CALS uses SmartSheet for a variety of purposes from event planning optimization to finance and project planning!
Need licenses or support?
To purchase licenses through CALS, complete the SmartSheet License Request Form.
CALS OIT offers limited SmartSheet support for the CALS community. If you have questions, please use the CALS Application Support Form.
SmartSheet Community Day
We held the second SmartSheet Community Day on June 30, 2023.
Presenters from around the university presented on a number of topics from department databases to project management. Cornell community members can watch a recording here.
Learn more about SmartSheet
There are many ways to learn more about SmartSheet. The links below will introduce you to the product.
- Welcome to SmartSheet video to see SmartSheet features.
- Maximize Your Smartsheet Experience webinars - (ongoing series of on training and introduction to SmartSheet).
- Becoming a Workflow Design Expert (Beginner) (1 hour YouTube tutorial)
- Sign-up for a 30 day Free Trial.
- Event Planning with SmartSheet
- SmartSheet features included with a license. (Follow the Business column.)
- Explore the Template Gallery.
- SmartSheet Center of Excellence offers training courses and SmartSheet certification. Use the CALS Application Support Form to request the code.
- Linked-In Learning has SmartSheet training available.
SmartSheet FAQ:
- Articles about how to collaborate using SmartSheet including email capabilities, reporting, notifications, collecting information via form,
- Licenses: the difference between licensed vs free contributor users
- Data Protection: SmartSheet data is NOT backed-up automatically. Take action to setup your backups.
- As a licensed user, you can download your SmartSheet data at any time. (Excel sheets + zip of attached files.)