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There are a variety of resources for you to obtain assistance for classes that you may need additional help in. Instructors are the best resource when you are experiencing academic difficulties. Course tutors are often available through the instructor. Attending office hours and meeting with Teacher Assistance (TAs) can be helpful as well. Tutoring is an additional option.

You must first seek help from the professor and/or TA of the course.

Below are additional FREE tutoring resources.

Learning Strategies Center

The Learning Strategies Center in 420 CCC (on the Ag Quad near Roberts Hall) is the central academic support unit for undergraduates at Cornell University, and provides assistance in improving general study skills through semester long courses, workshops, individual consultations, and web site resources. Visit or call 607/255-6310. The center is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Biology Student Advisors

    The Office of Undergraduate Biology encourages Biological Sciences majors to take advantage of the services provided by the Learning Strategies Center. In addition, our Student Advisors are available to tutor Biological Sciences majors in foundation courses during his/her office hour shift in the OUB.

    Writing Assistance

    The Cornell Writing Centers can support students on any kind of writing project at any stage of the drafting process. Tutors (typically trained undergraduate students) serve as responsive listeners and readers who can address questions about the writing process or about particular pieces of writing. They can also help with questions of confidence, critical reading, analytic thought, and imagination. All writing tutors have experience and training in working with multilingual speakers writing in English. Writers can simply walk in to any of our below locations during hours or make an appointment here: