Martha Mutschler-Chu
Professor Emeritus, School of Integrative Plant Science, Plant Breeding and Genetics Section

I am a tomato breeder working, currently focused on transfer of resistances to biotic stresses, to reduce damage/loss of crop, while reducing use of fungicides, copper sprays, and pesticides. This allies with the development of IPM, of sustainable agriculture and of use of biological controls.
Tomato and onion breeding and genomics
Disease and insect resistance
Intellectual property
Recent Research
My research projects concern the genetic control of novel traits, chiefly derived from wild tomato species, and their transfer to cultivated tomato. Primary research focuses on issues that limit cultivar quality and production, such as critical diseases as well as insect pests and the virus they transmit.
Resistance to fungal, oomycete, and bacterial diseases. One project underway focuses on bacterial and fungal diseases critical to the New York and the northeast and mid-Atlantic states. The oomycete disease late blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans), and fungal diseases early blight (caused by Alternaria tomatophila), and Septoria leaf spot (caused by Septoria lycopersici), can cause defoliation, plant collapse, and loss of yield and fruit quality in temperate tomato growing regions. Two of the most critical bacterial disease are bacterial spot (caused by Xanthomonas vesicatoria, X. euvesicatoria, X.s gardneri, and X. perforans) and bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv)
To reduce the need for fungicides and copper sprays traditional used to control the three fungal/oomycete diseases required the combined transfer of resistances to each of these diseases. Transfer of genetic resistances to late blight, early blight, and Septoria leaf spot created tomato lines now being used by seed companies. Commercial hybrids with combined blight resistances reduced risk of loss due to these diseases, allowing up to 75% reduction in fungicide use in conventional tomato, and reductions of copper sprays in organic tomato, creating a more sustainable system for control of foliar fungal disease in tomato production. The remaining weakness in the blight resistant lines created was incomplete resistance to early blight, particularly in foliage. This has been recently rectified by discovery and transfer of an additional QTL providing early blight control specifically to foliage.
As the work adding blight resistances was nearing completion, transfer of resistances to bacterial diseases was initiated. Lines nearing completion have resistances to bacterial spot, or both bacterial spot and bacterial speck, in addition to the fungal disease resistance of the initial lines. The resulting new bacterial/fungal/oomycete resistant lines will further reduce need for both fungal and copper sprays, reducing costs of production, while protecting against loss of crop or crop quality.
Control of insects and insect transmitted viral pathogens. The other project underway focuses on a range of insect pests, and insect transmitted virus, which are serious in southern US and tropical/semitropical regions and are moving northward due to climate change. The insect/virus control project has examined the genetic control of acylsugar-mediated multiple insect resistance in tomato, created a series of sister lines of tomato that produce different levels or different chemical forms of the acylsugars. I interact with entomologists/pant pathologists at universities or research centers in the US and abroad to determine the range of insect species controlled by the acylsugars produced by these tomato lines, the efficiency of the control, and whether controlling the insect pest significantly reduces likelihood that plants are infected by insect-transmitted virus. We are also working to refine the horticultural type of the acylsugar lines with the best insect/virus control, so that the lines can be readily used by seed companies interested in utilizing this trait in new hybrids. Use of hybrids with this strong insect/virus control should significantly reduce the need for, and use of, chemical pesticides in the US and similar countries. It could also materially benefit developing countries, where cost of pesticide control can be prohibitive and losses due to insect pests/viral diseases can be very high.
Outreach and Extension Focus
The extension and outreach aspect of my work are largely associated with my research in tomato breeding. I interact with global seed companies and an international research center overseas, international tomato processing companies, tomato growers and processor groups in other states, and organic tomato growers in NYS.
Each year I make several presentations to grower or industry groups. Some work for the bacterial/fungal disease resistance project is done with cooperation of extension faculty/staff, including trials on host grower farms. Due to these presentations and interaction with host growers, I have interactions with tomato conventional and organic growers and I respond to periodic requests or questions. I usually make annual presentations to extension personnel during in service sessions, I also make 2 or 3 presentations to seed company representatives at organized Field Days.
Since seed companies are using lines we have released, as well as molecular markers and biochemical techniques developed, I also interact with seed company representatives to assist them in using the materials, and training company staff in new techniques.
As a cooperator on an inter-university projects on acylsugar mediated insect resistance, I am assisting in outreach, providing basic researchers information regarding tomato cultivars, traits and production that help refine their projects, and give guidance regarding how basic information generated by the project could be utilized for applied benefit.
Presentations and Activities
- 1/27/20: Texas A&M. Invited seminar titled: The Trichomes Tip: Control of Insects Pest of Tomato, and Insect-Transmitted Virus, by Unique Secondary Metabolites
- 11/19/19: Presented part of the Molecular Breeding Workshop, which was associated with the joint meeting of the 2019 Tomato Breeders Roundtable and the 2019 Tomato Disease Workshop. This part of Molecular Breeding Workshop was titled: “Applications of Marker Analysis in Plant Breeding.
- 11/18/19 Presentation at 2019 Tomato Breeders Roundtable, title: Modifying Wild Tomato Introgressions to Improve the Horticultural Type of Tomatoes with Genetic Control of Insects and Transmitted Virus.
- Served on University Institution Biosafety Committee 2010 - 2013
- Served on University Appeals Committee 2006 - 2011
- Served on a University Committee 2005 - 2006 to revise Cornell University Patent Policy
- Member, Board of Directors of Cornell Research Foundation (1989 - 2004), finance subcommittee 1998-2001, executive committee 2002 - 2004
- Served on Tomato Crop Germplasm Committee: 1985 – 2004; Chair Tomato Crop Germplasm Committee – 2004
- Co-organized (with W. Lesser) workshop: Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture: Implications for Seed Producers and User, Nov 2, 3 2003 in Denver CO. Lesser & Mutschler presented workshop findings to House staffers, USDA/ARS economists, and Senate staffers in Washington D.C. Nov. 14, 2003.
