Biocontrol Agents for Insect Pests
- Allium leafminer parasitoid (Halticoptera circulus)
- Amblyseius swirskii–Predatory Mite
- Beauveria bassiana
- Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionis
- Common Green Lacewing
- Diaeretiella rapae–parasitoid wasp of aphids
- European corn borer parasitoid (Eriborus terebrans)
- Fire Ant Decapitating Fly (Pseudacteon spp.)
- Ganaspis brasiliensis, parasitoid wasp of spotted-wing drosophila larvae
- Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Beneficial Hb Nematode
- Hover Fly
- Imported Cabbageworm Parasitoid (Cotesia glomerata)
- Leek moth parasitoid–Diadromus pulchellus
- Metarhizium spp.
- Minute Pirate Bug and Insidious Flower Bug
- Muscidifurax raptor and M. raptorellus
- Neoseiulus californicus–Predatory Mite
- Neoseiulus cucumeris–Predatory Mite
- Neoseiulus fallacis—Predatory Mite
- Phytoseiulus persimilis–Predatory Mite
- Samurai wasp (Trissolcus japonicus)
- Southern green stink bug egg parasitoid (Trissolcus basalis)
- Spring Tiphia (Tiphia vernalis)
- Steinernema carpocapsae, beneficial nematode (Sc)
- Steinernema feltiae, Beneficial nematode (Sf)
- Tetrastichus julis–Parasitoid of Cereal Leaf Beetle
- Trichogramma ostriniae–Parasitoid of European Corn Borer
- Typhlodromus pyri–Predatory Mite
- Rove Beetle
- Western predatory mite
- Zetzellia mali–Predatory Mite
Biocontrol Agents for Weeds
Leafy Spurge Biocontrol Agents
- Aphthona cyparissiae flea beetle
- Aphthona flava flea beetle
- Aphthona lacertosa flea beetle
- Black dot leafy spurge flea beetle (Aphthona nigriscutis Foudras)
- Black leafy spurge flea beetle (Aphthona czwalinae)
- Leafy Spurge Gall Midge
- Leafy Spurge Hawk Moth
- Leafy Spurge Stem Borer
Melaleuca Biocontrol Agents
Biocontrol Agents by Type
Parasitoid Biocontrol
The immature biocontrol agent grows and develops in or on the pest, killing it in the process. Both insects and nematodes fall into this category. Learn more about how parasitoid biocontrol works.
Adult Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionis are parasitoid biocontrol agents for alfalfa weevil larvae.
Bathyplectes anurus and B. curculionisAuthors: Judith Herreid and Randa Jabbour, University of Wyoming
Date: December 2021
Pests Targeted: Stable Fly, House Fly
Pest Stage: Pupa
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Muscidifurax raptor, Muscidifurax raptorellus
Biocontrol Agent Type: Parasitoid
Muscidifurax raptor and M. raptorellusAuthors: Ken Wise, NYSIPM, Cornell University and Phillip Kaufman, Entomology Department, Texas A&M University
Date: May 2023
Predator Biocontrol
The biocontrol agent eats the pest. Learn more about how predator biocontrol works.
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Pests Targeted: Thrips, Spider Mites, Aphids, Leafhoppers, Caterpillars, Springtails and Whiteflies.
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Orius tristicolor, Orius insidiosus
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator
Minute Pirate Bug and Insidious Flower BugAuthor: Lidia Komondy
Department of Entomology
Date: April 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
These predatory beetles are beneficial to farmers and gardeners, because they can reduce pest populations, also referred to as biological control, however, because rove beetles are generalist predators, they can also reduce populations of beneficial insects such as beneficial predatory mite eggs and nymphs.
