Health and Safety
Reproductive Health - Pesticides
- Pesticides- Reproductive Health (External Link: CDC- The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH))
- New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (External link: NYCAMH)
- North Carolina Agromedicine Institute (External Link: NCAI)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Respiratory Protection Training (Link- CALS OEH on-line trainings- Cornell EHS Link)
- Respirator Use Logs: Respirator Cartridge Use Log; Respirator Use Log
- Protective Clothing Guide (PDF)
- Personal Protective Equipment (Cornell EHS link)
- Interpreting PPE Statements on Pesticide Labels (PDF)
- Resources for Personal Protective Equipment (PDF)
- EPA Chemical Resistance Category Selection Chart (PDF)
- Gloves for Handling Pesticides: Nebraska Extension Publications (external link)
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore Personal Protective Equipment (external link)
- Proposed sequence of donning and doffing: ULTITEC (external video link)
- American National Standard for Limited-Use and Disposable Coveralls - Size and Labeling Requirements (CDC external link)
Pesticide-Contaminated Clothing
All clothing that is worn while handling or applying pesticides is considered contaminated. Pesticide-contaminated clothing must be handled with care. The clothing should only be handled by the wearer prior to laundering. If necessary, handle all contaminated clothing with gloves. Contaminated clothing should be washed daily in small batches, separately from family or other laundry. Always prerinse or presoak clothing. Use hot water and a heavy-duty liquid detergent in the highest water level. Use longest wash time and line dry when possible. For more information regarding washing pesticide-contaminated clothing, please refer to the College of Human Ecology, Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design website []