Awards & Honors
Inducted into, Science Hall of Fame (2013) St John Fisher College, Rochester, NY
2012 co-recipient of AHSH award for “2012 Best JASHS paper across all commodities” for Merk et al 2012 (see publication list)
2011 recipient, Atlantic Seed Association Award for research
2010 CALS “Outstanding accomplishments in applied research” award.
Keynote speaker, International Society for Horticultural Science 9th ISHS Symposium on Processing Tomato Melbourne, Australia Nov. 14-17, 2004. Combining Field and Laboratory Methods In Tomato Breeding Strategies.
Keynote speaker, International Society for Horticultural Science IV International Symposium on Edible Alliaceae. April 2004. Combining techniques to facilitate transfer of Botrytis leaf blight resistance to onion.
Courses Taught
I am currently not responsible for a course, but I give guest lectures in several courses.
- Adding Resistance to Bacterial Spot and Speck to Lines with Fungal Resistances in Fresh Market Tomato Lines
- Mapping Campbell 1943 Stem Early Blight Resistance and Adding an Additional Source of Foliar Early Blight Resistance to Cornell Fungal Resistant Tomato Line
- Novel Fresh Market and Processing Tomatoes with Additional Resistances to Bacterial Spot, Bacterial Speck, and Early Blight
Google Scholar profile and publications.
- Ben-Mahmoud, S; T Anderson, TM Chappell, JR Smeda, MA Mutschler, GG Kennedy, DM. De Jong & DE Ullman 2019 A thrips vector of tomato spotted wilt virus responds to tomato acylsugar chemical diversity with reduced oviposition and virus inoculation” Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-019-53473-y
- Li, Z, G Kund, DM. De Jong, X Feng, MA Mutschler and JT. Trumble, 2019 Effects of High-Level Acylsugar-Producing Tomato Lines on the Development of Tomato Psyllids (Hemiptera: Triozidae) Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(4), 2019, 1926–1931 doi: 10.1093/jee/toz070
- Ben-Mahmoud, S, JR Smeda, TM Chappell, C Stafford-Banks, CH Kaplinsky, T Anderson, MA. Mutschler, GG Kennedy, DE Ullman 2018 Acylsugar amount and fatty acid profile differentially suppress oviposition by Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, on tomato and interspecific hybrid flowers. PlosOne
- Vargas-Ortiz, E, I Gonda, JR. Smeda, MA Mutschler, JJ Giovannoni, G Jander. 2018 Genetic mapping identifies loci that influence tomato resistance against Colorado potato beetles submitted: Scientific Reports vol 8, Article number: 7429
- Smeda JR., AL Schilmiller, TA Anderson, S Ben-Mahmoud, DE Ullman, TM Chappell A Kessler, MA Mutschler 2018 Combination of Acylglucose QTL Reveals Additive and Epistatic Genetic Interactions and Impacts Insect Oviposition and Virus Infection. Molecular Breeding 38: 3.
- Smeda JR., AL Schilmiller, A Kessler, MA Mutschler 2017. Combination of QTL Affecting Acylsugar Chemistry Reveals Additive and Epistatic Genetic Interactions to Increase Acylsugar Profile Diversity. Molecular Breeding: 104 DOI 10.1007/s11032-017-0690-0
- Smeda JR, AL Schilmiller, RL Last, MA Mutschler. 2016 Introgression of acylsugar chemistry QTL modifies the composition and structure of acylsugars produced by high-accumulating tomato lines." Molecular Breeding. DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0584-6
- Leckie, BM, D'Ambrosio, DA, Chappell, TM, Halitschke, R, De Jong, DM, Kessler, A, Kennedy, GG, Mutschler, MA 2016. Differential and synergistic functionality of acylsugars in suppressing oviposition by insect herbivores. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0153345
- Hyde, PT, BM Leckie, SCD Carpenter, JW Lorbeer, CA Hoepting, MR Ullrich and Martha A. Mutschler 2015 Evaluation of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Lines and Hybrids Possessing Bs1 for Resistance against Multiple Isolates of Botrytis squamosal. Crop Science 55 (1): 136-145.
- Leckie, BM, R Halitschke, DM De Jong, JR Smeda, A Kessler, and MA Mutschler 2014. Quantitative trait loci regulating the fatty acid profile of acylsugars in tomato, Molecular Breeding: 34 (3) pp 1201-1213
- Hansen, Z, I Small, MA Mutschler, W Fry, C Smart. 2014: Differential Susceptibility of Thirty Nine Tomato Varieties to Phytophthora infestans Clonal Lineage US-23. Plant Disease 98, (12) 1666-1670
- Leckie, BM, DeJong, D.M., and M.A. Mutschler 2013. Quantitative trait loci regulating sugar moiety of acylsugars in tomato Molecular Breeding. 31 (4): 957-970.
- Leckie, BM, DeJong, D.M., and M.A. Mutschler 2012. Quantitative trait loci increasing acylsugars in tomato breeding lines and their impacts on silverleaf whiteflies. Molecular Breeding 30 (4): 1621-1634
- Merk HL, Yarn SC, Allen Van Deynze, Nankui Tong, Naama Menda, Lukas A. Mueller, MA Mutschler, Steven A. Loewen, JR Myers, Francis, DM 2012 Trait Diversity and Potential for Selection Based on Variation Among Regionally Adapted Processing Tomato Germplasm. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 137(6):427–437
- Sim SC, Van Deynze A, Stoffel K, Douches DS, Zarka D, Ganal MW, Chetelat RT, Hutton SF, Scott JW, Gardner RG, Panthee DR, Mutschler M, Myers JR, Francis DM. 2012 High-density SNP genotyping of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) reveals patterns of genetic variation due to breeding. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9):e45520. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045520. Epub 2012 Sep 20.
- Hyde,PT; ED Earle, MA Mutschler 2012. Doubled haploid onion (Allium cepa L.) lines and their impact on hybrid performance. HortScience 47: 1690-1695
- Wu, J, DQ Wu, MA Mutschler, CC Chu 2012 Cationic Hybrid Hydrogels from Amino-Acid-Based Poly(ester amide): Fabrication, Characterization, and Biological Properties Advanced Functional Materials 22: 3815–3823.
