Honors and Awards
Won by MQIP and FSL lab members
Graduate Student Awards
- Samantha Bolten (Ph.D. 2024): 2024 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Student Travel Scholarship
- Tamara Walsky (Ph.D. 2026): 2024 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Student Travel Scholarship
Graduate Student Awards
- Chenhao Qian (Ph.D. 2023): 2023 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Student Travel Scholarship
- Chenhao Qian (Ph.D. 2023): 2023 Center of Produce Safety (CPS) Professional Development Award
- Samantha Bolten (Ph.D. 2024): 2023 Center of Produce Safety (CPS) Professional Development Award
Graduate Student Awards
- Tim Lott (Ph.D. 2023): The Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenhemer Memorial Scholarship, Cornell
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2022 AIFS Graduate and Postdoc Research Symposium Presentation Award 1st place
- Chenhao Qian (Ph.D. 2023): 2022 AIFS Graduate and Postdoc Research Symposium Presentation Award 2nd place
Graduate Student Awards
- Tim Lott (Ph.D. 2023): Germain Mocquot Award, Cornell Institute for Food Systems
Graduate Student Awards
- Rachel Cheng (Ph.D. 2017): 2020 Postdoc Achievement Award for Excellence in Leadership, Cornell University
- Rachel Cheng (Ph.D. 2017): 2020 USDA NIFA Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): Germain Mocquot Award, Cornell Institute for Food Systems
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): The Kosi Award in Food Science
- Genevieve Sullivan (Ph.D. 2020): The Kosi Award in Food Science
Graduate Student Awards
- Sam Reichler (Ph.D. 2021): 2019 USDA NIFA Predoctoral Fellowship
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): Selected for 2019-2020 NextGen Professors Program, Cornell University
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Student Travel Scholarship
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, Cornell Dept. of Food Science
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 Cornell Graduate School Conference Travel Grant
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc Travel Scholarship
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 The Germain Mocquot Award
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): 2019 Finalist Life Science Awards Food&Beverage Safety Merck (Millipore Sigma)
Other Awards
- Nicole H. Martin: 2019 ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods
- Martin Wiedmann: 2019 International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing
- Martin Wiedmann: 2019 IAFP Frozen Food Foundation Freezing Research Award
- Team: 2019 John N. Sofos Journal of Food Protection Most cited JFP Review publication award for "Ferreira, V., M. Wiedmann, P. Teixeira, and M. Stasiewicz. 2014. Listeria monocytogenes persistence in food associated environments: epidemiology, strain characteristics, and implications for public health. J. Food Prot. 77: 150–17."
- Martin Wiedmann: Elected as fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Graduate Student Awards
- Sam Reichler (Ph.D. 2021): 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. Student Travel Awards
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. Student Travel Awards
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): Emerging Engagement Scholar, Engagement Scholarship Consortium
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2018 Cornell Graduate School Conference Travel Grant
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): 2018 Western New York IFT Scholarship
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): 2018 IAFP Student Travel Scholarship
Graduate Student Awards
- Sarah Murphy (Ph.D. 2020): 2017 Engaged Cornell Graduate Student Grant
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): 2017 Toxins Travel Award to attend ASM Microbe in New Orleans
Other Awards
- Team: 2017 Tanner Award most-downloaded paper published in the Journal of Food Science Education in 2014 (2,260 full-text downloads as of May 2017).
