Fostering New Technology Development, Integration and Testing

CAST is a testbed and demonstration site for the technology that is revolutionizing farming in the 21st century. We offer the infrastructure for developing, testing and demonstrating the latest agricultural innovations and best practices in climate-smart agriculture and animal production systems. We pioneer data-driven solutions at the intersection of technology and farming.

We welcome technology at all stages, including:

  • Technology ideas in development
  • Prototypes in need of testing in a real-world-farm setting
  • Newly released technology 
  • Technologies boosted by integration with complementary technologies

Current Tech at CAST

two men stand in a field with gps technology

Crops and soils are integral to the farm of the future. CAST is developing, testing and integrating a variety of technology that centers on planting, monitoring and harvesting crops, and monitoring and analyzing soils.

a cow stands in a barn with a sensor around her neck

Livestock productivity, health and wellness can be enhanced with the help of technology. CAST is developing, testing and integrating products that monitor animals, automate tasks and provide data for precision management of animal agriculture.

a laptop sits open in a barn with data on the screen

Raw agritech data must be managed and integrated if it is to be useful. CAST is working with a range of data streams from the field, animals and climate to provide farmers with the information they can use to make informed decisions.

a man checks an air sensor in a barn

The farm environment, as well as the climate, impact outcomes both day-to-day and on a longer timespan. CAST is testing and utilizing environmental and weather-related data-driven tools that improve farm sustainability through climate-smart practices.

CAST for the Farm of the Future research is supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative grant no. 2023-77038-38865 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture.