Plant Growth Facility Resources for Cornell Researchers
Important Information
Cornell’s greenhouses and plant growth chambers are the proving grounds for groundbreaking research. They provide carefully controlled environments where Cornell scientists test and fine-tune new ideas and methods. Cornell AES’ dedicated staff provides unparalleled services and support, to maintain conditions critical to success.
- Greenhouse and growth chamber use policy (pdf)
- Greenhouses and growth chambers fee schedule (pdf)
- Request space in greenhouses or growth chambers
- Cornell AES plant growth facilities - essential information (pdf)
- Researcher and educator checklist for plant growth facilities (pdf)
- Using chemicals in Cornell plant growth facilities (pdf)
- Field soil use in Cornell AES plant growth facilities - guidelines (pdf)
- Signage for spaces with transgenic plants (pdf)
- Greenhouse health, safety and BMPs
- Greenhouse horticulture & general greenhouse resources
Control of Plant Virus
Tobacco Mosaic Virus Control
Tobacco Mosaic Virus – TMV – is a plant disease that negatively impacts solanaceous crops, which include tobacco, tomato, pepper and potato. Managing TMV is essential to ensure ongoing productive and reliable research on solanaceous crops. TMV will always be an issue unless the CALS research community takes appropriate steps to control the virus.
Please reference the following materials as we work together to minimize the incidence and spread of TMV:
- TMV warning sign for greenhouses with any solanaceous crops (pdf)
- Important information about TMV / ToMV (pdf)
- Tomato seed processing protocol (pdf)
- Pepper seed cleaning protocol (pdf)
Help Us to Improve The Energy Efficiency of Plant Growth Facilities
Learn about our campaign to make the Cornell AES greenhouses and plant growth chambers greener.
Greenhouse researchers and educators, we need your help!