- Team: 2017 International Dairy Food Association (IDFA) Food Safety Leadership award
Graduate Student Awards
- Ariel Buehler (Ph.D. 2018): Germain Mocquot Award, Cornell Institute for Food Systems
- Ariel Buehler (Ph.D. 2018): 2016 Institute of Food Technologists Feeding Tomorrow Graduate Scholarship
- Ariel Buehler (Ph.D. 2018): 2016 Western New Yprk Institute of Food Technologists Graduate Scholarship
- Sophia Harrand (Ph.D. 2020): Food Marketing Institute Foundation Scholarship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): J. Mac Geopfert Developing Scientists Technical Award, International Association for Food Protection
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Institute for Food Technologists Graduate Scholarship
- Daniel Weller (Ph.D. 2017): International Association for Food Protection 2016 Student Travel Scholarship
- Daniel Weller (Ph.D. 2017): The Kosi Award in Food Science, Dept. of Food Science, Cornell University
- Daniel Weller (Ph.D. 2017): 2016 United States Department of Agriculture ThinkWater Fellow
Other Awards
- Dr. Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2009): The Larry Beuchat Young Researcher Award, International Association for Food Protection
Graduate Student Awards
- Sarah Beno (Ph.D. 2017): Cornell Universty Department of Food Science - Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenheimer Memorial Graduate Fellowship
- Laura Carroll (Ph.D. 2018): National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program awardee
- Laura Carroll (Ph.D. 2018): American Society for Microbiology Student Travel Scholarship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Institute of Food Technologists Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Cornell CALS Frosty Hill Fellowship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): The Kosi Award in Food Science
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): USDA NIFA Graduate Fellowship in Food Safety
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: Elected as Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Kathryn Boor: New York State Agricultural Society - “Cap” Creal Journalism Award for best printed editorial
Graduate Student Awards
- Sarah Beno (Ph.D. 2017): Food Marketing Institute Foundation Scholarship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): U.S. Borlaug Fellow in Global Food Security
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Food Science, Cornell University
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Germain Mocquot Award, Cornell Institute for Food Systems
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Cornell CALS Frosty Hill Fellowship
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Richard Bradfield Graduate Research Award, Cornell
- Rachel Miller (Ph.D. 2017): Institute for Food Technologists Graduate Scholarship
Other Awards
- Martin Wiedmann: Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology
Graduate Student Awards
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): International Association for Food Protection - Student Travel Scholarship Award
- Stephanie Masiello (Ph.D. 2014): International Food Information Council (IFIC) Sylvia Rowe Fellowship Award.
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell University, Department of Food Science - Goya Foods Prize, 2013
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Institute of Food Technologist – Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell Research Travel Grant
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Western New York Institute of Food Technologies Graduate Scholarship
Other Awards
- Martin Wiedmann: Elected as Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Fellow
Graduate Student Awards
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): Selected to participate in the 2012 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Kadner Institute
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): 2012-2013 Provost’s Diversity Fellowship, Cornell University
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell University Graduate School Travel Grant
- Pajau Vangay (M.S. 2013): CALS Alumni Association Research Grant
- Pajau Vangay (M.S. 2013): Cornell Graduate School Research Travel Grant
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Institute of Food Technologist – Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): International Association for Food Protection – Travel Award Scholarship
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Pre-doctoral Fellowship Grant
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: New York State Association for Food Protection - Emmett R. Gauhn Memorial Award
- Martin Wiedmann: Elected as member (fellow), International Academy of Food Science and Technology
Graduate Student Awards
- Travis Chapin (Ph.D. 2013): Clinton DeWitt Smith Fellowship
- Andrea Moreno Switt (Ph.D. 2012): American Society for Microbiology Travel Grant
- Andrea Moreno Switt (Ph.D. 2012): 3CPG Travel Grant
- Sana Mujahid (Ph.D. 2012): Co-leader of first place winning product development team, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Developing Solutions for Developing Countries (DSDC) Cornell Team
- Sana Mujahid (Ph.D. 2012): American Society for Microbiology Conference on Regulating with RNA in Bacteria, Travel Award $500
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): Germain Mocquot Award in Food Science
- Matthew Stasiewicz (Ph.D. 2014): IGERT Traineeship. Food Systems & Poverty Reduction, Cornell University
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Institute of Food Technologists - Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell University, Department of Food Science - Kosi Award
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): International Association for Food Protection – President’s Recognition Award Recipient
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: Recipient of the IDFA Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, August 2011
- Kathryn Boor: Recipient of the 2011 David K. Bandler Cheese Industry Award, September 2011
- Martin Wiedmann: 2nd place, 2011 Journal of Food Protection Most cited research publication award for "Fugett, E., E. Fortes, C. Nnoka, and M. Wiedmann. 2006. The International Life Science Institute North America Listeria monocytogenes strain collection: Development of standard L. monocytogenes strain sets for research and validation studies. J. Food Prot. 69:2929-2938."
