Land, Air & Water Resources Concentration
The Land, Air, and Water Resources (LAWR) concentration is especially good for students interested in climate change, soil, air, and water pollution, and environmental consequences of food production. The concentration in LAWR provides a sound foundation in the diversity and integration of Earth's environments, as well as data science needed for environmental studies. Coursework includes atmospheric sciences, ecosystem ecology, water systems, and ways to compare among each.
If you are ready to declare your concentration, fill out this form.
Course requirements
Semester Key: F=Fall, S=Spring, Su=Summer
- Students may not use the same course to fulfill both a core and concentration requirement.
- Students may not use the same course within a concentration to fulfill more than one requirement.
- (*) marks courses common to both a core requirement and the LAWR concentration. The same course may not fill both requirements.
- [ ] denotes course offered in alternate years. Check Courses of Study for availability.
Core curriculum required choices
- BIOEE 1610 - Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment (F, S, Su, 3-4 cr)
- EAS 1600 - Environmental Physics (or Equivalent) (F, S, 3 cr)
Note: Some of the courses in this concentration require more than the minimum math and physics requirements for the E&S major. Upon selecting the LAWR concentration, students should identify the set of concentration courses that best satisfies their goals, to assure they can meet any additional calculus and physics prerequisites.
Additional courses beyond the E&S core requirements
Choose four courses beyond the E&S core requirements consisting of the following:
One biological sciences course from the following (or equivalent):
- BIOG 1440 - Introductory Biology: Comparative Physiology (F, S, Su, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 1780/1781 - An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Diversity (F, S, Su, 4-5 cr)
- BIOMG 1350 - Introductory Biology: Cell and Developmental Biology (F, S, Su, 3 cr)
One chemistry course from the core curriculum (or equivalent)
- CHEM 1560 - Introduction to General Chemistry (F, Su, 4 cr)
- CHEM 2070 - General Chemistry I (F, Su, 4 cr)
- AP credit accepted
One quantitative course from the following (or equivalent)
- Math 1106 - Modeling with Calculus for the Life Sciences (S, 4 cr)
- Math 1110 - Calculus 1 (F, S, Su, 4 cr)
- AP credit accepted
One biogeochemistry course from the following:
- EAS 3030 - Introduction to Biogeochemistry (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3650 - Environmental Chemistry: Soil, Air and Water (S, 3 cr)
LAWR electives
Choose five additional courses from the LAWR elective lists:
- One course from LAWR List 1: Chemical/Physical environmental science
- One course from LAWR List 2: Environmental informatics
- One course from LAWR List 3: Integrated ecosystems/ecology
- One additional elective from LAWR List 1, 2 or 3
- One additional elective from LAWR List 1, 2 or 3
Other Cornell University courses similar in content and level (3000-level or above), but not on these lists, may be chosen in consultation with your advisor.
LAWR List 1 – Chemical/Physical environmental science
- Atmosphere/climate
- EAS 1310 - Basic Principles of Meteorology (F, 3 cr)
- EAS 2680 - Climate and Global Warming (S, 3 cr)
- EAS 3050 - Climate Dynamics (F, 3 cr)
- EAS 3340 - Microclimatology (F, 3 cr)
- EAS 3420 - Atmospheric Dynamics (S, 3 cr)
- BEE 4800 - Our Changing Atmosphere: Global Change and Atmospheric Chemistry (F, 3 cr)
- Terrestrial/soil science/geology
- EAS 2250 - The Earth System (F, S, 4 cr)
- EAS 3010 - Evolution of the Earth System (F, 4 cr)
- EAS 3030 - Introduction to Biogeochemistry (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 2600 - Soil Science (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3210 - Soil and Crop Management for Sustainability (F, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 3630 - Soil Genesis, Classification, and Survey (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3650 - Environmental Chemistry: Soil, Air, and Water (S, 3 cr)
- Water management/hydrology
- BEE 3500 - Heat and Mass Transfer in Biological Engineering (F, 4 cr)
- BEE 3710 - Physical Hydrology for Ecosystems (S, 3 cr)
- BEE 4110 - Hydrologic Engineering (F, 3 cr)
- BEE 4270 - Water Measurement and Analysis Methods (F, 3 cr)
- BEE/EAS 4710 - Introduction to Groundwater (S, 3 cr)
- CEE 3310 - Fluid Mechanics (F, Su, 4 cr)
- [EAS 3530 - Physical Oceanography] (S, 3 cr)
- NTRES 3240 - Sustainable, Ecologically Based Management of Water Resources (S, 3 cr)
LAWR List 2 – Environmental informatics
- BIOEE 3550 - Data Analysis and Visualization in Ecology and Environmental Science (S, 3 cr)
- CEE 4110 - Applied Remote Sensing and GIS for Resource Inventory and Analysis (F, 3 cr)
- CRP 4080 - Introduction to GIS (F, S, 4 cr)
- EAS 2400 - Observing the Earth: Remote Sensing and GIS (S, 3 cr)
- EAS 2900 - Computer Programming and Meteorology Software (F, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 2200 - Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Analysis with GIS (F, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 4200 - Geographic Information Systems (S, 3 cr)
LAWR List 3 – Integrated ecosystems/ecology
- BIOEE 4570 * - Limnology: Ecology of Lakes, Lectures (F, 3 cr, alternate even years)
- [BIOEE 4620 - Marine Ecosystem Sustainability] (F, 3 cr)
- [BIOEE 4780 - Ecosystem Biology and Global Change] (S, 4 cr, alternate years)
- NTRES 3220 - Global Biodiversity (F, 3 cr)
- [NTRES 4560 - Stream Ecology] (F, 4 cr, alternate odd years) (Next offered 2027-2028.)
- [PLSCI 4730 - Ecology of Agricultural Systems] (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 4660 - Soil Ecology (S, 3 - 4 cr, Lab optional)
- PLSCI 4720 - Nutrient and Carbon Cycling and Management in Ecosystems (F, 3 cr)