Vegetable IPM Resources
Vegetable Publications
General IPM for Fresh and Dry Beans
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Snap Beans (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Dry Beans in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Snap Beans in New York State (pdf)
Pests of Fresh and Dry Beans
- Bacterial Diseases of Beans (pdf)
- Bean Anthracnose (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Green Peach Aphid (pdf)
- Mexican Bean Beetle (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight Resources (pdf)
- Potato Leafhopper (pdf)
- Sclerotinia Rot of Cabbage (pdf)
- Tarnished Plant Bug (pdf)
- Virus Diseases of Snap and Dry Beans (pdf)
General IPM for Cole Crops
- Elements of IPM for Brussels Sprouts in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Cauliflower in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Kraut Cabbage in New York State (pdf)
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Cole Crops (pdf)
Cole Crop Pests
- Black Rot of Crucifers (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Cabbage Looper (pdf)
- Clubroot of Crucifers (pdf)
- Diamondback Moth (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Fusarium Yellows of Cabbage and Related Crops (pdf)
- Green Peach Aphid (pdf)
- Imported Cabbageworm (pdf)
- New Crop Rotation Recommendations for Swede Midge (pdf)
- Nonpathogenic Disorders of Cabbage (pdf)
- Onion Thrips (pdf)
- Organic Management of Swede Midge (pdf)
- Sclerotinia Rot of Cabbage (pdf)
- Swede Midge (pdf)
- The Sugar-Beet Cyst Nematode, an Important Pest of Red Beets and Cabbage (pdf)
- Virus Diseases of Crucifers (pdf)
- Crucifer Flea Beetle Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2013
- Crucifer Flea Beetle Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2011
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on alternaria blight and downy mildew of cauliflower, 2012
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on alternaria blight of cauliflower, 2013
- Flea Beetle Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2012
- Imported Cabbageworm And Diamondback Moth Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2011
- Swede Midge Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2012
- Swede Midge Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2013
- Swede Midge Diamondback Moth and Imported Cabbageworm Control With Insecticides Allowed for Organic Production, 2014
General IPM for Curcurbits
- Decision-Making Guide for Bee Supplementation of Pumpkin Fields (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Cucumber, Melon, and Summer Squash in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Winter Squash and Pumpkins in New York State (pdf)
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Cucumbers and Squash (pdf)
Curcurbit Pests
- Anthracnose of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Assorted Foliar Diseases of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Cucumber Beetles, Corn Rootworms and Bacterial Wilt (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Fruit Rots of Squash and Pumpkins (pdf)
- Fusarium Diseases of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Green Peach Aphid (pdf)
- Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Melon Aphid (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight of Peppers and other Vegetables (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight Resources
- Potato Stem Borer (pdf)
- Powdery Mildew of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Scab of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Septoria Leaf and Fruit Spot of Cucurbits (pdf)
- Virus Diseases of Cucurbits (pdf)
Curcurbit Trials
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production against downy mildew of cucumber, 2013
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on downy mildew of cucumber, 2011
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on downy mildew of cucumber, 2012
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on downy mildew of cucumber, 2015
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on powdery mildew of zucchini , 2012
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on powdery mildew of zucchini, 2011
- Squash Bug and Striped Cucumber Beetle Control with Insecticides Allowed for Organic Production, 2014
- Squash Vine Borer Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2011
- Squash Vine Borer Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2012
- Squash Vine Borer Control With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2013
- Striped Cucumber Beetle Control (on squash) With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2012
- Striped Cucumber Beetle Control (on zucchini) With Insecticides Allowed For Organic Production, 2012
General IPM for Leafy Greens
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Lettuce (pdf)
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Spinach (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Lettuce in New York State (pdf)
Pests of Leafy Greens
General IPM for Peppers
Pepper Pests
- Bacterial Spot of Pepper (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Colorado Potato Beetle (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight of Peppers and other Vegetables (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight Resources