- Martin Wiedmann: William C. Frazier Award Lecture, Spring Meeting, Food Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Martin Wiedmann: American Meat Institute Foundation Scientific Achievement Award
Graduate Student Awards
- Sana Mujahid (Ph.D. 2012): American Society for Microbiology Eastern New York Branch Travel Award $400
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): Frank and Anne Kosikowski Award in Food Science
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): Institute of Food Technologists Foundation Award
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): Northeast Dairy Association Scholarship
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell University Graduate School Travel Grant
- Matthew Stasiewicz (Ph.D. 2014): 2nd Place in IAFP Developing Scientist competition, technical presentation
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Food Science, Cornell University
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): First Place, Cornell’s Ninth Annual Retreat of Infection and Pathobiology Student Presentation and Poster
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): IFT Foundation Scholarship, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): IFT Mentionable Student Fundraiser Award, 2010 IFT annual meeting
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Travel Award to the International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XVII), Porto, Portugal. International Union of Food Science & Technology (IUFoST)
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Poster Award, International Symposium on Problems of Listeriosis (ISOPOL XVII), Porto, Portugal
Other Awards
- Martin Wiedmann: Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA) Food Safety Award (team award to the Cornell Institute of Food Science [CIFS] food safety team)
- Martin Wiedmann: NACTA (North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture) award in teaching
- Martin Wiedmann: G. Malcolm Trout Visiting Scholar, Michigan State University
Graduate Student Awards
- Reid Ivy (Ph.D. 2009): IFT Foundation Graduate Scholarship $2,000
- Sana Mujahid (Ph.D. 2012): IFT Foundation Graduate Scholarship $2,000
- Sana Mujahid(Ph.D. 2012): Selected to participate in the 2009 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Kadner Institute
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): IFT Foundation Graduate Scholarship $2,000
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): NMPF National Dairy Leadership Scholarship Program Hintz Memorial Scholarship for top candidate.
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): Germain Mocquot Award - recognizing outstanding graduate students in Food Science and Technology who have demonstrated an original scientific idea in dairy microbiology or cheese technology and a commitment to community and professional service
- Matthew Ranieri (Ph.D. 2012): National Milk Producers Federation Murray Hintz Scholarship - for research providing a direct benefit to milk marketing cooperatives and dairy producers
- Lorraine D. Rodriguez-Rivera (Ph.D. 2013): Cornell University Graduate School Travel Grant
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): International Association for Food Protection Developing Scientist Competition - 1st Place in Poster
- Laura Strawn (Ph.D. 2013): Institute of Food Technologist - Campbell’s Graduate Excellence in Leadership Award
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Travel Award to the 2009 IFT annual meeting, International Division
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Travel Award and division-selected student speaker, Food Microbiology Division, 2009 American Society for Microbiology annual meeting
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Travel Award to the 2008 and 2009 IFT annual meetings, Western New York IFT section
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): 2nd place, Developing solutions for developing countries, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), “SolanaPlus”
Graduate Student Awards
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): 2008 Cornell Institute of Food Science Kosi Award in Food Science
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Eastern New York Branch ASM Graduate Travel Grant, American Society for Microbiology 2008 General Meeting
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Graduate Fellowship, Institute of Food Technologists, Food Microbiology Division 2008
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Graduate Fellowship, Institute of Food Technologists & Frito-Lay, Inc. 2008
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Graduate Research Fellowship, The Clinton DeWitt Smith Fellowship 2008
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): V. Duane Rath Graduate Research Fellowship, Food Processing Suppliers Foundation (2008)
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Cornell University Graduate School Travel Grant 2007-2008
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Institute for Food Technologists New York Section Graduate Scholarship
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Cornell Institute of Food Science Germain Mocquot Memorial Award
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Western New York Institute for Food Technologists Scholarship
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth and Henry Herzog Graduate Student Award)
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): International Associate for Food Protection 2008 Student Travel Scholarship for 95th Annual IAFP Meeting
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Travel Grant ASM General 108th Meeting (June 2008)
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): American Society for Microbiology Corporate Activities Student Travel Award for ASM General 108th Meeting (June 2008)
- Yesim Soyer (Ph.D. 2008): The Eastern NY Branch of The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Travel Award. (2008)
- Yesim Soyer (Ph.D. 2008): “Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenheimer Graduate Award in Food Science” for academic excellence in Field of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University. (2007-2008)
- Yesim Soyer (Ph.D. 2008): 2007-2008 Recipient, Cornell University Graduate School Travel Grant.
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Muscle Foods Division student travel award to the 95th IFT annual meeting
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): Western New York Institute for Food Technologists section student travel award to 95th IFT annual meeting.
