Our beekeeping resources
Resources from outside the lab
The Cornell University Chemical Ecology Core Facility provides a pesticide residue testing and analysis service. The facility can quantify pesticide residues in flowers, leaves, pollen, soil, wax, bees, honey and other substances. Their services are intended for researchers, beekeepers, farmers, government agencies, stakeholder organizations and individuals.
Think your bees are suffering from pests, parasites or disease? Send a sample for diagnosis to the Beltsville Bee Lab. Analyses are free of charge.
Need to find a bee vet in your area? Find one on the Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium.
About our program
The Dyce Lab for Honey Bee Studies' goal is to promote a sustainable beekeeping industry by conducting applied research, providing educational programs, and supporting beekeepers. The lab also houses programs that study bumble bee health and the impacts of pesticides and pathogens on pollinators. The lab works closely with hobbyist, part-time and commercial beekeepers across New York. For the past 50 years, Dyce Lab has hosted beekeeping and pollinator health workshops and is open to the public for various extension activities.
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Honey bee questions?
For most inquiries, please email us at dycelab [at] cornell.edu (dycelab[at]cornell[dot]edu). Your message will be directed to members of our team, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer to call, please leave a message at (607) 319-0752.
Beekeeping clubs are valuable sources of information for new and experienced beekeepers. Each club in NYS is different, but most offer monthly meetings, mentorship for new beekeepers and workshops. The official statewide beekeeping club for New York is the Empire State Honey Producers Association, and all beekeepers are encouraged to join this club. Many counties also have clubs that provide regional information and allow beekeepers to network and learn from others in their neighborhoods.
Find a club in your county by exploring the table. Clubs are listed in alphabetical order by county.
Bee clubs of New York state
County | Association | Website or Facebook Page |
Albany | Capital Area Beekeepers | https://cab.wildapricot.org |
Albany | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Broome | Southern Tier Beekeepers | https://www.southerntierbeekeepers.org |
Cayuga | Cayuga County Beekeepers Club | Website not known |
Chautauqua | Chautauqua Beekeepers Association | https://www.facebook.com/groups/113163875394079/ |
Chemung | Soaring Capital Beekeepers Association | https://www.facebook.com/SoaringCapitalBeekeepers/ |
Clinton | Champlain Valley Beekeepers Association | https://www.facebook.com/ChamplainValleyBeeAssociation/ |
Columbia | Columbia County Beekeepers Club | http://www.ccnybees.org |
Delaware | Delaware County Beekeepers Association | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064470921754 |
Delaware | Western Catskill Mountain Beekeepers of New York | catskillhoneybeegone [at] gmail.com |
Dutchess | Hudson Valley Swarm | https://www.facebook.com/Hudson-Valley-Swarm-764197400381977/ |
Dutchess | Northern Dutchess Beekeepers Club | https://www.northerndutchessbees.org/ |
Dutchess | Stony Kill Foundation Beekeepers Association | https://stonykill.org/programs/beekeepers |
Erie | Western New York Honey Producers Association | https://wnyhpa.org/wp/ |
Franklin | Akwesasne Community Bee Group | www.facebook.com/environmentbees |
Fulton | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Greene | Catskill Mountain Beekeepers Club | http://www.catskillbees.org |
Jefferson | The North Country Beekeeping Society | Website not known |
Monroe | Rochester Beekeepers | https://www.rochesterbeekeepers.com/ |
Montgomery | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Nassau, Suffolk | Long Island Beekeepers Association | https://longislandbeekeepers.org/ |
NE Pennsylvania | Susquehanna Beekeepers Association | http://www.susquehannabeekeeping.com/ |
New York City | New York City Beekeepers Association | www.bees.nyc |
New York City | New York City Beekeeping | www.meetup.com/nyc-beekeeping/ |
Niagara | Niagara County Beekeepers Association | www.niagarabeekeepersclub.com |
Oneida | Mid York Beekeepers Association | https://midyorkbeekeepers.weebly.com/ |
Onondaga | Syracuse Area Beekeepers Club | https://www.facebook.com/groups/syracuseareabeekeepersclub |
Ontario | Ontario Finger Lakes Beekeeper's Association | https://www.ontariocountybeekeepers.org/ |
Oswego | Oswego Beekeepers Association | https://www.facebook.com/groups/OswegoCountyBeekeepers |
Otsego | Leatherstocking Beekeepers Association | https://leatherstockingbeekeepers.com/ |
Queens | Queens Beekeepers Guild | https://www.facebook.com/QueensBeekeepersGuild/ |
Rensselaer | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Richmond | Staten Island Beekeepers | https://www.facebook.com/groups/statenislandbeekeepers |
Saratoga | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Schenectady | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Schoharie | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
St. Lawrence | Local Living Venture Bees and Beekeeping Group | https://www.facebook.com/Local-Living-Venture-173368836038454/ |
Stueben | Steuben County Honey Bee Association | https://www.facebook.com/Steuben-County-Honey-Bee-Association-100126511722520/ |
Tompkins | Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club | http://flbeeclub.com/ |
Ulster | Beekeepers of Shawangunk | Website not known |
Ulster | Ulster County Beekeepers Association | ulsterbees.org |
Warren | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Washington | Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association | https://sababees.org/ |
Wayne | Wayne County Bee Club | https://www.facebook.com/waynecountynybeeclub/ |
Westchester | Hudson Valley Natural Beekeepers | http://hudson-valley-natural-beekeepers.com/ |
Wyoming | Wyoming County Beekeepers Discussion Group | http://wyoming.cce.cornell.edu/agriculture/program-areas/honey-beekeeping |
Yates | Greater Penn Yan Beekeepers Association | Website not known |