- Wu, J, MA Mutschler, CC Chu 2011. Synthesis and characterization of ionic charged water soluble arginine-based poly(ester amide). J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2011) 22:469–479.
- MA Mutschler and GD Graff. 2008. Introduction to Intellectual Property Issues in the University Setting: A Primer for Scientists. In: Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation A. Krattiger et al, eds. PIPRA, U of CA – Davis, Davis CA. pp 747 to 762.
- Alan A, W.S. Lim, M.A. Mutschler, E.D. Earle. 2007. Complementary Strategies for ploidy manipulation in gynogenetic onion (Allium cepa L). Plant Science 173:25-31.
- MA Mutschler and GD Graff. 2007 Introduction to Intellectual Property Issues in the University Setting. In: Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation vol 1 pp747 – 762
- Mutschler, MA and William Wintermantel. 2006. Reducing Virus Associated Crop Loss Through Resistance To Insect Vectors. IN: Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses, Gad Loebenstein and J.P. Carr. eds. Springer, Dordrecht. Pp 241 - 260
- Kim, M. K. and M. A. Mutschler 2006 Characterization of late blight resistance derived from Solanum pimpinellifolium L3708 against multiple isolates of the pathogen, Phytophthora infestans Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 131: 637-645
- Kim, M. K. and M. A. Mutschler 2006 CULBPT-A46 and CULBPT-A48 Series of Late Blight Resistant Processing Tomato Breeding Lines HortSci. 41: 263-265
- Kim, Min-Jea and M. A. Mutschler 2005 Transfer to Processing Tomato and Characterization of Late Blight Resistance Derived from Solanum pimpinellifolium L. L3708 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 130 877-884
- Kim, MJ, W Federer, MA Mutschler 2005 Using half-normal probability plot and regression analysis to differentiate the disease response of resistant and susceptible tomato genotypes to multiple isolates of P. infestans. Theor. And Applied Genet. 112: 21 – 29
- Zitter, TA, Drennan, JL, Mutschler, MA, and Kim, M.J. 2005. Control of early blight of tomato with genetic resistance and conventional & biological sprays. Acta Hort 695:181-190.
- Lesser, W and MA Mutschler 2004 Balancing investments incentives and social benefits when protecting plant varieties implementing initial variety systems. Crop Sci. 44:1113 - 1120
- Alan, AR, MA Mutschler, A Brants, E Cobb, ED Earle 2004 Fecund gynogenic lines from onion (Allium cepa) breeding materials. Plant Science 167:1055-1066
- Alan, AR, A Brants, E Cobb, PA Goldschmied MA Mutschler, ED Earle 2003 Production of gynogenic plants from hybrids of Allium cepa and A. roylei Plant Science 165:1201 - 1211
- Lesser, W, MA Mutschler 2003 Shifts in the use of utility patents and plant variety protection to protect plant intellectual property in the United States XXVI Internat. Hort. Congress: Plant Genetic Resources, The Fabric of Horticultures Future pp 33-37
- Lesser, W and MA Mutschler 2002 Lessons from the patenting of plants. In: Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting in Animal Breeding and Genetics. Oxon, UK: CABI, Scott Newman and Max Rothschild, eds. pp103-118
- Doganlar, S, SD Tanksley and MA Mutschler 2000 Identification and molecular mapping of loci controlling fruit ripening time in tomato. Theor. and Applied Genetics. 100:249 – 255
- Blauth, SL, JC Steffens, GA Churchilll, and MA Mutschler 1999 QTL analysis of acylsugar fatty acid constitutents using an using intraspecific populations of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 99:373-381.
- Blauth, SL, G.A. Churchill, and MA Mutschler 1998 Identification of QTL associated with acylsuagar accumulation using intraspecific populations of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 96:458-467
- Lawson, Darlene C. Lunde and MA Mutschler 1997. Marker-assisted transfer of acylsugar-mediated pest resistance from the wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii, to the cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum. Molecular Breeding 3:307-317
- McNally, KL and MA Mutschler 1997. Use of introgression lines and zonal mapping to identity RAPD markers linked to QTL. Molecular Plant Breeding 3:202-212.
- BE Liedl, S McCormick and MA Mutschler 1996 Unilateral incongruity in crosses involving Lycopersicon pennellii and L. esculentum is distinct from self-incompatibility in expression, timing and location. Sexual Plant Reprod. 9:299-308.
- Mutschler, MA, RW Doerge, J Liu, JP Kuai, B Liedl, Y Shapiro 1996 QTL analysis of pest resistance in the wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii.: QTL controlling acylsugar level and composition. Theor. Appl Genet. 92:709-718
- Liedl, BE , DM Lawson, KK White, JA Shapiro, DE Cohen, WG Carson, JT Trumble, and MA Mutschler. 1995 Acylglucoses of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii alters settling and reduces oviposition of Bemisia argentifolii. J. of Econ. Entomol.: 88:742-748.
- Liu SC, Liedl BE, Mutschler MA 1995 Alterations of the manifestations of hybrid breakdown in Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pennellii F2 populations containing Lycopersicon esculentum versus L. pennellii cytoplasm. Sexual Plant Reprod. 8: 361-368
- Ingersoll JC, Rothenberg M, Liedl BE, Hanson, M, Mutschler, MA 1994 A novel anther-expressed adh-homologous gene in Lycopersicon esculentum Plant Molecular Biology 26: 1875-1891
- Mutschler, M. A. and B. Liedl 1994. Interspecific crossing barriers in Lycopersicon and their relationship to self-incompatibility. IN: Genetic control of self-incompatibility and reproductive development in flowering plants. EG Williams and AE Clarke, eds. Adv. Cell. Mol Biol Plants. 2:164-188 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
- Shapiro J, J Steffens and MA Mutschler. 1994. Acylsugars of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii in relation to its geographic distribution. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.: 22:545-561.
