Environmental Biology & Applied Ecology Concentration
The Environmental Biology and Applied Ecology (EBAE) concentration provides students with the scientific basis for understanding the sustainability of various ecological systems. Students will learn advanced principles of biology and ecology, and their application to problems of environmental management. Students with interests in many topics will undertake this concentration, for example, wildlife and fisheries management; forest, wetland and aquatic ecology; environmental microbiology; conservation science; endangered and invasive species management; biological and ecological consequences of pollutants in the environment.
Note: Some courses in the concentration require more than the minimum core curriculum requirements, i.e., biology, math and physics. Always check course prerequisites.
If you are ready to declare your concentration, fill out this form.
Course requirements
Semester Key: F=Fall, S=Spring, Su=Summer
- Students may not use the same course to fulfill both a core and concentration requirement.
- Students may not use the same course within a concentration to fulfill more than one requirement.
- (*) marks courses common to both a core requirement and the EBAE concentration. The same course may not fill both requirements.
- [ ] denotes course offered in alternate years. Check Courses of Study for availability.
Core curriculum required choices
- BIOEE 1610 - Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment (F, S, Su, 3-4 cr)
- EAS 1600 - Environmental Physics (or Equivalent) (F, S, 3 cr)
Additional courses beyond the E&S core requirements
Choose nine courses beyond the E&S core requirements consisting of the following:
One biological sciences course:
- BIOEE 1780/1781 - An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Diversity (F, S, Su, 4-5 cr)
One chemistry course:
- Chem 1560 - Introduction to General Chemistry (F, Su, 4 cr)
Other chemistry options include:
- Chem 1570 - Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry (S, Su, 3 cr)
- Chem 2070 - General Chemistry I (F, S, Su, 4 cr)
- Chem 2080 - General Chemistry II (F, S, Su, 4 cr)
- AP/IB/CASE exam credit accepted.
One calculus course from the following:
- Math 1106 - Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences (S, 4 cr)
- Math 1110 - Calculus 1 (F, S, Su, 4 cr)
- AP/IB credit accepted.
- Note: It is recommended (but not required) that students take a second semester of calculus, Math 1120.
One quantitative course with approval of advisor:
Choose from any quantitative field that aligns with your career goals. Some fields/courses from which to choose are an additional calculus or statistics beyond the core and concentration requirements, population modeling (BIOEE or NTRES) and/or applied analytical courses, computer programming, or Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Some examples are:
- [AEM 2770 - Excursions in Computational Sustainability] (S, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 3550 - Data Analysis and Visualization in Ecology and Environmental Science (S, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 3620 - Dynamic Models in Biology (S, 4 cr)
- BTRY 3020 - Biological Statistics II (S, 4 cr)
- CS 1110 - Introduction to Computing Using Python (F, S, Su, 4 cr)
- EAS 2900 - Introduction to Programming for Meteorology and Climate Science (F, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 3030 - Applied Statistics: Biological Experiments in Practice (S, 4 cr)
- GDEV 4295 - Data Science Workshop with R (S, 3 cr)
- MATH 1120 - Calculus II (F, S, 4 cr)
- NTRES 4100 - Advanced Conservation Biology: Concepts and Techniques (F, 4 cr) (Not expected to be offered again after Fall 2024.)
- PLSCI 2200 - Introduction to Mapping and Spatial Analysis with GIS (F, 3 cr)
- STSCI 3110 - Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences (F, 4 cr)
One introductory genetics course:
- NTRES 2830 - DNA, Genes and Genetic Diversity (S, 4 cr, alternate odd years) (Next offered 2024-2025.)
- BIOMG 2800 and 2801 - Genetics and Genomics, lecture (3 cr) and lab (2 cr) (F, S, Su)
One advanced ecology course:
- BIOEE 3610 - Advanced Ecology (F, 4 cr)
- NTRES 3100 - Applied Population Ecology (F, 3 cr) (Not expected to be offered again after Fall 2024.)
EBAE electives
Three additional courses from EBAE elective lists:
- Choose one course from List 1, one course from List 2 and one more course from either list that must be at the 4000 level or above.
EBAE List 1: Ecosystems – The physical and biological environment
- BIOEE 3610 - Advanced Ecology (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 3690 - Chemical Ecology (S, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4570 * - Limnology: Ecology of Lakes, Lectures (F, 3 cr, alternate even years)
- [BIOEE 4690 - Food, Agriculture and Society] (S, 3 cr) (Next offered 2025-2026.)
