The Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) in the College of Engineering jointly offer a B.S. degree program in environmental engineering (EnvE). The B.S. in environmental engineering degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org.
The environmental engineering major is structured to provide students with appropriate background in the physical, chemical and biological sciences together with the mathematical, planning, analysis and design tools necessary to address complex environmental engineering concerns. The graduate and research programs in BEE and CEE focus on fate and transport of contaminants in natural aquatic systems; water and wastewater treatment processes; design and management of environmental and water resource systems; environmental fluid mechanics; hydraulics and hydrology; and the recycling of energy and materials. Other areas focus on sustainable energy generation either by solar, wind, hydropower or geothermal resources to provide energy to support our standard of living while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants.
The collaborative BEE/CEE major in environmental engineering is supported by excellent teaching and research facilities, including laboratories for the analysis of water chemistry, physical/chemical/biological processes, biochemistry and microbiology.
Educational objectives
The program is administered by the EnvE Program Committee comprising faculty from the two departments, in cooperation with the offices of the BEE Director of Undergraduate Programs and the CEE Associate Director. Students may seek engineering professional licensing after graduation.
Our program educational objectives are for our students to:
- Demonstrate in their professional practice strong technical abilities, leadership and teamwork;
- Engage in lifelong learning through the pursuit of advanced degrees and/or other opportunities for professional development outside the classroom;
- Contribute to the design, construction and operation of solutions to societal problems involving environmental systems;
- Demonstrate commitment to professional and ethical norms prioritizing public health and safety, environmental protection, and sustainability.