- Juvik, J. A., J. A. Shapiro, T. E. Young and M. A. Mutschler 1994. Acylglucoses of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy alter behavior and reduce growth and survival of Helicoverpa zea and Spodoptera exigua . J Econ. Ent.: 87:482-492.
- Rau, G., C. McCullock, M.A. Mutschler. 1993. Evaluation of parental-type classification for the inbred-backcross method of estimating gene number. J. Heredity 85:105-111
- Mutschler, M.A., J.C. Steffens and W. Tingey. 1993. Broad based insect resistance from L. pennellii: Its nature, and potential for pest control in tomato IN: J.I. Yoder (ed.) Molecular Biology of Tomato, Technomic Pub. Co, Inc., Lancaster PA, Chapter 27, pp 285-291.
- Schwager, SJ, Mutschler, MA, Federer, WT and B Scully. 1993. The effect of linkage on sample size determination for multiple trait selection. Theor. Appl. Genet. 86: 964-974.
- Liedl, BE, S McCormick, and MA Mutschler. 1993. A clearing technique for the study of GUS activity in pollen tubes and ovules of Lycopersicon. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter: 11:194-201
- Rodriguez, AE, WM Tingey, MA Mutschler. 1993. Acylsugars produced by type IV trichomes of Lycopersicon pennellii deter settling of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. J Econ. Ent.: 86:34-39
- Walters, T., E.D. Earle, M.A. Mutschler 1992. Protoplast fusion-derived Ogura male sterile cauliflower with cold tolerance. Plant Cell Reports 10:624-628
- Temple, M, CA Makaroff, .A Mutschler, and ED Earle 1992. Mitochondrial recombination in Brassica napus somatic hybrids. Current Genetics 22: 243-249.
- Mutschler, MA, D. Wolfe, ED Cobb, K Yourstone. 1992. Tomato fruit quality and storability in experimental hybrids herterozygous for the alc ripening mutants. Hort:Science 27:352-355
- Hawthorne DM, JA Shapiro, WM Tingey and MA Mutschler 1992. Trichome-borne and artifically applied acylsugars of wild tomato deter feeding and oviposition of the leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii Ento. Exp. App. 65: 65-73.
- Law, D.W., P.J. Davies, M.A. Mutschler 1991. Polyamine-induced prolongation of storage in tomato fruits. Plant Growth Reg. 10:283-290.
- Walters T, Moynihan MR, Mutschler MA 1990 Cytoplasmic mutants from seed mutagenesis of Brassica campestris with nmu Journal of Heredity 81: 214-216
- Jourdan PS, Earle ED, Mutschler MA 1990 Improved protoplast culture and stability of cytoplasmic traits in plants regenerated from leaf protoplasts of cauliflower (Brassica-oleracea ssp botrytis) Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 21: 227-236
- Tanksley, SD MA Mutschler, CM Rick Linkage map of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (2N= 24). Genetic maps: Locus Maps of Complex Genomes 5th Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA pp 6.3-6.15
- Goffreda, JC, EJ Szymkowiak, IM Sussex, and MA Mutschler. 1990. Chimeric tomato plants show that aphid resistance and triacylglucose production are epidermal autonomous characters.. Plant Cell 2:643-649.
- Goffreda, J.C., M.A. Mutschler, and J.C. Steffens. 1990. Association of epicuticular sugars with aphid resistance in hybrids with wild tomato. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 117:161-164.
- Kinzer, S, Schwager, S, and MA Mutschler. 1990. Mapping of ripening-related or -specific cDNA clones of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Theor. Appl. Genet. 79: 489-496.
- Mutschler,-M.A. 1990 Use of biotechnology to create or transfer novel traits in tomato. HortScience. 25: 1521-1522.
- Jourdan,-PS; Earle,-ED; Mutschler,-MA 1989 Atrazine-resistant cauliflower obtained by somatic hybridization between Brassica oleracea and ATR-B. napus. Theor. Appl. Genet 1989. 78: 271-279.
- Jourdan P.S., Earle E.D., Mutschler M.A. 1989 Synthesis of male sterile, Triazine-resistant Brassica napus by somatic hybridization between cytoplasmic male sterile Brassica oleracea and atrazine-resistant B. campestris. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78: 445-455
- Goffreda, J.C. and M.A. Mutschler. 1989 Inheritance of potato aphid resistance in hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78:210-216
- Goffreda, JC, DA Ave, MA Mutschler, JC Steffens, and WM Tingey. 1989. Aphid deterrence by glucose esters in the glandular trichome exudate of the wild tomato, L. pennellii. J. Chem. Ecology 15:2135-2147.
- Dibble A.R.G. Davies P.J. Mutschler M.A.1988 Polyamine content of long-keeping alcobaca tomato fruit Plant Physiology 86: 338-340
- Mutschler, MA, M Guttieri, S Kinzer, D Grierson, G Tucker 1988 Changes in ripening-related processes in tomato conditioned by the alc mutant Theor Applied Gen 76: 285-292.
- Mutschler,-M.A. 1987 Use of molecular and classical methods to study tomato ripening. Acta-Hortic. 200: 97-99.
- Lentini Z, Mussell H, Mutschler M.A., et al.1988 Ethylene generation and reversal of ethylene effects during development in vitro of rapid-cycling Brassica campestris Plant Sci. 54: 75-81
- Jourdan P.S., Earle E.D., Mutschler MA 1988 Segregation of novel mitochondrial genomes in sexual progeny of brassica napus somatic hybrids Hortscience 23: 812-812 1988
- Robertson D, Earle ED, Mutschler M.A. 1988 Increased totipotency of protoplasts from brassica-oleracea plants previously regenerated in tissue-culture. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 14: 15-24
- Mutschler MA, Guttieri M, Kinzer S, Grierson D, Tucker G.1988 Changes in ripening-related processes in tomato conditioned by the alc mutant Theor. Appl. Genet. 76: 285-292
- Goffreda JC, Mutschler MA, Tingey WM 1988 feeding-behavior of potato aphid affected by glandular trichomes of wild tomato. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 48: 101-107
- Robertson D, Palmer JD, Earle Ed, MA Mutschler 1987 Analysis Of Organelle Genomes In A Somatic Hybrid Derived From Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Brassica-Oleracea And Atrazine-Resistant Brassica campestris. Theoretical And Applied Genetics 74: 303-309
- Mutschler, MA; Guttieri, M 1987 The effects of the alc mutant on tomato ripening. Plant-Biol. 4: 289-297.