Rove BeetleAuthor: Lidia Komondy
Cornell University Department of Entomology
Date: April 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Pests Targeted: Aphids, Caterpillars, Leafhoppers, Planthoppers, Mealy Bugs, Thrips
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Syrphidae, e.g. Episyrphus balteatus
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator
Biocontrol Agent Factsheet
Pests Targeted: Aphids, thrips, planthhoppers, leafhoppers, mealy bugs, scale insects
Pest Stage: Larva
Commercially Available? Yes
Scientific Name: Chrysoperla carnea, C. rufilabris
Biocontrol Agent Type: Predator
Common Green LacewingAuthor: Lidia Komondy
Cornell Department of Entomology
Date: April 2022
While our site migration is in progress you can access these predator articles on the older version of the biological control website.
- Lady Beetles
- Chilocorus kuwanae
- Chilocorus stigma, by Kirsten Fondren
- Coccinella septempunctata
- Coleomegilla maculata
- Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
- Harmonia axyridis
- Hippodamia convergens
- Sasajiscymnus tsugae, by Carole Cheah and Mark McClure
- Rodolia cardinalis
- Stethorus punctillum, by Eric W. Riddick and Brian Spencer
- Stethorus punctum
- Lady Beetle Special: Lady beetle, lady beetle fly away from my home!
- Lebia grandis, by Donald C. Weber and Eric Riddick
- Aleochara bilineatis
- Campylomma verbasci,by Bradley S. Higbee
- Deraeocoris nebulosus, by David Boyd, Jr.
- Geocoris spp., by James Hagler and Nicole Sanchez, September 2011
- Orius spp.
- Podisus maculiventris
Apple orchard mite control
- Galendromus (=Typhlodromus, =Metaseiulus) occidentalis
- Galendromus (=Typhlodromus) pyri
- Neoseiulus (=Amblyseius) fallacis
- Zetzellia mali
Predatory mites (general)
- Euseius tularensis, by Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell
- Phytoseiulus persimilis
Other predators
- Phalangium opilio, by Mark Schmaedick
Biopesticide Biocontrol
Microorganisms or microbes (fungi, bacteria and viruses) and plant extracts can reduce pest populations by killing, repelling, excluding them, or by hampering their growth or reproduction. They can also boost the defenses of a plant, making it more resilient against pest attack. Learn more about how biopesticide biocontrol works.
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Beauveria bassiana is a contact mycoinsecticide (an insecticide which contains fungi) that is registered for use in the United States on a wide range of pest insects and can be used on many agricultural and horticultural crops.
Beauveria bassianaAuthor: Morgan Swoboda
Department of Entomology, Cornell University
Date: June 10, 2022
Biocontrol agent fact sheet
Metarhizium spp. targets a wide range of pests across many insect orders and are known to infect over 200 species of insects, most of which are beetles.
Metarhizium spp.Author: Morgan Swoboda
Department of Entomology, Cornell University
Date: June 10, 2022
While our site migration is in progress you can access these biopesticide articles on the older version of the biological control website.
- Bacillus thuringiensis, by Z. P. Cohen (updated 2/25/2015)
- Paenibacillus popilliae
- Baculoviruses - by Vince D'Amico
- Entomophaga grylli, with contributions by Mark Ramos
- Entomophaga maimaiga
- Entomophthora muscae, by D. W. Watson
Weed-Feeder Biocontrol
Biocontrol agents that control weed pests can either be insects (which feed on weeds) or microbes (which infect/cause disease on weeds). Learn more about how weed-feeder biocontrol works.
Sulfur Knapweed MothRelative effectiveness: This root feeder generally has less impact on spotted knapweed than the knapweed root weevil.
While our site migration is in progress you can access these weed feeder articles on the older version of the biological control website.
