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Graduate Field of Soil & Crop Sciences

Sustainable management of agroecosystems

Soil and Crop Sciences degree programs offer students the opportunity to develop new knowledge that addresses environmental and agricultural problems related to soils and crops, from fundamental to applied. 

The mission of the Soil and Crop Sciences Section is to generate and communicate knowledge pertaining to agroecosystems and their sustainable management in the face of accelerating global change.

Graduate Field of Soil and Crop Sciences

The Field of Soil and Crop Science brings together faculty with expertise in the highly integrated disciplines of production agriculture, crop biotechnology, seed science, soil science and environmental information sciences.

Master of Science (M.S.)

Soil and Crop Sciences degree programs offer students the opportunity to develop new knowledge that addresses environmental and agricultural problems related to soils and crops, from fundamental to applied. All graduate degree programs in the Field of Soil and Crop Sciences are individualized to suit students' interests, backgrounds, and goals.

Students at the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) level may apply for admission to the M.S. program. 


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or M.S./Ph.D.

Soil and Crop Sciences degree programs offer students the opportunity to develop new knowledge that addresses environmental and agricultural problems related to soils and crops, from fundamental to applied. All graduate degree programs in the Field of Soil and Crop Sciences are individualized to suit students' interests, backgrounds, and goals.

Students at the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) level may apply for admission to the M.S., or M.S./ Ph.D. program. Students currently at the M.S. level may apply to the Ph.D. program.

Graduate Field Concentrations

The MS/PhD Graduate Field of Soil & Crop Sciences offers four concentrations:

  • Agronomy
  • Soil Science
  • Field Crop Science
  • Environmental Information Systems
women standing beside tall corn plants

MPS Concentrations related to Soil & Crop Sciences

The Master of Professional Studies in Integrative Plant Science is a one-year, STEM-designated, course-based master's degree program ideal for career-focused students. Several of the concentrations (below) are related to aspects of Soil and Crop Sciences.

A cover crop demo

Plant Protection

The increasing demand for agricultural products is driving both an increased value of agricultural products and value of protecting those products from pests.  These trends are creating an increasing demand for trained pest management professionals to work in long-term positions with corporations or government agencies and to work as shorter term consultants.

Learn more about the Plant Protection specialization.

Geospatial Applications

There is growing demand for students with advanced geospatial modeling and analysis skills to manage and interpret vast quantities of information. Graduates seek employment in a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, government agencies, consulting, public health organizations, financial institutions, private industry and not-for-profit entities, providing location intelligence for decision-making.

Learn more about the Geospatial Applications specialization.

Plant Biotechnology

Plant Biotechnology features coursework and hands-on laboratory work focused on scientific techniques to develop and improve plants for the benefit of society. It is designed to equip students for careers across corporate, governmental and non-governmental organization (NGOs) sectors.

Learn more about the Plant Biotechnology specialization.

Crop Science

Crop Science is the study of crop systems for growing food, feed and fiber crops. Field crops represent the largest sector of plant-based agriculture, therefore, crop scientists can choose from a wide range of professional opportunities that involve identifying traits and environmental factors that need optimization, using latest technology for monitoring and interpreting crop development and performance, and managing crops in a productive and environmentally responsible way.

Learn more about the Crop Science specialization.

Soil Science

Soil science brings together the basic disciplines of biology, physics and chemistry to discover fundamental principles and put them in the service of management solutions. Soil is a foundational resource that sustains all terrestrial life and contributes to food production, climate change and water resources. Soil sustainability is essential to human civilization and soil management decisions cause major changes to our biosphere.

Learn more about the Soil Science specialization.


Agronomy is the interdisciplinary science and applied practice of sustainable field crop production. By nature, agronomy recognizes that productivity, farm profitability, and the essential ecosystem services derived from agriculture require the integrated management of soils, crops, and other part of the farm enterprise – often including animals.

Learn more about the Agronomy specialization.

Climate Change and Agriculture

Harness diverse scientific disciplines -- including global cropping systems, sustainable development, biogeochemistry, soil nutrient and carbon cycling, science policy, remote sensing and ecosystem modeling -- to help solve one the greatest challenges of our times.

Learn more about the Climate Change and Agriculture specialization.