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College Credit Earned While In High School

Cornell University does not accept credit for courses sponsored by colleges or universities but taught in the high school to high school students, even if the college provides an official college transcript.

Coursework completed while in high school may be considered for credit if there is sufficient evidence that:

  • The course was a standard course available to all students registered at the college/university.
  • The course is taken on a college/university campus with matriculated degree students and is taught by a college/university professor.
  • The course instructor is a faculty member (includes adjunct) at the college offering the course.
  • The course is not listed on the high school transcript as a course counting towards the high school diploma.

Credit may be awarded only after the CALS Freshman Admissions Requirements for Secondary School Subjects criteria has been met. Students must submit the CALS application for college credit earned while in High School for each class along with an official college transcript to CALS Office of Student Services, 140 Roberts Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. The form is located on the Experience Cornell website under Agriculture and Life Sciences Resources.