Meet our faculty & staff

What makes a department? It’s the people who walk the halls, study in the classrooms and work in the offices: faculty, students, administrative staff and research staff.

Want to know more about the people of Biological and Environmental Engineering? Learn about what our faculty members are researching. You can also discover the history of our emeriti faculty or contact our administrative staff.

Contact us

Mailing address

Department of Biological & Environmental Engineering

Cornell University
Riley-Robb Hall
111 Wing Drive
Ithaca, NY 14853-5701

For general questions:

Nicole Albright
Assistant to the Chair

106 Riley-Robb Hall
(607) 255-2465

For questions about degree programs or student services

Sunny Jung

Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

302 Riley-Robb Hall
(607) 255-5798

John March

Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

207 Riley-Robb Hall
(607) 254-5471

Brenda Marchewka

Student Services Coordinator

207 Riley-Robb Hall
(607) 255-2173


bee-ugrad [at] (bee-ugrad[at]cornell[dot]edu)


bee-grad [at] (bee-grad[at]cornell[dot]edu)