Abstract submission


GiESCO 2023 has established a partnership with the International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES). The proceedings will be available with Open Access on IVES Conference Series portal. Thus, by submitting a communication, authors agree to publish their abstracts online and in Open Access. Also, for this edition a selection of articles will be published in a special issue of OENO One.

Please submit your Proceedings document by March 15, 2023 using the link that you were sent by the NextGen abstract system.  Proceedings must be submitted as a Word document and should be 3-5 pages in length.  Download the Proceedings template.

Abstract submissions closed.

Questions? Email: giesco22 [at] cornell.edu (giesco22[at]cornell[dot]edu)

The Organizing Committee of the 22nd GiESCO International Meeting that will take place at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY from July 17-21 2023 is pleased to announce that the Call For Abstracts is open.

The theme of the Congress is Diverse Germplasm and Precision Technologies for Varied and Changing Climates.

Authors are invited to submit one or several papers on the following topics:

  • New disease tolerant varieties
  • Vine response to abiotic and biotic stress
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Vine soil management innovations
  • Digital, precision, & mechanical viticulture
  • Sustainable and metaethical viticulture
  • Emerging topics (intended for the Professional day).

Giesco 2023 abstract types

The Scientific Committee of the 22nd GiESCO Meeting welcomes 5 types of communications:

1. Special Scientific Oral (SSO)

SSO corresponds to original research that authors would like both to present as a full oral presentation and to publish in a peer-reviewed journal.  For the 22nd GiESCO meeting, OENO one will edit a special series based on a selection of 22nd GiESCO SSO

At the meeting, time slot dedicated to SSO will be 12 min of presentation + 3 min of questions.

2. Scientific Oral (SO)

SO corresponds to original results that authors want to present at the meeting while keeping their data for further publication. 

Time slot dedicated to SO will be 10 min of presentation + 3 min of questions. 

3. Professional Day Oral (PDO)

PDO corresponds to professionally-oriented communications, I.e. dealing with extension or reviewing technological topics.  A Professional day will be organized during the meeting for PDO sessions; the Northeastern U.S. winegrape industry will be invited to attend. 

Time slot dedicated to PDO will be 12 min of presentation + 3 min of questions.

4. Flash Oral (FO)

FO corresponds to short presentations highlighting very new scientific topics and/or original provisional results. 

Time slot dedicated to FO is 5 min for presentation + 2 min for questions.

5. Poster communication (PC)

PC corresponds to research confirming or complementing previous reports (e.g. extending previous findings to different varieties or regions).  Poster sessions will be organized during the meeting.

Submission instructions

All types of communications except for SSO must be submitted as an abstract in English with a maximum of 500 words (including title, authors, affiliations, text and keywords) in one page as a Word (.doc and .docx) document. Download templates from Box:

Having trouble downloading templates? Email: cdc25 [at] cornell.edu (cdc25[at]cornell[dot]edu) 

When completing the abstracts, please note:

  • All authors must be identified in the Word doc by full name, institution/organization/company, postal address and e-mail. The corresponding author details are particularly important.
  • Authors must select the type of communication (SSO, SO, PDO, FO, PC) on the form.
  • In the case of SSO, SO, PDO, and FO, the registration of the speaker is mandatory.  It is understood that the corresponding author will give the presentation (otherwise the name of the speaker must be provided).
  • In the case of PC, the registration of one of the authors is mandatory.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is December 15, 2022.
  • Manuscripts (proceedings) will be due in February 2023 (SSO) and March 2023 (SO/PDO/FO/PC)

Follow this abstract submission link to upload your abstract. Click on Create New Account to set up your NextGen account prior to submission.  

If you have a Cornell NetID, please use this link.

Submission links closed.  Questions? Email: giesco22 [at] cornell.edu (giesco22[at]cornell[dot]edu)

Having trouble uploading templates? Email: gro2 [at] cornell.edu (gro2[at]cornell[dot]edu)