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  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
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This update by Kirsten Workman, PRO-DAIRY Nutrient Management and Environmental Sustainability Specialist, and Quirine Ketterings, Cornell Nutrient Management Spear Program,was released in the July issue of PRO-DAIRY's e-Leader newsletter, distributed to an email list of nearly 7,000 dairy producers, agriservice, and legislators.

July 2022 brought three important updates for farmers and nutrient management planners. In particular, they will impact Concentrated Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs) and Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMPs). New York State Department of Environmental Conservation released a new ECL SPDES General Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) – Permit No. GP-0-22-001. This permit will replace the current ECL CAFO General Permit GP-0-16-001. While it was issued on July 22, 2022 the permit will become effective on January 23, 2023. Please note that GP-0-16-001 will remain effective for CAFOs who had coverage under that general permit until the effective date of GP-0-22-001. Coverage under GP-0-22-001 will begin 30 calendar days after the Department receives both the completed Request to Continue Coverage form and signed CNMP Certification, but not prior to the effective date of GP-0-22-001.

The foundational nitrogen fertility guidelines for field crops in New York have been updated. This new document replaces the earlier version which was released in 2003. Over the past 20 years, additional research has focused on including more crops, new rotations, and reviewing and updating of guidelines and book values for yield indices.

The foundational phosphorus fertility guidelines for field crops in New York have also been updated. This new document replaces the earlier version which was released in 2003.

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Attendees watch a food preparation presentation at the inaugural New York Farm to School Summit in Syracuse, N.Y.


  • Cornell Cooperative Extension