Field bindweed

Convolvulus arvensis

Plant family: Convolvulaceae (Morningglory family)

Life cycle: Perennial

Reproduction: Root fragments and seed

Leaves: Leaves are alternate and arrow-shaped and rounded at the apex. The leaf base is relatively flat with lobes that point away from the stem. Field bindweed leaves are approximately 1 to 2.5 inches in length. Leaves can be hairless to hairy.

Roots: Deep (reaching tens of feet into the soil profile) vertical roots; extensive lateral roots in the top 1 to 2 feet of soil. Root pieces as small as 1inch in size can regenerate.

Flowers: White to pink, solitary trumpet-shaped flowers that emerge from leaf axils. Usually 1 to 2 inches in size. Small leafy, bracts are located approximately 1 inch below the base of each flower. 

Seeds: Seed are brown to black, wedge-shaped, and persistent in the soil (decades).

Deep, tenacious roots

Field bindweed is a prostrate to climbing perennial vine in the Convolvulaceae (morning glory family) The species possesses taproots that can reach tens of feet deep and an extensive lateral root system that occupies the top 1 to 2 feet of soil Root pieces 1 inch in length can re sprout following fragmentation

Image above (left): Field bindweed in wheat. Image above (center): Emerged seedling. Image above (right): Perennial vine.

Seedlings emerge in spring/early summer Cotyledons are square to kidney shaped Leaves are alternate and arrow shaped and rounded at the apex the leaf base is relatively flat with lobes that point away from the stem On average, field bindweed leaves are approximately 1 to 2 5 inches in length Leaves can be hairless to hairy Vines can be up to 6 5 feet long.

Image above right: Field bindweed flowers. Image above right: Field bindweed capsules and seeds.

Flowers (approximately 1 inch in length and trumpet or funnel shaped because the petals are fused) are produced early summer through fall, with each opening for a single day Flowers are mostly solitary, white to pink in color, and produced in the axils of leaves A set of small, leafy bracts approximately 0 5 inches in size can be found about 1 inch below the base of the flower tube Brown to black and wedge/half moon shaped seeds are produced in round, papery capsules Seed are dormant and persistent in the soil.