Explore these resources for finding and procuring local foods for school meals. See the 30% NY Initiative page for more local food procurement resources.
A collection of NY food products that qualify for NYS local food procurement initiatives including the 30% NY Initiative. This database was previously titled "30% NY Initiative Eligible Product Database."
A collection of NY farmers, growers, and producers interested in selling to schools, broken down by product category.
Local food guides and listings developed by CCE associations and partner organizations.
A toolkit for developing bids and procuring local food in New York State from NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets.
Support for institutions starting or scaling up purchases of food grown in New York.
Map of NY livestock processors, maintained by Cornell Cooperative Extension.
A map of NYS produce auction locations with contact information. Produce auctions invite growers to market their products through open competitive bidding.
A source for farm to school procurement policies and guidance from the NYS Department of Education Child Nutrition. You can also download a sample small purchase form and purchase process and informal bid quote worksheets.
Resources from USDA Food and Nutrition Service designed to "help ensure child nutrition program operators have the resources and knowledge necessary to incorporate local foods into their day-to-day operations."
A guide for school nutrition professionals created by the USDA.
Webinars by the USDA Food and Nutrition Services.
Advancing School Food Procurement: Driving Values-Based Purchasing through Competitive Solicitations draws on the expertise of school food leaders, advocates, and supporters working to incorporate more local and values-based foods and related programming into school meal programs.