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Tenure-Track Position Requests

Tenure-track faculty position requests are solicited by CALS as part of the annual reporting process each spring. The college leadership reviews the requests at their annual retreat; July is the target month for communicating decisions to the unit’s chair or director.

The criteria used in this process include the following:

  1. Failed searches continue; however, search plans and position descriptions must be reconsidered, i.e., requests are revised and resubmitted to the SrADs for approval;
  2. Endowed professorships are likely to be approved;
  3. Vacancies created by failed tenure or reappointment decisions are given priority consideration; a thoughtful analysis should occur to determine whether the vacated position should be reconfigured to fit better with the unit’s evolving strategic vision and college priorities;
  4. The position’s fit with the unit’s strategic plan as well as college and university priorities must be clear;
  5. Faculty lines of past and projected retirements and departures may be strategically reallocated by the college; and
  6. The college’s financial projections will be considered carefully.