Remote Train-the-Trainer January 16-19, 2024

Registration is no longer open. This course has been cancelled.

NOTE: This is not an in-person PSA Train-the-Trainer Course. This course will be delivered remotely using web-based technology over four days. Participants must be familiar and comfortable using online technology. More information is provided below about technology requirements to successfully participate in the course.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of at least one registered PSA Grower Training Course (in-person, online, or remote) prior to registering for the PSA Train-the-Trainer Course.

Domestic Participants Only at this time.

Dates: January 16-19, 2024

Times: Participants must attend all four days of the training to be eligible for the trainer certificate issued by PSA and the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO).

  • Optional Open Office Hours to Test Your Zoom: TBD
  • Monday, January 16: 11:30am-5pm EDT
  • Tuesday, January 17: 11:30am-5pm EDT
  • Wednesday, January 18: 11:30am-5pm EDT
  • Thursday, January 19: 11:30am-5pm EDT

Location: Online using the Zoom platform. Log in information to be shared with registrants at a later date.


  • Dr. Mariana Villarreal Silva
  • Ms. Donna Clements
  • Dr. Don Stoeckel

Cost: $350 USD
Fee includes the PSA Training Manual (English) and trainer certificate.
Optional cost - $300 USD if you already have a V1.2 PSA Grower Training manual and only wish to purchase the additional Train-the-Trainer course materials. Please note - You will need to show the V1.2 PSA Grower Training manual at the time of the PSA Train-the-Trainer course in order to participate in the course.

Refund policy: A 50% refund of the registration fee will be provided until close of business on January 2, 2024. No refunds will be issued after January 2, 2024.
Registration fees may be transferred one time to an upcoming course if the request is made prior to January 2, 2024.

Training Information: This remotely-delivered training is for produce safety educators and others who work with fruit and vegetable growers who are interested in becoming PSA Trainers or PSA Lead Trainers. Those who become a PSA Trainer or PSA Lead Trainer are able to offer the PSA standardized curriculum to train fresh produce growers to meet the regulatory requirements in the FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule.

This four-day, remotely-delivered course will provide detailed information about Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), co-management of natural resources and food safety, FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements, and a review of the seven module PSA Grower Training curriculum. The course will also cover principles of adult education, how to incorporate the PSA curriculum into other extension trainings, developing working partnerships, expectations for trainers, and how to register a PSA Grower Training Course with the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO).

Participants must be present for all four days of the course in order to be eligible for the trainer certificate and to become a PSA Trainer who is eligible to offer PSA Grower Training Courses, under the leadership of a PSA Lead Trainer. 

Technology Requirements: Each participant will need access to a computer and internet connectivity with sufficient speed and consistency to fully engage.  Broadband (>25 Mbps download, >3 Mbps upload) is recommended. The computer must have two direction audio and video functionality. This means that participants must be able to hear and see trainers, and trainers must be able to hear and see participants. Use of internet capable cell phones or smart phones to participate in the Remote PSA Train-the-Trainer course is not approved. A screen as large or larger than a standard iPad (9.8” x 6.8”) is required. The training will be delivered using the Zoom platform. Participants will be expected to engage with several forms of non-verbal feedback during the course, such as through polling, quizzes, chat, Q & A, and other features within Zoom. An optional test Zoom meeting has been scheduled prior to the training to allow participants to ensure they are able to connect with audio and video successfully and utilize all Zoom features.

Participants are expected to be in attendance the entire time just as they would for an in-person course. The PSA team understands that some matters require immediate attention; however, we expect course participants to refrain from multitasking (taking phone calls, checking email, or doing other work) during the course. Participants will be visually monitored throughout the course to ensure participants are present and engaged. PSA reserves the right to withhold training certificates from individuals who do not successfully complete the course due to lack of engagement or not attending all required course modules over the four days.

Training Materials: After confirmation of payment of the registration fees, English manuals will be shipped 1-2 weeks prior to the course start. A printed manual is required to participate in the course. Important note: on the registration form please be sure to enter an address that will allow you to receive these materials in time for participation in the course. The PSA is not responsible for additional shipping fees for rush shipping due to an incorrect address provided.

Language: This training will be delivered in English.

If you have any questions about this training, please contact
Mariana Villarreal Silva (mv378 [at] (mv378[at]cornell[dot]edu)) or
Michele Humiston (mmc15 [at] (mmc15[at]cornell[dot]edu))

We look forward to “seeing” you at the training!
The PSA Team