Y. Connie Yuan
Professor, Department of Communication
Professor, Department of Global Development

Connie teaches and conducts research in the area of organizational communication and intercultural communication. Specially, she is interested in studying knowledge management through the development of social capital, and the adoption and usage of information and communication technology. Her recent research has focused on examining cultural differences in cognition and decision making, for instance, how American and Chinese people react differently to climate change initiatives and how they obtain health information differently. She has also explored how differences in communication styles between the East and the West influence the effectiveness of intercultural collaboration and expertise sharing.
Selected Honors & Awards
- Outstanding Service Award to the journal of Communication Research, Sage Publications, 2020.
- CALS Kathy Berggren Diversity and Inclusion Award, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, 2019
- Dennis Gouran Research Award, Group Communication Division of National, Communication Association 2016 Annual Conference, November 2016: Philadelphia, PA [Given to the best published article in 2014 and 2015 on group communication research]
- Inclusion in AoM Best Papers Proceedings, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division, Academy of Management 75th Annual Conference, August 2015: Vancouver, Canada
- Inclusion in AoM Best Papers Proceedings, Managerial and Organizational Cognition division of Academy of Management Annual Conference, August 2010: Montreal, Canada
- Dennis Gouran Research Award, Group Communication Division of National Communication Association, November 2009: Chicago, MA [Given to the best published article in 2007 and 2008 on group communication research]
- Distinguished Article Award, Communication and Social Cognition Division of National Communication Association, November 2008: San Diego, CA [Given to articles published in 2006 and 2007 communication journals]
- Top 3 Papers Award, Group Communication Division of National Communication Association, November 2007: Chicago, IL
- Inclusion in AoM Best Papers Proceedings, Managerial and Organizational Cognition division of Academy of Management Annual Conference, August 2005: Honolulu, HI
- Laura Crowell Best Dissertation Award, Group Communication Division of National Communication Association, November 2005: Boston, MA
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. Ph.D. in Communication, 2004
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. M.A. in Communication, 2001
- University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. MA in Marketing Communication, 1998
- Peking University, Beijing, China. B.A. in English Literature with a double major in Law, 1995
Organizational communication
Intercultural communication
Knowledge management
Selected Journal Publications
- Lu, L., Liu, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (2020). Health information-seeking behaviors and source preferences between Chinese and U.S. populations. Journal of Health Communication. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10810730.2020.1806414 [online first]
- Schuldt, J. P., Yuan, Y. C., Song, Y., & Liu, K. (2019). Beliefs about whose beliefs? Second-order beliefs and support for China’s coal-to-gas policy. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101367
- Yuan, Y. C., Liao, W., & Bazarova, N. N. (2019). Communication styles and expertise recognition in intercultural collaboration. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(2), 238-271. DOI: 10.1177/0893318918824674
- Li, H., Yuan, Y. C., Bazarova, N. N., & Bell, B. (2019). Communication competence dispersion and expertise recognition in diverse teams: The role of talking turn equity and communication medium. Group & Organization Management, 44(5), 953-989. DOI: 10.1177/1059601118756734
- Liao, W., Bazarova, N. N., & Yuan, Y. C. (2018). Expertise judgment and communication accommodation in computer-mediated and face-to-face groups. Communication Research. 45(8), 1122-1145. Doi: 10.1177/0093650215626974
- Liao, Wang, Bazarova, N. N., & Yuan, Y. C. (2018). Unpacking medium effects: Using the Social Relations Model to study social psychological aspects of computer-mediated communication. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 23(2), 90-106. DOI:10.1093/jcmc/zmy002
- Liao, W., Yuan, Y. C., & McComas, K. A. (2018). Communal risk information sharing: Motivations behind voluntary information sharing for reducing interdependent risks in a community. Communication Research, 45(6), 909-933. DOI: 10.1177/0093650215626981 [An earlier draft of this paper won the Second Best Faculty Paper from the CommSHER Division, AEJMC Annual Conference, August 2015: San Francisco, CA]
- Neff, J., Fulk, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (2014). Not in the mood? Affective state and transactive communication. Journal of Communication, 64(3), 785-805. DOI: 10.1111/jcom.12109. [Dennis Gouran Research Award from the Group Communication Division of National Communication Association 2016 Annual Conference]
- Yuan, Y. C., Carboni, I., & Ehrlich, K. (2014). The impact of affective relationships and awareness on expertise retrieval: A multilevel network perspective on transactive memory theory. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4), 554-569. DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2013.766393
- Fulk, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (2013). Location, motivation, and social capitalization via enterprise social networking. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19 (1), 20-37. DOI: 10.1111/jcc4.12033 [Second Runner-up for Best Published Paper Award by the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division, Academy of Management 74th Annual Conference, August 2014: Philadelphia, PA.]