- [BIOEE 4780 - Ecosystem Biology and Global Change] (S, 4 cr, alternate years) (Next offered 2025-2026.)
- EAS 3030 - Introduction to Biogeochemistry (F, 4 cr)
- NTRES 3150 - Introduction to Conservation Bioacoustics (F, 3 cr)
- NTRES 3220 - Global Biodiversity (F, 3 cr)
- NTRES 3240 - Sustainable, Ecologically Based Management of Water Resources (S, 3 cr)
- NTRES 3250 - Forest Management and Maple Syrup Production (S, 3 cr, alternate even years)
- [NTRES 4560 * - Stream Ecology] (F, 4 cr, alternate odd years) (Next offered 2027-2028.)
- PLSCI 4730 - Ecology of Agricultural Systems (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3210 - Soil and Crop Management for Sustainability (F, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 4660 - Soil Ecology (S, 3 - 4 cr, Lab optional)
EBAE List 2: Organisms – plants, animals, microbes
- BIOEE 2740 - The Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, and Evolution (S, 4 cr)
- BIOEE 3610 - Advanced Ecology (F, 4 cr)
- BIOEE 3611 - Field Ecology (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 3730 - Biodiversity and Biology of the Marine Invertebrates (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4460 - Plant Behavior and Biotic Interactions, Lecture (S, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4500 - Mammalogy, Lecture (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4660 - Physiological Ecology, Lectures (S, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4700/[4701] - Herpetology, Lecture (S, 3 cr) (and optional Laboratory, next offered ?)
- BIOEE 4750 - Ornithology, Lectures (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4760 - Ichthyology: Biology of Fishes (F, 3 cr)
- BIOEE 4800 - Ecological Genetics (S, 4 cr)
- BIOMI 2900 - General Microbiology Lectures (F, S, 3-4 cr)
- BIOMI 3500/EAS 3555 - Marine Microbes and Disease in a Changing Ocean (F, 3 cr)
- BIOMI 6300 - Computational Approaches for Microbial Systems (S, 3 cr)
- BIOSM 3290 - Field Animal Behavior (Su, 3cr)
- BIOSM 3330 - Marine Parasitology and Disease (Su, 3cr)
- BIOSM 3450 - Marine Mammal Biology (Su, 3cr)
- BIOSM 3740 - Field Ornithology (Su, 3 cr)
- BIOSM 4650 - Shark Biology and Conservation (Su, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 2030 - Honey Bees: Their Intriguing Biology and Interactions with Humans and More (F, 3 cr) (No longer accepted for this requirement. Accepted only F23.)
- ENTOM 2120 * - Insect Biology (F, 4 cr)
- ENTOM 3150 - Spider Biology (F, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 3440 - Insect Conservation Biology (F, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 3630 - Bugs in Bugs: The World of Pathogens and Parasites (S, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 3755 - Social Animal Behavior: Arthropods to Apes (F, 3 cr)
- ENTOM 4440 - Integrated Pest Management (S, 4 cr)
- ENTOM 4550 - Insect Ecology (F, 4 cr, alternate even years)
- NTRES 3100 - Applied Population Ecology (F, 3 cr) (Not expected to be offered again after Fall 2024.)
- [NTRES 3110 - Fish Ecology, Conservation and Management] (S, 3 cr, alternate even years) (Next offered 2025-2026.)
- NTRES/ENVS 3260 - Applied Conservation Ecology (S, 3 cr)
- NTRES 3400 - Molecular Tools for Ecology, Conservation, and Natural Resource Management (F, 3 cr)
- NTRES 4100 - Advanced Conservation Biology: Concepts and Techniques (F, 4 cr) (Not expected to be offered after Fall 2024.)
- [NTRES 4120 - Wildlife Population Analysis: Techniques and Models] (S, 4 cr) (Next offered 2025-2026.)
- [NTRES 4280 - Principles and Practices of Applied Wildlife Science] (S, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 2410 - Introductory Plant Biodiversity and Evolution (F, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 3010 - Biology and Management of Plant Diseases (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3150 - Weed Biology and Management (F, 4 cr)
- PLSCI 3420 - Plant Physiology, Lectures (S, 3 cr)
- PLSCI 4300 - Mycology (F, 3 cr)