water Policy, 17(6):1062-1078.
The State of the Hudson 2015
April 16, 2015
Stanne, Steve. Hudson River Estuary Program/NYSDEC, New Paltz, NY, and NYS Water Resources Institute/Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 20 pages.
Engaging researchers and stakeholders in improving New York’s water management
April 1, 2015
Vedachalam, S., Rahm, B.G., Tonitto, C., Riha, S.J. 2015. CaRDI Research & Policy Brief Series, Issue 65: April.
Growing green infrastructure: lessons from new research
April 1, 2015
Planning News, New York Planning Federation, Winter 2015, 12-13.
Shale gas operator violations in the Marcellus and what they tell us about water resource risks
March 10, 2015
Rahm, B.G., Vedachalam, S., Bertoia, L., Mehta, D., Vanka, V.S., Riha, S.J. 2015. Energy Policy. 82:1-11.
Who’s the cleanest of them all? Sanitation scores in Indian cities
January 16, 2015
Vedachalam, S., Riha, S.J. 2015. Environment and Urbanization, 27(1):117-136.
Assessing drivers of dissolved methane patterns in central New York groundwater
July 15, 2014
McPhillips, L.E., Creamer, A.E., Rahm, B.G., Walter, M.T. J. Hydrol. Regional Studies. 2014, 1, 57-73
Evolving shale gas management: water resource risks, impacts, and lessons learned
March 17, 2014
Rahm, B.G., Riha, S.J. Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/c4em00018h.
February 25, 2014
Vedachalam, S., John, M.E., Riha, S.J. 2014. Applied Geography, 48:112-121.
February 23, 2014
Vedachalam, S.; Kay, D.L.; Riha, S.J. 2014. Public Works Management & Policy, 19(2):118-147.
January 30, 2014
Shaw, S.B., Mehta, D., & Riha, S.J. 2014. Climatic Change, 122(4):747-755.
Small is beautiful? State of the dams and management implications for the future
January 15, 2014
Vedachalam, S.; Riha, S.J. 2014. River Research and Applications, 30(9):1195-1205.
Climate Summary: Town of Germantown
December 1, 2013
NYSDEC/NYSWRI. 2013. Report submitted to the Town of Germantown, NY.
Water Resource Summary: Town of Germantown
December 1, 2013
NYSDEC/NYSWRI. 2013. Report submitted to the Town of Germantown, NY.
Public opinion on water and wastewater infrastructure issues
October 1, 2013
Vedachalam, S.; Kay, D.L.; Riha, S.J. 2013. CaRDI Research & Policy Brief Series, Issue 56: October. Reprinted in 2013, Clear Waters, 43 (Winter): 53-55.
A watershed-scale goals approach to assessing and funding wastewater infrastructure
July 31, 2013
Rahm, B.G.; Vedachalam, S.; Shen, J.; Woodbury, P.B.; Riha, S.J. 2013. Journal of Environmental Management, 129:124-133.
Beyond the trees: Community as a riparian resotration outcome and resource
March 20, 2013
Armstrong, A.; Stedman, R.C.; Roessler, B.; Cuppett, C. 2013. Water Resources Impact, 15(2):6-8.
March 15, 2013
Rahm, B.G., Bates, J., Bertoia, L.R., Galford, A.E., Yoxtheimer, D.A., Riha, S.J. 2013. Journal of Environmental Management, 120:105-113.
Comment on 'Energy and air emission implications of a decentralized wastewater system.'
March 1, 2013
Vedachalam, S.; Riha, S.J. 2013. Environmental Research Letters, 8(1):019001.
Water Resource Summary: Town of Chatham
December 1, 2012
NYSDEC/NYSWRI. 2012. Town of Chatham. Report submitted to the Town of Chatham, NY
Water’s journey through the shale gas drilling and production processes in the Mid-Atlantic region
November 21, 2012
Abdalla, C.; Drohan, J.; Rahm, B.G.; Jacquet, J.; Becker, J.; Collins, A.; Klaiber, A.; Poe, G.; Grantham, D. 2012. Penn State Cooperative Extension.
Environmental water and air quality issues associated with shale gas development in the Northeast.
November 1, 2012
Rahm, B.G., Riha, S.J.; Yoxtheimer, D.; Boyer, E.; Carder, D.; Davis, K.; Belmecheri, S. 2012. Marcellus Shale Multi-State Academic Research Conference Position Paper, 12p.
The ecological and environmental effects of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee
August 15, 2012
Stanne, S. 2012. New York State Conservationist, 67(1): 8-13.
Out of the classroom, into the estuary
August 8, 2012
Bowser, C. 2012. New York State Conservationist, 67(1): 20-24.
Water supply in Chennai: Desalination and missed opportunities
June 9, 2012
Vedachalam, S. 2012. Economic and Political Weekly, 47(23):16-19.
Desalination in northeastern U.S.: Lessons from four case studies.
May 15, 2012
Vedachalam, S; Riha S.J. 2012. Desalination, 297:104-110.
Barriers to Green Infrastructure in the Hudson Valley: An Electronic Survey of Implementers
April 15, 2012
Vail, E.; Meyer, A. 2012.
February 25, 2012
Shaw, S.B.; Riha, S.J. 2012. Journal of Hydrology, 434-435:46-54.
January 9, 2012
Rahm, B.G.; Riha, S.J. 2012. Environmental Science and Policy, 17:12-23.
July 20, 2011
Shaw, S.B; Riha, S.J. 2011. Hydrological Processes, 25(16):2542-2550.
Protection of Surface Waters Associated with Shale Gas Drilling and Related Support Sites
May 16, 2011
Rahm, B.G.; Ford, L.; Ruskovets, B.; Meriwether, M.B.; Riha, S.J. 2011. NYWEA white paper. May.
April 15, 2011
Shaw, S.B.; Royem, A.A.; Riha, S.J. 2011. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12(2):319-325.
Assessing temperature-based PET equations under a changing climate in temperate, deciduous forests
January 1, 2011
Shaw, S.B.; Riha, S.J. 2011. Hydrological Processes, 25(9):1466-1478.
Framework for assessing water resource impacts from shale gas drilling
December 1, 2010
Riha, S.J.; Rahm, B.G. 2010. NYWEA Clear Waters. 40(Winter):16-19.
Framework for Assessing Water Resource Impacts from Shale Gas Drilling
December 1, 2010
Riha, S.J.; Rahm, B.G. 2010. Green Choices, website of Cornell University’s Department of City and Regional Planning, December.
Hudson Valley Water: Opportunities and Challenges. Discussion Brief #4
November 3, 2010
Cuppett, S.; Urban-Mead, R. 2010. Center for Research, Regional Education and Outreach, State University of New York at New Paltz.
December 1, 2009
Stanne, S.P.; Roessler, E.A.; Marcell, K.A. 2009. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Albany, NY.