Microbiological research at Cornell occurs across multiple departments and institutes.
Faculty across the university are working with Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes and their viruses. The faculty in the Department of Microbiology work predominantly in Bacteria and Archaea.
In addition to the activities of our faculty research labs, members of the department participate in the following research groups and activities, and have developed resources for the microbiology community.
Epulopiscium spp. are large bacteria that live in the intestinal tract of certain species of tropical marine surgeonfish. The information on the Epulopiscium website is available in both English and Spanish.
CIHMID is a “virtual institute” at Cornell, spanning multiple departments in several colleges. CIHMID provides an umbrella structure to promote and support innovative research in host-microbe biology at Cornell.
The Symbiosis & Cooperation Group provides a forum for students, postdocs, and PIs who work on various symbiotic & cooperative systems. We meet once a month for research updates, exchange of ideas, and social interactions.