Weed Management Methods
Although herbicides can provide effective weed management, corn growers should not depend on herbicides alone. Growers should use good cultural practices so the corn is competitive with any weeds and should integrate chemical control programs with cultivation, especially with difficult-to-control weeds or when weather conditions reduce herbicide effectiveness.
The first step in cultural weed control is the selection of a corn hybrid that is adapted to local growing conditions. Timely planting along with proper fitting in tilled situations or proper adjustment of no-tillage planters ensures rapid germination and a competitive advantage for the corn. Another cultural practice that favors rapid establishment of corn is proper band application of fertilizer at planting.
All primary (plowing) and secondary (fitting) tillage operations help provide a weed-free seedbed. Cultivation of row crops is an effective way to control annual weeds between corn rows. Band application of herbicides over the row at planting, combined with one or two cultivations, provides good control of annual weeds such as common lambsquarters and foxtails. Although rotary hoes effectively destroy weed seedlings in small corn, a row cultivator adjusted to minimize pruning of corn roots should be used after corn is 5 or 6 inches tall. Creeping perennials such as common milkweed and quackgrass are not adequately controlled by one or two cultivations. These weeds regrow from rhizomes (underground stems) following cultivation and are controlled with tillage only if the operations are repeated over long periods. Biennial (wild carrot, etc.) and simple perennial (dandelion, etc.) weeds do not persist in fields that are plowed but can be a problem in reduced and zone/no-tillage fields.
A variety of herbicides are available for preplant, preemergence, and/or postemergence weed control in corn. These herbicides vary in their effectiveness in controlling different weeds (Table 3.7.1) and in the length of time they remain active in the soil. Some corn herbicides, such as *atrazine and Princep, can carry over to affect triazine-sensitive rotational crops such as small-seeded forage legumes, small grains, and soybeans. Knowledge of the weeds present, herbicide effectiveness, and rotational plans should be considered when selecting herbicides.
Cost of chemical weed control dictates that herbicides be applied when they will provide maximum return. Label guidelines for the timing of herbicide applications are based on research and are geared for maximum weed control and minimum crop injury. The labeled application timings for corn herbicides are shown as shaded cells in Table 3.7.2.