- Mutschler M.A., Pearson O.H. 1987. The Origin, Inheritance, And Instability Of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) Hortscience 22: 535-539
- Goffreda JC, Mutschler MA 1987 Potato Aphid Feeding Response To Lycopersicon-pennellii Type-IV Trichome Exudate And Trichome Exudate Components. Hortscience 22: 1073-1073
- Mutschler MA, Bush CN 1987 Mitochondrial Plasmids In Related Cultivars Of Crookneck And Stable And Unstable Butternut Squash. Theor. And Applied Genetics 75: 211-216 1987
- Estrada S, Mutschler M.A., Bliss FA. 1984 Temperature-Influenced Instability In A Genic Male-Sterile Common Bean. Hortscience 19: 401-402 1984
- Mutschler MA1984 Ripening And Storage Characteristics Of The Alcobaca Ripening Mutant In Tomato Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 504-507 1984
- Mutschler M.A. 1984 Inheritance And Linkage Of The Alcobaca Ripening Mutant In Tomato Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 500-503
- Lemke Ca, Mutschler M.A.1984 Inheritance of glandular trichomes in crosses between Lycopersicon esculentum and Lycopersicon pennellii Journal of the American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 592-596
- Mutschler M.A. 1983 Further characterization and linkage analysis of the alcobaca ripening mutant in tomato Hortscience 18: 599-599 1983
- Allee L., Mutschler M.A.1983 The effects of bud maturity on fertilization in Brassica campestris L. Hortscience 18: 899-900 1983
- Mutschler M.A.1981 Inheritance and characterization of the alcobaca storage mutant in tomato. Hortscience 16: 399-400
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1981 Inheritance of bean seed globulin content and its relationship to protein-content and quality. Crop Science 21: 289-294
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1980 Genic male-sterility in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 105: 202-205
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A., Hall T.C. 1980 Variation in the accumulation of seed storage protein among genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris (L) Plant Physiology 65: 627-630 1980
- Sun SM, Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1978 Protein-synthesis and accumulation in bean cotyledons during growth Plant Physiology 61 (6): 918-923.
- United States Patent 8,575,450. Mutschler; M.A Methods and Compositions for Acylsugars in Tomatoes Nov. 5, 2013
- United States Patent 5,661,181 Mutschler; M.A., Ganem, Bruce. Non-cyclic esters for pest control August 26, 1997
- United States Patent 4,943,563 Mutschler; M.A., Steffens; J.C. Goffreda; J.C., Tingey, WN. 2, 3, 4-triacylhexose insect repellants. July 24, 1990
- United States Patent 4,957,757 Law; M. , Davies; PJ, Mutschler; MA Method of extending shelf life and enhancing keeping quality of fruits September 18, 1990
- Ben-Mahmoud, S; T Anderson, TM Chappell, JR Smeda, MA Mutschler, GG Kennedy, DM. De Jong & DE Ullman 2019 A thrips vector of tomato spotted wilt virus responds to tomato acylsugar chemical diversity with reduced oviposition and virus inoculation” Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-019-53473-y
- Li, Z, G Kund, DM. De Jong, X Feng, MA Mutschler and JT. Trumble, 2019 Effects of High-Level Acylsugar-Producing Tomato Lines on the Development of Tomato Psyllids (Hemiptera: Triozidae) Journal of Economic Entomology, 112(4), 2019, 1926–1931 doi: 10.1093/jee/toz070
- Ben-Mahmoud, S, JR Smeda, TM Chappell, C Stafford-Banks, CH Kaplinsky, T Anderson, MA. Mutschler, GG Kennedy, DE Ullman 2018 Acylsugar amount and fatty acid profile differentially suppress oviposition by Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, on tomato and interspecific hybrid flowers. PlosOne
- Vargas-Ortiz, E, I Gonda, JR. Smeda, MA Mutschler, JJ Giovannoni, G Jander. 2018 Genetic mapping identifies loci that influence tomato resistance against Colorado potato beetles submitted: Scientific Reports vol 8, Article number: 7429
- Smeda JR., AL Schilmiller, TA Anderson, S Ben-Mahmoud, DE Ullman, TM Chappell A Kessler, MA Mutschler 2018 Combination of Acylglucose QTL Reveals Additive and Epistatic Genetic Interactions and Impacts Insect Oviposition and Virus Infection. Molecular Breeding 38: 3.
- Smeda JR., AL Schilmiller, A Kessler, MA Mutschler 2017. Combination of QTL Affecting Acylsugar Chemistry Reveals Additive and Epistatic Genetic Interactions to Increase Acylsugar Profile Diversity. Molecular Breeding: 104 DOI 10.1007/s11032-017-0690-0
- Smeda JR, AL Schilmiller, RL Last, MA Mutschler. 2016 Introgression of acylsugar chemistry QTL modifies the composition and structure of acylsugars produced by high-accumulating tomato lines." Molecular Breeding. DOI 10.1007/s11032-016-0584-6
- Leckie, BM, D'Ambrosio, DA, Chappell, TM, Halitschke, R, De Jong, DM, Kessler, A, Kennedy, GG, Mutschler, MA 2016. Differential and synergistic functionality of acylsugars in suppressing oviposition by insect herbivores. PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0153345
- Hyde, PT, BM Leckie, SCD Carpenter, JW Lorbeer, CA Hoepting, MR Ullrich and Martha A. Mutschler 2015 Evaluation of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Lines and Hybrids Possessing Bs1 for Resistance against Multiple Isolates of Botrytis squamosal. Crop Science 55 (1): 136-145.
