Course Evaluations
Per CALS Faculty Senate all CALS teaching Faculty are required to ask students in each course they teach to complete the standard course evaluation administered through the CALS Student Service’s Office at semester's end. Faculty may use their own course evaluation as well, but those responses will not be reported. CALS faculty will be required to submit a PDF file of their course syllabus at the time end-of-semester course evaluations are requested.These will be made publicly available to members of the Cornell community through the same web page where course evaluations will be posted. (approved in 2008)
The CALS faculty senate approved legislation making the student’s numerical response to end-of-semester surveys publicly available to members of the Cornell community. Evaluations for newly developed courses or courses taught by an instructor for the first time will be made available beginning the second time the course is taught. Mid-term evaluation results will not be made public. CALS faculty will be required to submit a PDF file of their course syllabus at the time end-of-semester course evaluations are requested. The goal for enacting these rules is to provide useful information to students as they design their program of study at Cornell. You can link to the public course evaluation site at (Cornell login required). (approved in 2009)
Student feedback is collected using a web-based application (Cornell login required) for courses offered by Agriculture & Life Sciences, Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Human Ecology, Industrial & Labor Relations, and Physical Education. If you have any questions, please contact cals-studentservices [at] (CALS Student Services)

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