- Yuan, Y. C., Zhao, X., Liao, Q.-y., & Chi, C.-y. (2013). The usage of different information and communication technologies to support knowledge sharing in organizations: From email to micro-blogging, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(8), 1659-1670. DOI: 10.1002/asi.22863
- Yuan, Y. C., Bazarova, N., Fulk, J., & Zhang, Z-x. (2013). Recognition of expertise and perceived influence in intercultural group collaboration. Journal of Communication, 63(3), 476-497. DOI: 10.1111/jcom.12026
- Yuan, Y. C., Fulk, J., Monge, P. R., & Contractor, N. (2010). Expertise directory development, shared task-interdependence, and strength of communication network ties as multilevel predictors of expertise exchange in transactive memory work groups. Communication Research, 37(1), 20-47. DOI:10.1177/009365020351469 [An earlier version of this paper was published in the Best Papers Proceedings of Academy of Management 2005 Annual Conference]
Manuscripts in Preparation or Under Review for Publication
- Lu, L., Liu, J., & Yuan, Y. C. (under review). Cultural differences in cancer information acquisition: Testing perceived cancer risks and cancer fatalistic beliefs as predictors of information seeking and avoidance in the U.S. and China. Under review at Communication Research.
- Song, Y-Y., Huang, Z., Schuldt., J. P., & Yuan, Y. C. (202). National prisms of a global phenomenon: A comparative study of press coverage of climate change in the US, UK and China.
- Wang, L., Margolin, D., & Yuan, Y. C. (2019). Sharing fake news on social media: Understanding the relationship between believe and share.
- Liao, W., Bazarova, N., Yuan, Y. C., & McLeod, P. L. (2020). Communication technology and group communication.
- McLeod, P. L. & Yuan, Y. C., (2020). Diversity and group communication
- Zhang, C., & Yuan, Y. C. (submitted to ICA 2020). Self-serving bias in attributional communication in East Asian Cultures
- Gao, X., & Yuan, Y. C. (submitted to ICA 2020). Mindfulness in empathetic communication and its impact on group communication.
Courses Taught
- Comm 3150: Organizational Communication
- Comm3710: Crossing Cultures through Film
- Comm3720: Intercultural Communication
- Comm3730: Mindful Intercultural Communication
- Comm6100: Seminar in Social Networks
- Comm6950: Structural Equation Modeling
- Co-Principal Investigator, Institute of Social Sciences of Cornell University, March 2018, $6,500 (PI: Jonathon Schuldt). Title: Cross-cultural public opinion on climate change amid global energy transitions
- Principal Investigator, NSF-IOS (Grant #: 0822784), Oct. 2008 – Sep. 2012, $445,169 (Co-PI: Professor Janet Fulk from USC), of which $245,078 is awarded to Cornell University. Title: Retaining organizational knowledge in connective and communal transactive memory systems: A cross-culture investigation from a multilevel, network perspective. $13,000 of REU supplementary fund was granted on July 01, 2009.
- Lehman Grant, Cornell University, 2011-2012, $12,000, Intercultural collaboration
- Co-Principal Investigator, Institute of Social Sciences of Cornell University /Presidential Council of Cornell Women, 2010-2011, $10,000 (PI, Natalie Bazarova). Title: Expertise recognition in cross-cultural collaboration in groups: The impact of computer-mediated and face-to-face communication
- Co-Principal Investigator, NSF –DRL (Grant#: 0917487), (Sep. 01, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2013). $1,483,710.00 (PI, Janis Dickinson; Other Co-PIs: Marianne Krasny, Nancy Trautmann, & Nancy Wells). Title: The YardMap network: Social networking for community science
- Co-Principal Investigator, NSF – VOSS (Grant#: 0942659), (Sep. 15, 2009 – Sep. 14, 2011). $147,767 (PI, Jeremy Birnholtz; Other Co-PIs: Geri Gay, & Caren Heller). Title: The roles of awareness and social networks in the initiation and sustenance of research-oriented virtual organizations
- Principal Investigator, USDA/CSREES-CUAES Hatch Project (NYC-131405), Oct. 2006 – Sep. 2009, USDA, $90,000 (Co-PI: Professor Clifford Scherer). Title: The role of social capital and communication technologies in knowledge transfer within Cornell Cooperative Extension programs
- Principal Investigator, Institute of Social Sciences of Cornell University, 2005-2006, $6500. Title: The development of social capital and transactive memories systems in computer-supported collaborative work
- Research Faculty Associate, “Advanced Interactive Discovery Environment,” one of the research projects led by the Human Computer Interaction Group at Cornell University. The multi-year project is funded by NASA (NASA/NYS 3533168) and AT&T to study the role of information technology in facilitating coordination and cooperation in virtual teams. Principal investigator: Geri Gay. July 2004 to June 2006.
Y. Connie in the news

