Related Resources
Field Crop Production
- 2022 Bt trait table for U.S. Corn Production
- Biocontrol Bytes - a monthly blog from the New York State IPM Program's Biocontrol Specialist
- Cornell Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management
- Cornell Sustainable Cropping Systems Lab
- New York State IPM Program for Field Crops including informative videos on YouTube
- 2015 New York & Pennsylvania Best Management Practices Guide for Soybeans
- Organic at Cornell - a new website dedicated to organic programs and research
- PRO-DAIRY Program
- Small Grains IPM Scouting Procedures - a reference guide from the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program for general scouting activities within small grains.
- Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition - a diverse group of University researchers, Extension specialists and ag company representatives who are concerned about the evolving threat from soybean cyst nematode.
- Variety Trials
- Grass Bioenergy
- Hay Production Resources for New York and Similar Climates from the Capital Area Agricultural and Horticultural Program
Cover Crops
- Finding the right mix: a framework for selecting seeding rates for cover crop mixtures - Ecological Applications,First published: 21 October 2021
Disease Management
- USDA Pests and Diseases webpage - The new page lists all pest and disease programs managed by APHIS as part of its mission to protect American agriculture and natural resources.
General Resources
- Cornell Waste Management Institute
- Crop Protection Network - provides new research-based resources to help farmers and agribusiness personnel make crop management decisions
- General Pesticide Awareness Fact Sheets - from the PMEP Pesticide Safety Education Program
- Institute for Resource Information Sciences
- Natural and Working Lands - This Website is dedicated to Helping Farmers, Forest Owners, and Landowners find meaningful ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gases (GHG) from the land.
- New York FarmNet - NY FarmNet services are available to all farms in New York state, large and small, with a diversity of commodities including dairy, crops, livestock, maple, fruit, vegetables, honey, nursery, and more.
- New York State Agricultural Energy Audit Program: Fact Sheet and Application (PDFs)
- Recycling Agricultural Plastics Program (RAPP)
- Wage Deductions Webinar by the New York Departments of Labor and Agriculture and Markets
Nutrient Management
Soil Health
- Adapt-N
- Building Soils for Better Crops - 4th Edition (2021) FREE PDF download
- Cornell Soil Health including the Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health – The Cornell Framework Manual
- New York State Soil Health Initiative
- New York Soil Health Roadmap | 2019 from the New York State Soil Health Initiative
Weed Management
Cornell Weed Science website - Weed identification and management resources to help you reduce the impact of these unwanted plants in fields, gardens, landscapes and ecosystems.
NYS Weed ID Network website - a website intended to help farmers identify agricultural weeds so as to be able to choose the best management option