Comparison images

Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot Pigweed stems and flowers


Leaves: Palmer vs. Waterhemp

Images above: Waterhemp leaves (top). Palmer amaranth leaves (bottom).

Stems: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed stem (left). Powell amaranth stem (center). Redroot pigweed stem (right).

Stems: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed stem (left). Powell amaranth stem (center). Redroot pigweed stem (right).

Stems: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed stem (left). Powell amaranth stem (center). Redroot pigweed stem (right).

Stems: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed stem (left). Powell amaranth stem (center). Redroot pigweed stem (right).

Flowers: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed flowers (left). Powell amaranth flowers (center). Redroot pigweed flowers (right).

Flowers: Smooth vs. Powell vs. Redroot

Images above: Smooth pigweed flowers (left). Powell amaranth flowers (center). Redroot pigweed flowers (right).

Flowers: Palmer vs. Waterhemp

Images above: Palmer amaranth flowers (top). Waterhemp flowers (bottom).

Palmer amaranth cotyledons and seedling

Waterhemp cotyledons and seedling

Powell amaranth cotyledons and seedling

Redroot pigweed cotyledons and seedling

Smooth pigweed cotyledons and seedling