- Leckie, BM, R Halitschke, DM De Jong, JR Smeda, A Kessler, and MA Mutschler 2014. Quantitative trait loci regulating the fatty acid profile of acylsugars in tomato, Molecular Breeding: 34 (3) pp 1201-1213
- Hansen, Z, I Small, MA Mutschler, W Fry, C Smart. 2014: Differential Susceptibility of Thirty Nine Tomato Varieties to Phytophthora infestans Clonal Lineage US-23. Plant Disease 98, (12) 1666-1670
- Leckie, BM, DeJong, D.M., and M.A. Mutschler 2013. Quantitative trait loci regulating sugar moiety of acylsugars in tomato Molecular Breeding. 31 (4): 957-970.
- Leckie, BM, DeJong, D.M., and M.A. Mutschler 2012. Quantitative trait loci increasing acylsugars in tomato breeding lines and their impacts on silverleaf whiteflies. Molecular Breeding 30 (4): 1621-1634
- Merk HL, Yarn SC, Allen Van Deynze, Nankui Tong, Naama Menda, Lukas A. Mueller, MA Mutschler, Steven A. Loewen, JR Myers, Francis, DM 2012 Trait Diversity and Potential for Selection Based on Variation Among Regionally Adapted Processing Tomato Germplasm. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 137(6):427–437
- Sim SC, Van Deynze A, Stoffel K, Douches DS, Zarka D, Ganal MW, Chetelat RT, Hutton SF, Scott JW, Gardner RG, Panthee DR, Mutschler M, Myers JR, Francis DM. 2012 High-density SNP genotyping of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) reveals patterns of genetic variation due to breeding. PLoS One. 2012; 7(9):e45520. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045520. Epub 2012 Sep 20.
- Hyde,PT; ED Earle, MA Mutschler 2012. Doubled haploid onion (Allium cepa L.) lines and their impact on hybrid performance. HortScience 47: 1690-1695
- Wu, J, DQ Wu, MA Mutschler, CC Chu 2012 Cationic Hybrid Hydrogels from Amino-Acid-Based Poly(ester amide): Fabrication, Characterization, and Biological Properties Advanced Functional Materials 22: 3815–3823.
- Wu, J, MA Mutschler, CC Chu 2011. Synthesis and characterization of ionic charged water soluble arginine-based poly(ester amide). J Mater Sci: Mater Med (2011) 22:469–479.
- MA Mutschler and GD Graff. 2008. Introduction to Intellectual Property Issues in the University Setting: A Primer for Scientists. In: Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation A. Krattiger et al, eds. PIPRA, U of CA – Davis, Davis CA. pp 747 to 762.
- Alan A, W.S. Lim, M.A. Mutschler, E.D. Earle. 2007. Complementary Strategies for ploidy manipulation in gynogenetic onion (Allium cepa L). Plant Science 173:25-31.
- MA Mutschler and GD Graff. 2007 Introduction to Intellectual Property Issues in the University Setting. In: Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation vol 1 pp747 – 762
- Mutschler, MA and William Wintermantel. 2006. Reducing Virus Associated Crop Loss Through Resistance To Insect Vectors. IN: Natural Resistance Mechanisms of Plants to Viruses, Gad Loebenstein and J.P. Carr. eds. Springer, Dordrecht. Pp 241 - 260
- Kim, M. K. and M. A. Mutschler 2006 Characterization of late blight resistance derived from Solanum pimpinellifolium L3708 against multiple isolates of the pathogen, Phytophthora infestans Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 131: 637-645
- Kim, M. K. and M. A. Mutschler 2006 CULBPT-A46 and CULBPT-A48 Series of Late Blight Resistant Processing Tomato Breeding Lines HortSci. 41: 263-265
- Kim, Min-Jea and M. A. Mutschler 2005 Transfer to Processing Tomato and Characterization of Late Blight Resistance Derived from Solanum pimpinellifolium L. L3708 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Sciences 130 877-884
- Kim, MJ, W Federer, MA Mutschler 2005 Using half-normal probability plot and regression analysis to differentiate the disease response of resistant and susceptible tomato genotypes to multiple isolates of P. infestans. Theor. And Applied Genet. 112: 21 – 29
- Zitter, TA, Drennan, JL, Mutschler, MA, and Kim, M.J. 2005. Control of early blight of tomato with genetic resistance and conventional & biological sprays. Acta Hort 695:181-190.
- Lesser, W and MA Mutschler 2004 Balancing investments incentives and social benefits when protecting plant varieties implementing initial variety systems. Crop Sci. 44:1113 - 1120
- Alan, AR, MA Mutschler, A Brants, E Cobb, ED Earle 2004 Fecund gynogenic lines from onion (Allium cepa) breeding materials. Plant Science 167:1055-1066
- Alan, AR, A Brants, E Cobb, PA Goldschmied MA Mutschler, ED Earle 2003 Production of gynogenic plants from hybrids of Allium cepa and A. roylei Plant Science 165:1201 - 1211
- Lesser, W, MA Mutschler 2003 Shifts in the use of utility patents and plant variety protection to protect plant intellectual property in the United States XXVI Internat. Hort. Congress: Plant Genetic Resources, The Fabric of Horticultures Future pp 33-37
- Lesser, W and MA Mutschler 2002 Lessons from the patenting of plants. In: Intellectual Property Rights and Patenting in Animal Breeding and Genetics. Oxon, UK: CABI, Scott Newman and Max Rothschild, eds. pp103-118
- Doganlar, S, SD Tanksley and MA Mutschler 2000 Identification and molecular mapping of loci controlling fruit ripening time in tomato. Theor. and Applied Genetics. 100:249 – 255
- Blauth, SL, JC Steffens, GA Churchilll, and MA Mutschler 1999 QTL analysis of acylsugar fatty acid constitutents using an using intraspecific populations of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 99:373-381.
