PRO-DAIRY business management specialists Mary Kate MacKenzie and Jason Karszes shared these reports in the September 2024 PRO-DAIRY e-Leader newsletter, distributed to an email list of nearly 7,000 dairy producers, agriservice, and legislators.
New York Organic Dairy Cost of Production: Benchmarks and Financial Performance
With 509 certified organic dairy farms producing 409 million pounds of milk in 2021, New York has more organic dairies than any other state and ranks third in the nation for organic milk production (NASS, 2022). Yet, information about the financial performance of organic dairies in New York is difficult to find, with the last data being published in 2011.
A newly released Dairy Farm Business Summary and Analysis Program (DFBS) extension bulletin, organic dairy cost of production report, aggregates DFBS data from 15 organic dairy collaborators to provide production and financial benchmarks for 2023.
The average and a range of performance is report for the average of all farms along with the averages of the high profit and low profit farms.
Progress of the Dairy Farm Report: Selected Financial and Production Factors
Over 155 farms across New York participated in the Dairy Farm Business Summary (DFBS) for 2023. The recently released 2023 DFBS report summarizes data for 127 conventional dairy farms that completed the summary for both 2022 and 2023 in which dairy is their main enterprise, with 85 percent or more of the farm revenue generated from milk, dairy cattle, and dairy calf revenue. The Progress of the Dairy Farm Report provides averages of selected financial and production measures for 127 New York State Dairy Farms, along with breaking the farms down into four herd size categories to provide additional comparison reports by herd size along with a comparison across the four herd sizes
PRO-DAIRY is a nationally recognized extension and applied research leader serving dairy farms for more than 30 years.