Table 3.7.2 Labeled application timings for corn herbicides

Corn HerbicidesEPP**PPI**PRE**SPK** - 2 Leaf VE-V1EPO** 4-5 Leaf V2-V3MPO** 6-7 Leaf V4-V5LPO** 8+ Leaf V6+Maximum Height Broadcast
*§ AAtrex/*atrazineyesyesyesyesyes  12 in.
Accent Q   yesyesyesearly20 in.
Aimyes yesyesyesyesyesV8
Banvel/Clarity/DiFlexx  yesyesyesyesyes36 in.
Basagran   yesyesyesyes 
Basis Blendyes yesyesearly  6 in.
*Beacon    yesyesyes20 in.
*§ Bicep II Magnumyesyesyesyesyes  5 in.
*§ Bicep Lite II Magnumyesyesyesyesyes  5 in.
Buctril    yesyesyesBefore tassel
Callisto  yesyesyesyes 30 in.
*§ Capreno   lateyesyes V6
2,4-Dyes yesyesyes  8 in.
*§ Dual II Magnum/*§ Cinchyesyesyesyesyes  5 in.
*§ Degree Xtrayesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ FulTime NXTyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ G-Max Liteyesyesyesyesyes  12 in.
*§ Guardsman MAXyesyesyesyesyes  12 in.
*§ Halex GT   yesyesyesyes30 in.
*§ Harnessyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Harness Xtrayesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Harness Xtra 5.6Lyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Hornet WDGyesyesyesyesyesyes 20 in.
Impact   yesyesyesyes 
Instigateyesyesyesyesearly  V2
*§ Keystone LA NXTyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Keystone NXTyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
Laudis   yesyesyesyes 
§ Liberty 280 SL   yesyesyesyes24 in.
Lorox  yes    .
*§ Lexar EZyes yesyesyes  12 in.
*§ Lumax EZyes yesyesyes  5 in.
NorthStar    yesyesearly20 in.
*§ Outlookyesyesyesyesyes  12 in.
Permit   yesyesyesyeslayby
*§ Princepyesyesyes     
Prowl/Prowl H2O  yesyesyesyesyes30 in.
§ Pythonyesyesyesearly   1 in.
Realm Q    yesyesyes20 in.
Resolve Q    yesyesearly20 in.
Resource    yesyesyesV10
Roundup (glyphosate)yes yesyesyesyesyes30 in.
*§ Sharpenyesyesyes    before emerged
Spirit    yesyesyes24 in.
* Status    yesyesyes36 in.
Steadfast Q   yesyesyesearly20 in.
*§ Stinger   yesyesyesyes24 in.
*§ SureStartyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Surpass NXTyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ TripleFlexyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
*§ Verdictyesyesyes    Before emerged
*§ Warrantyesyesyesyesyes  11 in.
Yukon   yesyesyesyes36 in.
* Restricted-use pesticide; may be purchased and used only by certified applicators or someone under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.
§ Not for use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties; pesticide labels that indicate “Not for use on Long Island, NY” mean that use is prohibited in Nassau and Suffolk Counties only.
** EPP=Early Preplant, PPI=Preplant Incorporated, PRE=Preemergence, SPK=Spike, EPO=Early Postemergence, MPO=Mid-Postemergence, LPO=Late Postemergence