Graduate Student Faculty-Supported Travel Reimbursement Form

How To Use This Form:

  • This form is used when student travel is entirely or partially supported on a faculty account and can be used in conjunction with the Department Conference Travel Grant and Graduate School Conference Travel Grant
  • Submit this form after you return from traveling
  • Give your hardcopy receipts to Joanna after you have submitted this form -- reimbursement requests cannot be processed without receipts!
  • If you are missing a receipt, submit a copy of your bank/credit card statement with the expense highlighted and all other information except your name blacked out
  • Be specific when describing your Nature of Participation below -- be sure to spell out any acronyms, include poster/paper titles, submit proper conference acceptance and program information, and thoroughly describe your purpose/activities if you are not traveling to present a paper/poster
  • Here is an example of the expenses spreadsheet that needs to be submitted with your form
  • Written faculty approval is required for the reimbursement request to be processed -- email them your expenses spreadsheet to confirm the amount and account number, then upload their approval/acknowledgement response below (this interaction replaces the signature on the old paper form)

If you have any questions about this form, please jca36 [at] (subject: Faculty-supported%20grad%20student%20travel%20QUESTION) (email Joanna).