Biogeochemistry of trace metals in aquatic ecosystems and soil, plant-based biomediation, plant and algae-based production of raw materials and energy.
Hydrology, boundary layer meteorology, land-atmosphere Interaction, turbulent transport processes, wind energy.
Renewable energy systems and integration with existing markets and power systems. Mathematical modeling and systems simulation.
Damage and healing rock mechanics, micro-macro modeling of porous media, computational geomechanics, performance and environmental impacts of underground storage, rock fracturing, soil formation by rock weathering, bio-inspired systems.
Applied environmental microbiology, bioremediation, fate and transport of legacy and emerging contaminants in natural systems, development of groundwater remediation strategies, nanoparticle-microbial interactions in the environment.
Sustainability analysis and engineering, process systems engineering, computational simulation and design, applications of academia and Indigenous knowledge, community-based systems dynamics, environmental and tribal policy.
Environmental fluid mechanics, wave hydrodynamics, coupled air-water transfer processes, mixing and transport processes in the environment, experimental methods.
Environmental fluid mechanics, hydrodynamics of the coastal/open ocean and lakes, turbulence modeling, hydrodynamic instability theory, spectral methods in scientific and engineering computation, high performance parallel scientific computing.
Low carbon energy technologies, greenhouse gas mitigation and potential reuse, subsurface energy and environmental applications, resource recovery from low value residues, waste to materials and energy pathways
Water resources management, water-energy nexus, machine learning and data science, decision support systems, physical and cyber security of critical infrastructure.
Environment/energy and transportation systems, transportation energy consumption and emissions inventory estimation and impact analysis, statistical and mathematical modeling.
Ecological patterns and processes, spatial growth of microbialcommunities, spatiotemporal dynamics of biological invasions.
Biotechnology for water and wastewater treatment, biological nutrient removal and recovery, biosensors for water quality monitoring, toxicogenomics-based toxicity assessment, phosphorus cycling and bioavailability of nutrients.
Water quality, chemical and biological processes, transport and fate of emerging contaminants, sustainable water and wastewater treatment technologies.
Understanding how anthropogenic and natural processes affect the chemical composition of the atmosphere. The composition of the atmosphere affects air quality and the response of the climate system to global change. The coupling between atmospheric chemistry and climate and in predicting future changes.
Boundary layer turbulence, fluid-structure interactions, urban heat island, pollutant dispersion, urban sustainability, computational fluid dynamics.
Optimization under uncertainty; planning, operations, and market design for electric power systems.
Environmental and water resources systems; multiobjective planning and management, evolutionary computation; high-performance computing; uncertainty in decision making.
Environmental biogeochemistry; coupled biological and physiochemical processes in soil-water systems; engineered ecosystems for sustainable water quality improvement.
Microbiology of water and soil systems, molecular techniques, fate and transport of contaminants.
Water resources risk management, sustainable design and management of integrated water resource systems.
Climate change impacts and climate risk management, systems engineering and data analytics for decision making.
Management of soil and water resources, fate of agricultural toxics and nutrients.
Sustainable transportation, renewable energy, green building, appropriate technology.
Ecohydrology, hydrological controls on environmental transport, and watershed modeling.
Program Co-Directors
Professor Todd Cowen
Civil & Environmental Engineering
eac20 [at] (eac20[at]cornell[dot]edu)
Professor Scott Steinschneider
Biological & Environmental Engineering
ss3378 [at] (ss3378[at]cornell[dot]edu)