Summer REU Application

The MBG REU program is on pause for Summer 2025. We will update this site in fall 2025 when we have program details to share for Summer 2026.




2024 MBG REU Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling

Please visit the application system to apply between December 1, 2023 and February 1, 2024.


Students entering their sophomore, junior, or senior years, and majoring in the life sciences or related disciplines with an overall GPA of at least 3.3 preferred, but minimally 3.0. Preference will be given to students with strong interest in gaining research experience in preparation for graduate study. Members of underrepresented or underserved minority groups; students with disabilities; first generation college students; women; and students who would contribute to diversity in other ways, are encouraged to apply. Students from smaller undergraduate institutions with limited opportunities for research are also encouraged to apply. Participants in the REU program must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Students who will have completed their bachelor's degree by August 2024 are not eligible for REU programs, but are invited to apply to the University's graduate programs (see


1. Assemble Your Application Materials

You should have the following materials ready before you begin your application

  • Current GPA
  • Academic Transcript(s): We need transcripts from all undergraduate institutions you have attended. Official or unofficial versions will be accepted. Upload a scanned version of your transcripts through the application form. DO NOT SEND ANY PASSWORD PROTECTED PDFs OR ANY LOCKED OR PROTECTED TRANSCRIPTS.
  • Resume: You have the option to upload a resume through the application form, but this is not required.
  • Personal Statements: You will be asked to submit two essays responding to the following prompts:

1. Statement of purpose. Describe your current research interests; how coursework, previous research projects, or other experiences have influenced your interests; your future educational and career goals, and how training as a researcher fits with those goals; your academic, volunteer or work experiences that have best prepared you to engage in research. (5000 characters max).

2. Please explain how your life experiences would inform your contributions to a learning community devoted to Cornell’s commitment to be an institution where any person can find instruction in any study. For example, are you a veteran, do you have a disability, are you an older student, are you one of the first in your family to attend college, are you an immigrant or 1st generation American, do you belong to groups that are historically underrepresented in STEM, or do you have a particular interest in furthering diversity, equity and inclusion? (5000 characters max)

2. Research Participating Faculty

Visit the Participating Mentors page to become familiar with the participating faculty and their research areas.

3. Register in the System and Create an Account

Login to the application system (The application is hosted on a third-party site). Create an applicant account AND complete the contact information section. Use your current email address as your username and choose a password that you will remember.

4. Request letters of recommendation

You should ask for letters of recommendation as soon as possible. It is not necessary to complete the application before doing this. This will help to ensure that your recommenders submit their letters before the application deadline. Applications without letters of recommendation are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. Be sure to press the "Send Email" button to send your letter of recommendation request immediately. 

Faculty are often the best recommenders, but anyone who can speak to your abilities and potential can submit a letter. We advise you to speak with your proposed recommenders to let them know you are seeking their support BEFORE you put their contact information into the system.

Cornell University Contact:

REU Program Molecular Biology and Genetics of Cell Signaling
c/o Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
107 Biotechnology Building
526 Campus Road
Ithaca, NY 14853-2703
Attn: Program Manager

Current Program Directors: Dr. Kelly Liu, Dr. Volker Vogt and Dr. Chris Fromme