Conduct a risk assessment to identify risks posed by wildlife and domesticated animals
Before each season, every farm should identify and assess the risk of wildlife and domesticated animal presence in or near fruit and vegetable fields. Proximity to wooded areas or water sources that attract wildlife should be a consideration. Any domesticated animals, such as grazing cattle, chickens, or other farm animals, may pose a risk of contamination if runoff occurs from their feces or bedding areas into production fields.
Prevent animal entry through the use of fences, noise cannons, and other deterrents
Animal controls and deterrents may be used when problems are identified based on observations done on the farm. Decoys, such as plastic coyotes, owls, and swans, are effective if they are actively moved around the farm to deter wildlife. Noise makers can also be effective, but animals may become desensitized to the noise over time. Fencing can be an effective deterrent, but it may not be practical for larger farms; however, small portions of fencing may direct animals around high value or sensitive crops to other areas. Nuisance permits may be another option, but check with your local Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) or the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) before choosing this method.
Monitor and document animal activity in the field
Throughout the production season, take an active role in monitoring fields and packing areas for the presence of animals, animal waste, and animal intrusion (1). Be sure to eliminate or properly manage any possible animal attractants such as access to water, cull piles, garbage cans, and dumpsters.
Both fully- and partially-enclosed packing areas must be monitored for pests. Pests must be excluded from fully-enclosed buildings, and prevented from becoming established in partially-enclosed buildings (such as those packing areas without four walls) (6). More information on rodent control can be found in the Sanitation and Postharvest Handling Decision Tree.
Incorporate monitoring into your day-to-day activities on the farm. Document your observations and look to see if there are patterns of animal presence throughout the season. Understanding patterns and seasonal changes in wildlife can help you prevent problems and deter animals from entering production areas.
Conduct field assessments prior to harvest
Before each harvest, an assessment of the field must be done to ensure that there are no obvious signs of animal intrusion or fecal contamination. If feces are found in the field or have come in direct contact with produce, this area must not be harvested. If a large amount of animal activity (i.e., tracks, damaged product) is found, the farm manager should be notified so an assessment of risk can be conducted to determine what action to take and whether or not the produce is safe to harvest (1,2).
- Option 1: Flag feces or affected produce and do not harvest. Create a no-harvest buffer zone so that workers will know what areas not to harvest. Suggested no-harvest buffer zones vary from a 0-25 foot radius, depending on the crop, climate, contamination event, and harvest equipment.
- Option 2: If feces or contaminated produce can easily be removed and the contamination is somewhat isolated, be sure to properly clean and sanitize all equipment used to remove contaminated produce or feces, as well as follow proper personal hygiene (i.e., hand washing) to reduce cross-contamination risks (7,8).
- Option 3: If fecal contamination or animal intrusion is extensive, do not harvest the field and/or disk the crop into the soil.
Train all workers to follow company policies regarding monitoring animal activity and proper harvest procedures
Field workers must be trained to recognize the risks associated with animal presence in or around the field as well as the presence of fecal contamination on fresh produce (2,3). If fecal material is found in the field, or has directly contaminated produce, workers need to understand how to create no-harvest buffer zones and follow the farm policy for leaving or removing the contamination. Workers must also be instructed to minimize contact with animals and wash their hands after handling contaminated produce or fecal material (8). Additional worker training requirements, including those for recordkeeping, are referenced in the Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Decision Tree.