Module 7 – How to Develop a Farm Food Safety Plan
Slide 13 - Step 2: Develop Practices to Reduce Risks
- The Produce Safety Alliance website - Home page
Slide 21 - Understanding a "Lot"
- Krug, M., Chapman, B., & Danyluk, M. (2020). Establishing Lot Size through Sanitation Clean Breaks in Produce Packing Facilities. University of Florida/IFAS Extension.
Food Safety Plan Writing Resources
University & Land Grant Resources
- Cornell University
- University of California
- Colorado State University
- Michigan State University
- University of Minnesota
- North Carolina State University
- Penn State University
- Rutgers
Commodity Specific / Industry
- Arizona Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement
- California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement
- California Strawberry Commission
- Family Farmed – On Farm Food Safety Project
- Mushroom GAPs
- University of Maine Cooperative Extension
- Tomato GAPs
- University of Vermont – Center for Sustainable Agriculture
- Washington State Department of Agriculture – Bridging the GAPs