Today's Date Student Full Name Title Title - None -MissMsMrMrsDrOther… Enter other… First Middle Last Suffix Major Current Class - Select -First YearSophomoreJuniorSenior Expected Date of Graduation Email Address Phone Number We strongly encourage students to complete the Community Food Systems Minor Introductory Course: "DSOC 3400: Agriculture, Food, Sustainability, and Social Justice" before completing the practicum; however, we understand that may not always be possible. Please indicate whether or not you've completed DSoc 3400. Yes No Title of position for proposed independent practicum Name of host organization with which you will be working to complete proposed independent practicum. Describe the mission/purpose of the host organization with which you will be working to complete proposed independent practicum. Explain how you will contribute to the mission/purpose of the host organization through the work you will complete for proposed independent practicum. Describe what you hope to learn through proposed independent practicum. Explain how the responsibilities you will be expected to fulfill through proposed independent practicum will enable you to fuflill the learning objectives of the CFS Minor, which include the following: (1) Understand the social, ecological, and agricultural dimensions of community food systems; (2) Learn to critically analyze food systems, including related controversies, and understand implications for sustainability and social justice; (3) Build knowledge of sustainable and just food system development, grounded in engagement with local communities and organizations; (4) Nurture skills and capacity for interacting with community partners in responsible, reciprocal, and respectful ways. Will you receive credit towards another major/minor for the completion of proposed independent practicum? - Select -YesNo Please provide the name, title, affiliation, email, and phone number of the person who will supervise the work you will complete for proposed independent practicum. The CFS Minor Practicum includes the following requirements: (1) A 10-week commitment, beginning June 4, 2018 and ending August 10, 2018; (2) A minimum of 16 hours per week devoted to the responsibilities of your practicum experience during the 10 week period; (3) The completion of weekly reflection assignments (outside of the 16 hours/week devoted to your practicum responsibilities); (4) Participation in weekly, one-hour, group discussions via web conference. Please check the box below to indicate your commitment to fulfilling these requirements. - Select -I commit to fulfilling these responsibilities. To complete your independent practicum proposal, please type your name in the box below to confirm that you have sent a copy of your resume and transcript (using Cornell's secure transcript delivery system) to the CFS Minor at