Harold van Es
Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Soil and Crop Sciences Section

I am a Professor of Soil and Water Management with extension, research and teaching responsibilities. I work on approaches to precision soil management with notable innovations related to a soil health assessment management framework (CASH), a commercialized computational technology for precision nitrogen management (Adapt-N), and new research methodologies in soil hydrology and field experimental design. I have experience in administration (department Chair, SSSA President) and also worked with a variety of tech startups and global companies. I have published over 200 peer reviewed papers and chapters, co-authored the widely-read book Building Soils for Better Crops, developed numerous extension articles and videos, and advised 50 graduate students. I teach PLSCI 3210/5210 (Soil and Crop Management for Sustainability) and directs the Cornell Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Program.
Soil health
Precision nitrogen management (Adapt-N)
Digital agriculture
Recent Research
My research focuses on soil health, soil and water management, precision nitrogen management and digiral agriculture.
Selected Publications
Google Scholar profile and publications.
- Liptzin. D.,…. H.M. van Es, …2023. An evaluation of nitrogen indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2023: 1–17.
- Teixeira Santana, M.L., F. Franco dos Santos, K. Maciel de Carvalho, D Souza Peixoto, A. Uezu; J. Cesar Avanzi, M. Evandro Serafim, M.R. Nunes, H.M. van Es, N. Curi; B. Montoani Silva. Land use and intrinsic soil properties affect soil functions in the Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil. Sci of Total Environm. (in press).
- van Es, H. 2023. The Power of Regeneration. Commodities at the heart of change. March 23:21 AGEFI-Finanz und Wirtschaft. Special Edition. https://online.pubhtml5.com/qtfn/lalk/#p=5.
- Amsili, J., H. van Es, D. Aller, and R. Schindelbeck. 2023. Empirically-based production environment soil health goals. Geoderma Regional.
- Jiangzhou Zhang, Yizan Li, Jiyu Jia, Wenqing Liao, Joseph P. Amsili, Rebecca L. Schneider, Harold M. van Es, Ying Li ,Junling Zhang. 2023. Applicability of soil health assessment on wheat-maize cropping systems in smallholder farmlands. Agric., Ecosystems and Envir. 353 108558
- Wilhelm, R.C., H.M. van Es, and D.H. Buckley. 2023. Ecological insights into soil health according to the genomic traits and environment-wide associations of bacteria in agricultural soils. ISME Communications 3: 1.
- Graham, C.J., H.M. van Es, and D. Sanyal. 2022. Soil Health Changes from Grassland to Row Crop Conversion in the Northern Great Plain. Crops& Soils Magazine Sept-Oct 2022. DOI: 10.1002/crso.20219.
- Bagnall, D.K., …, H.M. van Es, … 2022. Selecting Soil Hydraulic Properties as Indicators of Soil Health: Measurement Response to Management and Site Characteristics. Soil Science Society of America Journal 86: 1206-1226.
- Rubio, V., J. Sawchick, and H. van Es. 2022. Mixed soil health benefits from conservation practices under perennial and annual cropping. Soil Security 9: 100074.
- Kinoshita, R. , M. Tani, S. Sherpa, A. Ghahramani, and H.M. van Es. 2022. Soil Sensing and Machine Learning Reveal Factors Affecting Maize Yield in the Mid-Atlantic USA. Agron. J. AJ-2022-07-0593-A.R1.
- Liptzin. D.,…. H.M. van Es, …2022. An evaluation of carbon indicators of soil health in long-term agricultural experiments. Soil Biol & Biochem. 172:108708.
- He, Xiao, H.M. van Es, Y.Q Chen, B. Wang, Y.X. Zhao, and P. Sui. 2022. Crop rotational diversity influences wheat-maize production through soil legacy effects in the North China Plain. Int. J. Plant Production 16:415-427.
- Rekik, F., and H. van Es. 2022. Soil Health-Human Health Nexus: Mineral Thresholds, Interlinkages and Rice System in Jharkhand, India. Advances in Agronomy 172:67-118.
- He Xiao, H.M. van Es, J.P. Amsili, Qianqian Shi, Jingbo Sun, Yuanquan Chen, Peng Sui. 2022. Lowering soil greenhouse gas emissions without sacrificing yields by increasing crop rotation diversity in the North China Plain. Field Crops Res. 276:108366.
- Wilhelm, R.C., H.M. van Es, and D.H. Buckley. 2022. Predicting measures of soil health using the microbiome and supervised learning. Soil Biology&Biochemistry 164: 108472
- van Es, H.M., R. Marjerison, and M. Barik. 2022. Adapt—N. In: Cammarano, D., Kempenaar, C., and F. van Evert (Eds.) Modeling for precision agriculture. Springer Book Series ISSN: 2511-2260.
- Graham, C.J., and H.M. van Es. 2021. Soil health changes from grassland to row crops conversion on Natric Aridisols in South Dakota, USA. Geoderma Regional 26:e00425.
Presentations and Activities
- Spatially-balanced designs on autocorrelated fields. Joint Statistical Meetings. 2004.
Awards & Honors
- Award of Excellence, 2017 Researcher/Educator of the Year. (2017) PrecisionAg (industry-science organization)
- Tulane Nitrogen Reduction Challenge Prize ($1Million) (2017) Tulane University
- President (2016) Soil Science Society of America
- Top New Product of the Year (Adapt-N). (2012) Ag Professional Magazine
- Fellow, American Society of Agronomy
- Fellow, Soil Science Society of America
- Fellow, American Society of Agronomy.
Courses Taught
- PLSCI 3210/5210: Soil and Crop Management for Sustainability
Contact Information
1116 Bradfield
Ithaca, NY 14853
hmv1 [at] cornell.edu
Graduate Fields
- International Agriculture and Rural Development
- Soil and Crop Sciences
- Water Resources
More information
- Doctorate
North Carolina State University
- Master of Science
Iowa State University
- Kandidaats
University of Amsterdam
- International Agriculture and Rural Development
Harold in the news
Cornell hosted the second New York Soil Health Summit Dec. 13, bringing together those who aim to assist growers in mitigating and adapting to climate change while protecting farmer livelihoods and rural economies.
- Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- School of Integrative Plant Science

- Cornell Atkinson
- Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station
- School of Integrative Plant Science