- Kitiya Vongkamjan (Ph.D. 2012): The Phi Tau Sigma Excellent Graduate Student Award, Cornell Food Science Chapter, Cornell University
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: Elected as Fellow, Institute of Food Technologists
Graduate Student Awards
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): Recipient of 2007 Cornell Institute of Food Science Germain Mocquot Award
- Yuewei Hu (Ph.D. 2007): 2007 Cornell Institute of Food Science Kosi Award in Food Science
- Yuewei Hu (PhD 2007): 2007 Liu Memorial Award and the Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship
- Sarita Raengpradub (PhD 2007): 2007 American Society for Microbiology Student Travel Grant
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Cornell University Department of Food Science Travel Grant 2007
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): 2007 Provost’s Diversity Fellowship, Cornell University
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): IAFP Foundation Student Travel Scholarship 2007 International Association for Food Protection 2007 Annual Meeting
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Graduate Fellowship 2007 Institute of Food Technologist & GMP/FPA
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008): Cornell Institute of Food Science Kosi Award in Food Science
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Eastern New York Division of American Society for Microbiology Travel Grant for ASM General 107th Meeting (May 2007)
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): American Society for Microbiology 1st Runner-up for Corporate Activities Student Travel Award for ASM General 107th Meeting (May 2007)
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Cornell Department of Food Science Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant ASM General 107th Meeting (May 2007)
- Liz Palmer (Ph.D. 2009): Cornell Graduate School Conference Travel Grant ASM General 107th Meeting (May 2007)
- Sara Milillo (Ph.D. 2008): Travel grant from Cornell chapter of Sigma Xi (to attend annual meeting of ASM)
- Sara Milillo (Ph.D. 2008): American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Eastern NY Branch travel award
- for the 2007 ASM General Meeting
- Matt Ranieri (MS, 2008): 2007 International Association for Food Protection,Third Place, Developing Scientist Award for Oral Presentation "Effect of HTST Processing Temperatures on Fluid Milk Aerobic Plate Counts"
- Yesim Soyer (PhD 2008): 2007 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth and Henry Herzog Graduate Award
- Yesim Soyer (Ph.D. 2008): Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) NY Section National Fellowship for outstanding graduate students. (2007)
- Reid Ivy (PhD 2009): 2007 ASM Student Travel Grant
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: Elected as Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology, May 2007
Graduate Student Awards
- Yvonne Chan (PhD 2007): 2006 IAFP Student Travel Scholarship for attendance of the 2006 Annual meeting
- Yvonne Chan (PhD 2007): 2006 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenheimer, Graduate Award
- Yvonne Chan (PhD 2007): 2006 Liu Memorial Award and the Daisy Yen Wu Scholarship
- Yvonne Chan (PhD 2007): 2006/07 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) $2,000 Graduate Fellowship
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): Graduate Fellowship 2006 Institute of Food Technologists & Frito-Lay, Inc.
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): Graduate Research Fellowship 2006
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): The Clinton DeWitt Smith Fellowship Corporate Activities Graduate Student, Summer 2006
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): Travel Grant 2006 American Society for Microbiology 2006 General Meeting
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): American Society for Microbiology 2006 General Meeting
- Haley Oliver (PhD 2008): The Kosi Award in Food Science 2006, 2007 Cornell University Department of Food Science
- Yuewei Hu (PhD 2007): 2006 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth and Henry Herzog Graduate Award
- Yuewei Hu (PhD 2007): ASM travel fellowship from the Eastern New York Branch of the ASM for the 106th General Meeting of the ASM
- Yuewei Hu (PhD 2007): 1st place in oral presentation competition IAFP 2006 Annual Meeting Developing Scientist Award
- Yuewei Hu (PhD 2007): 2006 Danisco product development competition Top 12
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: 2006 William V. Hickey Award from the New York State Association for Food Protection for outstanding service in the field of food sanitation
- Kathryn Boor: 2006 DeLaval Dairy Extension Award from the American Dairy Science Association
Graduate Student Awards
- Sam Alcaine (M.S. 2006): First place, Food Microbiology oral presentation competition, IFT 2005
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): ASM Student Travel Grant