- Blauth, SL, G.A. Churchill, and MA Mutschler 1998 Identification of QTL associated with acylsuagar accumulation using intraspecific populations of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 96:458-467
- Lawson, Darlene C. Lunde and MA Mutschler 1997. Marker-assisted transfer of acylsugar-mediated pest resistance from the wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii, to the cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum. Molecular Breeding 3:307-317
- McNally, KL and MA Mutschler 1997. Use of introgression lines and zonal mapping to identity RAPD markers linked to QTL. Molecular Plant Breeding 3:202-212.
- BE Liedl, S McCormick and MA Mutschler 1996 Unilateral incongruity in crosses involving Lycopersicon pennellii and L. esculentum is distinct from self-incompatibility in expression, timing and location. Sexual Plant Reprod. 9:299-308.
- Mutschler, MA, RW Doerge, J Liu, JP Kuai, B Liedl, Y Shapiro 1996 QTL analysis of pest resistance in the wild tomato, Lycopersicon pennellii.: QTL controlling acylsugar level and composition. Theor. Appl Genet. 92:709-718
- Liedl, BE , DM Lawson, KK White, JA Shapiro, DE Cohen, WG Carson, JT Trumble, and MA Mutschler. 1995 Acylglucoses of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii alters settling and reduces oviposition of Bemisia argentifolii. J. of Econ. Entomol.: 88:742-748.
- Liu SC, Liedl BE, Mutschler MA 1995 Alterations of the manifestations of hybrid breakdown in Lycopersicon esculentum x L. pennellii F2 populations containing Lycopersicon esculentum versus L. pennellii cytoplasm. Sexual Plant Reprod. 8: 361-368
- Ingersoll JC, Rothenberg M, Liedl BE, Hanson, M, Mutschler, MA 1994 A novel anther-expressed adh-homologous gene in Lycopersicon esculentum Plant Molecular Biology 26: 1875-1891
- Mutschler, M. A. and B. Liedl 1994. Interspecific crossing barriers in Lycopersicon and their relationship to self-incompatibility. IN: Genetic control of self-incompatibility and reproductive development in flowering plants. EG Williams and AE Clarke, eds. Adv. Cell. Mol Biol Plants. 2:164-188 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
- Shapiro J, J Steffens and MA Mutschler. 1994. Acylsugars of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii in relation to its geographic distribution. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.: 22:545-561.
- Juvik, J. A., J. A. Shapiro, T. E. Young and M. A. Mutschler 1994. Acylglucoses of the wild tomato Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy alter behavior and reduce growth and survival of Helicoverpa zea and Spodoptera exigua . J Econ. Ent.: 87:482-492.
- Rau, G., C. McCullock, M.A. Mutschler. 1993. Evaluation of parental-type classification for the inbred-backcross method of estimating gene number. J. Heredity 85:105-111
- Mutschler, M.A., J.C. Steffens and W. Tingey. 1993. Broad based insect resistance from L. pennellii: Its nature, and potential for pest control in tomato IN: J.I. Yoder (ed.) Molecular Biology of Tomato, Technomic Pub. Co, Inc., Lancaster PA, Chapter 27, pp 285-291.
- Schwager, SJ, Mutschler, MA, Federer, WT and B Scully. 1993. The effect of linkage on sample size determination for multiple trait selection. Theor. Appl. Genet. 86: 964-974.
- Liedl, BE, S McCormick, and MA Mutschler. 1993. A clearing technique for the study of GUS activity in pollen tubes and ovules of Lycopersicon. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter: 11:194-201
- Rodriguez, AE, WM Tingey, MA Mutschler. 1993. Acylsugars produced by type IV trichomes of Lycopersicon pennellii deter settling of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae. J Econ. Ent.: 86:34-39
- Walters, T., E.D. Earle, M.A. Mutschler 1992. Protoplast fusion-derived Ogura male sterile cauliflower with cold tolerance. Plant Cell Reports 10:624-628
- Temple, M, CA Makaroff, .A Mutschler, and ED Earle 1992. Mitochondrial recombination in Brassica napus somatic hybrids. Current Genetics 22: 243-249.
- Mutschler, MA, D. Wolfe, ED Cobb, K Yourstone. 1992. Tomato fruit quality and storability in experimental hybrids herterozygous for the alc ripening mutants. Hort:Science 27:352-355
- Hawthorne DM, JA Shapiro, WM Tingey and MA Mutschler 1992. Trichome-borne and artifically applied acylsugars of wild tomato deter feeding and oviposition of the leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii Ento. Exp. App. 65: 65-73.
- Law, D.W., P.J. Davies, M.A. Mutschler 1991. Polyamine-induced prolongation of storage in tomato fruits. Plant Growth Reg. 10:283-290.
- Walters T, Moynihan MR, Mutschler MA 1990 Cytoplasmic mutants from seed mutagenesis of Brassica campestris with nmu Journal of Heredity 81: 214-216
- Jourdan PS, Earle ED, Mutschler MA 1990 Improved protoplast culture and stability of cytoplasmic traits in plants regenerated from leaf protoplasts of cauliflower (Brassica-oleracea ssp botrytis) Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture 21: 227-236
- Tanksley, SD MA Mutschler, CM Rick Linkage map of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (2N= 24). Genetic maps: Locus Maps of Complex Genomes 5th Edition. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA pp 6.3-6.15
- Goffreda, JC, EJ Szymkowiak, IM Sussex, and MA Mutschler. 1990. Chimeric tomato plants show that aphid resistance and triacylglucose production are epidermal autonomous characters.. Plant Cell 2:643-649.
- Goffreda, J.C., M.A. Mutschler, and J.C. Steffens. 1990. Association of epicuticular sugars with aphid resistance in hybrids with wild tomato. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 117:161-164.
- Kinzer, S, Schwager, S, and MA Mutschler. 1990. Mapping of ripening-related or -specific cDNA clones of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Theor. Appl. Genet. 79: 489-496.