Alligatorweed Control Agent
Dalmatian Toadflax and Yellow Toadflax Control Agents
- Brachypterolus pulicarius, by Rich Hansen
- Calophasia lunula, by Rich Hansen
- Eteobalea intermediella, by Rich Hansen
- Eteobalea serratella, by Rich Hansen
- Gymnetron antirrhini, by Rich Hansen
- Gymnetron linariae, by Rich Hansen
- Gymnetron netum, by Rich Hansen
- Mecinus janthinus, by Rich Hansen
Diffuse Knapweed and Spotted Knapweed Control Agents
- Agapeta zoegana • Sulfur Knapweed Moth by Lincoln Smith
- Bangasternus fausti, by Ronald Lang
- Chaetorellia acrolophi, by Ronald Lang
- Cyphocleonus achates, by Ronald Lang
- Larinus minutus, by Ronald Lang
- Larinus obtusus, by Ronald Lang
- Metzneria paucipunctella, by Ronald Lang
- Pelochrista medullana, by Lincoln Smith
- Pterolonche inspersa, by Ronald Lang
- Sphenoptera jugoslavica, by Ronald Lang
- Terellia virens, by Ronald Lang
- Urophora affinis, by Ronald Lang
- Urophora quadrifasciata, by Ronald Lang
Leafy Spurge Control Agents
- Aphthona abdominalis, by Rich Hansen
- Aphthona cyparissiae, by Rich Hansen
- Aphthona czwalinae, by Rich Hansen
- Aphthona flava, by Rich Hansen
- Aphthona lacertosa, by Rich Hansen
- Aphthona nigriscutis, by Rich Hansen
- Chamaesphecia hungarica, by Rich Hansen
- Hyles euphorbiae, by Rich Hansen
- Oberea erythrocephala, by Rich Hansen
- Spurgia esulae, by Rich Hansen
Melaleuca Control Agent
Mile-a-minute Weed Control Agent
- Rhinoncomimus latipes, by J. Hough-Goldstein
- Musk (Nodding) Thistle and Plumeless Thistle Control Agents
- Rhinocyllus conicus, by L. T. Kok
- Trichosirocalus horridus, by L. T. Kok
- Purple Loosestrife Control Agents
- Gallerucella calmariensis, G. pusilla
- Hylobius transversovittatus
St. Johnswort Control Agent
Chrysolina quadrigemin, by Rodrigo Diaz
Tropical Soda Apple
Gratiana boliviana, by Rodrigo Diaz
Water Hyacinth Control Agents
Site Migration
While our site migration is in progress you can access these articles on the older version of the biological control website.
Insect-killing nematodes
- Pseudacteon spp. by Lloyd W. Morrison
- Trichopoda pennipes updated by Charles H. Pickett
- Anaphes flavipes by Richard Bean and Ashley Ciaglo
- Atanycolus cappaerti by Ian Lane
- Catolaccus grandis by Juan Morales-Ramos
- Cotesia glomerata
- Diadegma insulare
- Diadromus pulchellus
- Encarsia formosa by Mark Hoddle
- Encarsia inaron by Charles H. Pickett
- Eretmocerus eremicus by Mark Hoddle
- Eriborus terebrans
- Ibalia leucospoides ensiger by Derek Robertson and Kamal Gandhi
- Lysiphlebus testaceipes
- Macrocentrus cingulum (=grandii) Brischke by William R. Morrison III
- Metaphycus alberti by Steve Stauffer
- Nealiolus curculionis
- Peristenus digoneutis by William H. Day
- Pholetesor ornigis
- Tamarixia radiata by Jawwad A. Qureshi and Philip A. Stansly
- Trichogramma ostriniae by Mike Hoffmann
- Trissolcus basalis
- Trissolcus euschisti by Kristin Deroshia (updated 3/5/2015)
Insect-Killing Nematode Articles
Nematodes are tiny worms. Some of them reproduce inside insects, killing in the process. They are called entomopathogenic nematodes, or EPNs. Learn more about how insect-killing nematode biocontrol works.
- Deladenus siricidicola (=Beddingia siricidicola) , by Elizabeth Erin Morris
- Mermis nigrescens, by John L. Capinera
- Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita, by Michael Wilson and Randy Gaugler