- Using Trichogramma ostriniae to help manage European corn borer in sweet corn, peppers, and potatoes (pdf)
- Virus and Viroid Diseases of Potato (pdf)
- Virus Diseases and Disorders of Tomato (pdf)
- Virus Diseases of Peppers (pdf)
General IPM for Potatoes
- Elements of IPM for Potatoes in New York State (pdf)
- Organic Production and IPM Guide for Potatoes (pdf)
Potato Pests
- Black Dot Disease of Potato (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Colorado Potato Beetle (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Green Peach Aphid (pdf)
- Late Blight of Potatoes and Tomatoes (pdf)
- Late Blight, A Serious Disease of Potatoes and Tomatoes (pdf)
- Late Blight: Evaluating and Purchasing Seed Tubers (pdf)
- Melon Aphid (pdf)
- Pink Eye (or Brown Eye) (pdf)
- Potato Early Blight (pdf)
- Potato Leafhopper (pdf)
- Potato Scab (pdf)
- Potato Stem Borer (pdf)
- Rhizoctonia Disease (of Potato) (pdf)
- Silver Scurf of Potato (pdf)
- Stalk Borer (pdf)
- Tarnished Plant Bug (pdf)
- Using Trichogramma ostriniae to help manage European corn borer in sweet corn, peppers, and potatoes (pdf)
- Verticillium Wilt of Tomato (pdf)
- Virus and Viroid Diseases of Potato (pdf)
- Virus Diseases and Disorders of Tomato (pdf)
General IPM for Sweet Corn
- Elements of IPM for Fresh Market Sweet Corn in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Processing Sweet Corn in New York State (pdf)
- Pheromone Traps–Effective Tools for Monitoring Lepidopterous Insect Pests of Sweet Corn (pdf)
Pests of Sweet Corn
- Common Rust of Sweet Corn (pdf)
- Corn Earworm (pdf)
- Cucumber Beetles, Corn Rootworms and Bacterial Wilt (pdf)
- European Corn Borer (pdf)
- Fall Armyworm (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Identificación de Plagas de Larvas de Maíz Dulce (pdf)
- Potato Stem Borer (pdf)
- Stalk Borer (pdf)
- Sweet Corn Larval Pest Identification (pdf)
- Using Trichogramma ostriniae to help manage European corn borer in sweet corn, peppers, and potatoes (pdf)
- Virus Diseases of Sweet Corn (pdf)
General IPM for Tomatoes
- Disease Resistant Vegetables (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Fresh Market Tomatoes in New York State (pdf)
- Elements of IPM for Greenhouse Tomatoes in New York State (pdf)
Tomato Pests
- Bacterial Diseases of Tomato (pdf)
- Blossom End Rot of Tomato (pdf)
- Botrytis Gray Mold of Greenhouse and Field Tomatoes (pdf)
- Colorado Potato Beetle (pdf)
- Flea Beetle Pests of Vegetables (pdf)
- Green Peach Aphid (pdf)
- Late Blight of Potatoes and Tomatoes (pdf)
- Late Blight, A Serious Disease of Potatoes and Tomatoes (pdf)
- Leaf Mold in High Tunnel Tomatoes (pdf)
- Melon Aphid (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight of Peppers and other Vegetables (pdf)
- Phytophthora Blight Resources
- Potato Early Blight (pdf)
- Potato Stem Borer (pdf)
- Septoria Leaf Spot of Tomato (pdf)
- Stalk Borer (pdf)
- Tomato Anthracnose (pdf)
- Tomato leaf mold (Passalora fulva) control with Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)-listed products and varietal resistance (pdf)
- Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (pdf)
- Verticillium Wilt of Tomato (pdf)
- Virus and Viroid Diseases of Potato (pdf)
- Virus Diseases and Disorders of Tomato (pdf)
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on foliar diseases of tomato, 2011
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on foliar diseases of tomato, 2012
- Evaluation of fungicides allowed for organic production on leaf mold of tomato, 2015
- Evaluation of materials allowed for organic production on bacterial speck of tomato, 2017 (pdf)
- Evaluation of materials allowed for organic production on bacterial spot of tomato, 2017 (pdf)
- Evaluation of materials allowed for organic production on early blight of tomato, 2017 (pdf)
NEWA Vegetable Tools
Enhance your integrated pest management (IPM) and crop decision-making with NEWA’s forecast tools.
Manage Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola) in table beet with this tool that predicts 2-day, 14-day, 21-day, and season-long infection risk.
Use base 40°F BE degree days to identify the critical treatment timing before cabbage maggot (Delia radicum) can infest your crucifer crops. Treatment guidelines include organic options.
These risk assessment tools forecast the infection potential for Botrytis leaf blight or blast (Botrytis squamosa), onion downy mildew (Peronospora destructor), and purple blotch (Alternaria porri).
Monitor base 40°F BE daily and accumulated degree days to track critical treatment timing for onion maggot (Delia antiqua) to protect your crop from this pest.
(Legacy resource) Ascertain infection risk using P-days for early blight (Alternaria solani) and Blitecast for late blight (Phytophthora infestans) to assess the need for targeted management.
(Legacy resource) Manage tomato diseases more effectively using TOMCAST for early blight (Alternaria solani), Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici), and anthracnose (Colletotrichum coccodes) and using Blitecast for late blight (Phytophthora infestans) to identify infection risk.