
Slides available on request.

Coordinator: Wiedmann, Martin (NY CoE) mw16 [at] (mw16[at]cornell[dot]edu)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the modules or webinars, please contact Renato Orsi (rho2 [at] (rho2[at]cornell[dot]edu)).

Access module 1 here.

Learning outcomes

  • How different organisms (viruses, bacteria etc.) differ in their genetic material and how this effects interpretation of “genetic subtyping” data
  • Different mechanisms of how genetic material changes (substitutions, horizontal gene transfer and recombination, indels) and how this effects interpretation of “genetic subtyping” data


Emilio DeBess (Oregon) and CDC

Access module 2 here.

Learning outcomes

  • How NGS differs from traditional Sanger sequencing
  • Different sequencing methodologies
  • Different quantitative measures used to assess the quality of sequencing data


Matthew Schimenti (Florida); Paul Cieslak (Oregon) and CDC

Access module 3 here.

Learning outcomes

  • How NGS differs from traditional Sanger sequencing
  • Different sequencing methodologies
  • Different quantitative measures used to assess the quality of sequencing data


Madhu Anand and Martin Wiedmann (NY) and CDC

Access module 4 here.

Learning outcomes

  • How DNA sequence data can be used to build trees
  • Different types of methods to build tress (kSNP)


Madhu Anand and Martin Wiedmann (NY) and CDC

Pathogen Specific Modules

After completion of the module, attendees will know:

  • How evolution leads to HIV genetic sequence divergence.
  • Basic concepts of genetic sequence alignment and genetic distance.  
  • How HIV-TRACE uses pairwise genetic distance calculation to define potential transmission clusters.


Joel Wertheim (California, UCSD) and Cheryl Ocfemia (CDC)

Watch the video of the module "Introduction to HIV Evolution"

After completion of the module, attendees will know:

  • Key Differences between conventional genotyping and WGS
  • What is being represented on a phylogenetic tree 
  • How WGS is used to assess whether patients are potentially linked by recent transmission.
  • Why WGS alone cannot be used to infer direction of transmission
  • How TB control programs can use WGS analysis in an investigation


Sarah Talarico and Benjamin Silk (CDC), Tambi Shaw and Martin Cilnis (California DPH)

Watch the videos for "Whole-genome sequencing for investigation of recent TB transmission in the United States":

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

After completion of the module, attendees will know:

  • How WGS is used to detect Listeriosis clusters
  • Ways WGS has affected outbreak investigations
  • Future directions of WGS relating to Listeria monocytogenes


Matthew Wise (CDC) and Amanda Conrad (CDC)

Watch the video for "Use of Routine Whole Genome Sequencing to Improve Investigation of Listeriosis Outbreaks"