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): 2005 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth and Henry Herzog Graduate Award
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): 2005/06 IFT $3,000 Graduate Student Fellowship
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): 2005/06 V. Duane Rath Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- Yuewei Hu (Ph.D. 2007): 2005/06 Western New York Section IFT Graduate Student Fellowship
- Renato Orsi (Ph.D. 2008): 2005 ASM Student Travel Grant
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: 2005 Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Extension/Outreach
- Kathryn Boor: Appointed to National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF), May 3, 2005 - September 23, 2006
Graduate Student Awards
- Kendra Kerr Nightingale (Ph.D. 2004): 2004/05 IFT $5,000 Graduate Student Fellowship
- Kendra Kerr Nightingale (Ph.D. 2004): 2004 Cornell Institute of Food Science Germain Mocquot Award
- Kendra Kerr Nightingale (Ph.D. 2004): Selected to participate in the 2004 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Graduate and Postdoctoral Summer Institute in Preparation for Careers in Microbiology
- Yvonne Chan (Ph.D. 2007): 2004/05 New York Section IFT Graduate Student Fellowship
- Sarita Raengpradub (PhD 2007): 2004 Cornell Institute of Food Science Kosi Award in Food Science
- Sarita Raengpradub (PhD 2007):2004 American Society for Microbiology Student Travel Grant
- Haley Oliver (Ph.D. 2008):Graduate Research Fellowship 2004-2005 Olin Fellowship, Cornell University
Other Awards
- Martin Wiedmann: 2004 Med-Atlantic Sea Grant Extension Award for Outstanding Program
- Martin Wiedmann: Teaching Excellence Award, Cornell Institute of Food Science
- Martin Wiedmann: Distinguished Speaker, Seminar in Food Science, University of Maryland
- Martin Wiedmann: International Life Science Institute (ILSI) North America Future Leaders Award
Graduate Student Awards
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): 2003 V. Duane Rath Fellowship, Foundation of the International Association of Food Industry Suppliers
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): 2003 IFT Graduate Student Fellowship
- Mark Kazmierczak (Ph.D., 2004): 2003 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student Travel Grant
- Angela Roberts (Ph.D., 2004): 2003 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student Travel Grant
Graduate Student Awards
- Marie Yeung (Ph.D., 2003): 2002 Chinese Food Society Graduate Student Scholarship
- Marie Yeung (Ph.D., 2003): 2nd place, 2002 IFT Graduate Paper Competition
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): 2002 National Milk Producers Federation Scholarship
- Marie Yeung (Ph.D., 2003): First Place, IFT Annual Meeting Graduate Student Food Microbiology Oral Presentations Competition
- Marie Yeung (Ph.D., 2003): 2002 IFT Graduate Student Fellowship
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): 2002 Clinton DeWitt Smith Fellowship
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): V. Duane Rath Fellowship, Foundation of the International Association of Food Industry Suppliers
- Kendra Nightingale (Ph.D., 2004): 2002 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenheimer Graduate Award
- Steven Cai (MS, 2002): 2002 Cornell Institute of Food Science “Runners-up” Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- Steven Cai (MS, 2002): 2002 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth and Henry Herzog Graduate Research Award
- David Sue (Ph.D., 2003): 2002 Cornell Institute of Food Science Kosi Award in Food Science
- Brian Sauders (Ph.D., 2004): 2002 Cornell Institute of Food Science Germain Mocquot Award
Other Awards
- Martin Wiedmann: William V. Hickey Award (for outstanding service in the field of food sanitation), New York State Association for Food Protection
- Martin Wiedmann: 2002 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods
- Kathryn Boor: 2002 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Samuel Cate Prescott Award
Graduate Student Awards
- Steven Cai (MS, 2002): 2001 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student Travel Grant
- David Sue (Ph.D., 2003): 2001 American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Student Travel Grant
- Joanne Thimothe (MS, 2002): 2nd place, student poster competition, Eastern Food Science Conference XII (2001)
- Joanne Thimothe (MS, 2002): 2001 Cornell Institute of Food Science Ruth Herzog and Albert Flegenheimer Graduate Award
- Mark Kazmierczak (Ph.D., 2004): 2001 Microbiology Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- Brian Sauders (Ph.D., 2004): 2001 Cornell Institute of Food Science Herzog Graduate Award
Graduate Student Awards
- David Sue (Ph.D., 2003): 2000 National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) National Dairy Leadership Scholarship
Other Awards
- Kathryn Boor: 2000 American Dairy Science Foundation Scholar Award