- Mutschler,-M.A. 1990 Use of biotechnology to create or transfer novel traits in tomato. HortScience. 25: 1521-1522.
- Jourdan,-PS; Earle,-ED; Mutschler,-MA 1989 Atrazine-resistant cauliflower obtained by somatic hybridization between Brassica oleracea and ATR-B. napus. Theor. Appl. Genet 1989. 78: 271-279.
- Jourdan P.S., Earle E.D., Mutschler M.A. 1989 Synthesis of male sterile, Triazine-resistant Brassica napus by somatic hybridization between cytoplasmic male sterile Brassica oleracea and atrazine-resistant B. campestris. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78: 445-455
- Goffreda, J.C. and M.A. Mutschler. 1989 Inheritance of potato aphid resistance in hybrids between Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii. Theor. Appl. Genet. 78:210-216
- Goffreda, JC, DA Ave, MA Mutschler, JC Steffens, and WM Tingey. 1989. Aphid deterrence by glucose esters in the glandular trichome exudate of the wild tomato, L. pennellii. J. Chem. Ecology 15:2135-2147.
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- Mutschler, MA, M Guttieri, S Kinzer, D Grierson, G Tucker 1988 Changes in ripening-related processes in tomato conditioned by the alc mutant Theor Applied Gen 76: 285-292.
- Mutschler,-M.A. 1987 Use of molecular and classical methods to study tomato ripening. Acta-Hortic. 200: 97-99.
- Lentini Z, Mussell H, Mutschler M.A., et al.1988 Ethylene generation and reversal of ethylene effects during development in vitro of rapid-cycling Brassica campestris Plant Sci. 54: 75-81
- Jourdan P.S., Earle E.D., Mutschler MA 1988 Segregation of novel mitochondrial genomes in sexual progeny of brassica napus somatic hybrids Hortscience 23: 812-812 1988
- Robertson D, Earle ED, Mutschler M.A. 1988 Increased totipotency of protoplasts from brassica-oleracea plants previously regenerated in tissue-culture. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 14: 15-24
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- Goffreda JC, Mutschler MA, Tingey WM 1988 feeding-behavior of potato aphid affected by glandular trichomes of wild tomato. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 48: 101-107
- Robertson D, Palmer JD, Earle Ed, MA Mutschler 1987 Analysis Of Organelle Genomes In A Somatic Hybrid Derived From Cytoplasmic Male-Sterile Brassica-Oleracea And Atrazine-Resistant Brassica campestris. Theoretical And Applied Genetics 74: 303-309
- Mutschler, MA; Guttieri, M 1987 The effects of the alc mutant on tomato ripening. Plant-Biol. 4: 289-297.
- Mutschler M.A., Pearson O.H. 1987. The Origin, Inheritance, And Instability Of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) Hortscience 22: 535-539
- Goffreda JC, Mutschler MA 1987 Potato Aphid Feeding Response To Lycopersicon-pennellii Type-IV Trichome Exudate And Trichome Exudate Components. Hortscience 22: 1073-1073
- Mutschler MA, Bush CN 1987 Mitochondrial Plasmids In Related Cultivars Of Crookneck And Stable And Unstable Butternut Squash. Theor. And Applied Genetics 75: 211-216 1987
- Estrada S, Mutschler M.A., Bliss FA. 1984 Temperature-Influenced Instability In A Genic Male-Sterile Common Bean. Hortscience 19: 401-402 1984
- Mutschler MA1984 Ripening And Storage Characteristics Of The Alcobaca Ripening Mutant In Tomato Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 504-507 1984
- Mutschler M.A. 1984 Inheritance And Linkage Of The Alcobaca Ripening Mutant In Tomato Journal Of The American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 500-503
- Lemke Ca, Mutschler M.A.1984 Inheritance of glandular trichomes in crosses between Lycopersicon esculentum and Lycopersicon pennellii Journal of the American Society For Horticultural Science 109: 592-596
- Mutschler M.A. 1983 Further characterization and linkage analysis of the alcobaca ripening mutant in tomato Hortscience 18: 599-599 1983
- Allee L., Mutschler M.A.1983 The effects of bud maturity on fertilization in Brassica campestris L. Hortscience 18: 899-900 1983
- Mutschler M.A.1981 Inheritance and characterization of the alcobaca storage mutant in tomato. Hortscience 16: 399-400
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1981 Inheritance of bean seed globulin content and its relationship to protein-content and quality. Crop Science 21: 289-294
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1980 Genic male-sterility in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 105: 202-205
- Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A., Hall T.C. 1980 Variation in the accumulation of seed storage protein among genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris (L) Plant Physiology 65: 627-630 1980
- Sun SM, Mutschler M.A., Bliss F.A. 1978 Protein-synthesis and accumulation in bean cotyledons during growth Plant Physiology 61 (6): 918-923.
- United States Patent 8,575,450. Mutschler; M.A Methods and Compositions for Acylsugars in Tomatoes Nov. 5, 2013
- United States Patent 5,661,181 Mutschler; M.A., Ganem, Bruce. Non-cyclic esters for pest control August 26, 1997
- United States Patent 4,943,563 Mutschler; M.A., Steffens; J.C. Goffreda; J.C., Tingey, WN. 2, 3, 4-triacylhexose insect repellants. July 24, 1990
- United States Patent 4,957,757 Law; M. , Davies; PJ, Mutschler; MA Method of extending shelf life and enhancing keeping quality of fruits September 18, 1990
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School of Integrative Plant Science
Plant Breeding & Genetics Section
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University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Master of Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Martha in the news

A Cornell researcher has completed a decades-long program to develop new varieties of tomato that naturally resist pests and limit transfer of viral disease by insects.
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- School of Integrative Plant Science
- Plant Breeding and Genetics Section
In the battle against thrips, Cornell breeder Martha Mutschler-Chu has developed a new weapon: a tomato that packs a powerful one-two punch to deter the pests and counter the killer viruses they transmit. The “dual resistant” insect and virus...