PRO-DAIRY business management specialists Mary Kate MacKenzie and Jason Karszes shared these reports in the December 2024 PRO-DAIRY e-Leader newsletter, distributed to an email list of nearly 7,000 dairy producers, agriservice, and legislators.
Trend analysis is an important use of benchmarking within a dairy business. While performance in the current year is important, understanding longer-term trends with within the business and the industry may provide additional insights into strengths and areas of opportunity. To provide benchmark trends of various financial and performance factors over time, data was utilized from 118 farms that have participated in the Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Project in New York State for six years, 2018 to 2023. This information is reported on an average basis for all farms, the top 25% of farms as determined by average rate of return on assets without appreciation over the six years, and the remaining 75% of farms.
In Performance trends for NY dairy farms from 2018-2023, Mary Kate Mackenzie illustrates changes over time in the key performance and financial metrics and key differences between the top 25% of farms and the remaining 75% of farms.
EB 2024-07, Six-year trend analysis 2023, prepared by Jason Karszes, reports selected financial and production factors across 10 tables for benchmarking of change over the 6 years for the average of all farms, the top 25% of farms, and the remaining 75% of farms.
PRO-DAIRY is a nationally recognized extension and applied research leader serving dairy farms for more than 30 years.