Latest from the CALS Newsroom
Rob Ralyea, manager of the Cornell Food Processing and Development Laboratory, has been the genius behind many of New York’s award-winning cheeses.
A landmark new report, launched today by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ( IPBES), offers decision-makers around the world the most ambitious scientific assessment ever undertaken of these complex...
Eight student delegates from the New York Youth Institute joined 162 other delegates at the 2024 Global Youth Institute, an educational conference for high school students hosted annually by the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines, Iowa...
Field Note
In a classroom in Warren Hall, students in Global Food, Energy and Water Nexus (ANSC 4880/6880 and crosslisted) delve into a heated debate about China’s Three Gorges Dam. They weigh its effectiveness in providing carbon-neutral energy while...
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