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Y Tang*, J Zhang, J Guan, W Liang, MT Petassi, Y Zhang, X Jiang, M Wang, W Wu*, H-Y Ou*, JE Peters* (2024) Transposition with Tn3-family elements occurs through interaction with the host β-sliding clamp processivity factor. Nucleic Acids Research. Advance Article
Y Shen, SS Krishnan, MT Petassi, MA Hancock, JE Peters, and A Guarné (2024) Assembly of the Tn7 targeting complex by a regulated stepwise process. Molecular Cell84:2368-2381
A Correa III, S Shehreen, L Chacon Machado, J Thesier, LM Cunic, MT Petassi, J Chu, BJ Kapili, Y Jia, KA England, JE Peters (2024) Novel mechanisms of diversity generation in Acinetobacter baumannii resistance islands driven by Tn7-like elements. Nucleic Acids Research52:3180-3198
J-U Park, MT Petassi, S-C Hsieh, E Mehrotra, G schuler, J Budhathoki, VH Truong, S. Thyme, A Ke, EH Kellogg*, JE Peters* (2023) Multiple adaptations underly co-option of a CRISPR surveillance complex for RNA-guided DNA transportation. Molecular Cell83:1827-1838
SA Shmakov, ZK Barth, Ks Makarova, YI Wolf, V Brover, JE Peters*, and EV Koonin* (2023) Widespread CRISPR repeat-like RNA regulatory elements in CRISPR-Cas system. Nucleic Acids Research51:8150-8168
S-C Hsieh and JE Peters (2022) Discovery and characterization of novel type I-D CRISPR-guided transposons identified among diverse Tn7-like elements in cyanobacteria. Nucleic Acids Research 51:765-782
J-U Park, AW-L Tsai, TH Chen, JE Peters, and EH Kellogg (2022) Mechanistic details of CRISPR-associated transposon recruitment and integration revealed by cryo-EM. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA119:e2202590119
Z Kaczmarska, M Czarnocki-Cieciura, KM Górecka-Minakowska, RJ Wingo, J Jackiewicz, W Zajko, JT Poznański, M Rawski, T Grant, JE Peters*, M Nowotny* (2022) Structural basis of transposon end recognition explains central features of Tn7 transposition systems. Molecular Cell82:2618-2632.e7
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S-C Hsieh, and JE Peters (2021) Tn7-CRISPR-Cas12K elements manage pathway choice using truncated repeat-spacer units to target tRNA attachment sites. bioRxivhttps://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.06.429022
MT Petassi, S-C Hsieh, and JE Peters (2020) Guide RNA categorization enables target site choice in Tn7-CRISPR-Cas transposons. Cell 183:1757-1771
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JM Peters, B-M Koo, R Patino, GE Heussler, CC Hearne, J Qu, YF Inclan, JS Hawkins, CHS Lu, MR Silvis, MM Harden, H Osadnik, JE Peters, JN Engel, RJ Dutton, AD Grossman, CA Gross, and OS Rosenberg (2019) Enabling Genetic Analysis of Diverse Bacteria with Mobile-CRISPRi. Nature Microbiology 4:244-250
TC Hinkley, S Singh, S Garing, A-L M Le Ny, KP Nichols, JE Peters, JN Talbert, and SR Nugen (2018). A phage-based assay for the rapid, quantitative, and single CFU visualization of E. coli (ECOR #13) in drinking water. Scientific Reports8:14630
TC Hinkley, S Garing, S. Singh, KP Nichols, JE Peters, JN Talbert, and SR Nugen (2018) Reporter bacteriophage T7NLC utilizes a novel NanoLuc::CBM fusion for the ultrasensitive detection of Escherichia coli in water. Analyst143:4074-4082
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M Manohar, HW Choi, PM Manosalva, C Austin, JE Peters, and D Klessig (2017) Plant and human MORC proteins have DNA modifying activities similar to type II topoisomerases, but require additional factor(s) for full activity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions30:87-100
Q Shi, MR Straus, JJ Caron, H Wang, YS Chung, A Guarné*, JE Peters* (2015) Conformational toggling controls target site choice for the heteromeric transposase element Tn7. Nucleic Acids Research. 43:10746-10759.
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