Perejitei Ebikirifagha Bekewe is a Postdoctoral Associate within the Nutrient Management Spear Program (NMSP), at Cornell University. Perejitei joined Cornell University in July 2021 and work on the New York component of the multistate, six-year project, "Dairy Soil and Water Regeneration: Building Soil Health to Reduce Greenhouse Gases, Improve Water Quality and Enable New Economic Benefits". Perejitei has a Ph.D. from Texas A&M, College Station, Texas. His research focuses on carbon neutrality, soil health, soil C sequestration, cropping systems management, tillage systems, optimizing water use efficiency through effective recycling and improving water quality through efficient use of manure and manure-based products, and nutrients, and N fertilizer replacement value in the U.S. Dairy.
- Ph.D. Agronomy - Texas A&M University-College Station, TX, USA - 2021
- M.S. Crop Science - North Carolina State University-Raleigh, NC, USA - 2017
- B.S. Agricultural Science and Agronomic Engineering - EARTH University, Costa Rica - 2015
Soil Health, Carbon Neutrality and Carbon Sequestration
Cropping Systems, Tillage Systems, and Forage Systems Managements, On-Farm Research and Economic Benefits
Greenhouse Gases Emissions, Nutrient Management and Improving Water Quality
My research focuses on carbon neutrality, soil health, soil C sequestration, cropping systems management, tillage systems, rainfall simulation, optimizing water use efficiency through effective recycling and improve water quality through efficient use of manure and manure–based products, and nutrients, and N fertilizer replacement value in the U.S. Dairy. This includes advanced soil health management systems, such as reduced tillage systems, cover cropping, manure-based products in silage corn, alfalfa/grasses rotations that are practicable, economically viable, and environmentally friendly to attain net zero greenhouse gases emissions, and water quality improvement. Some of the tools/equipment/technologies used in my research are Gas Chamber, LI–COR 7820 and LI–COR 7810 for greenhouse gases emission estimates (N2O flux, and CO2 and CH4 fluxes respectively), SATURO for infiltration at steady state measurement, oxygen sensors, moisture sensors, temperature sensors, and weather stations, Giddings, and trailer rainfall simulation equipment, SoilFlux Pro, SATURO downloader, GPS, SAS, R Software, SharePoint, and Microsoft products etc.
Contact Information
Frank B. Morrison Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853
peb92 [at]
- Bekewe, P. E., J.L. Foster, C.B. Neely, H.L. Neely, K.L. Lewis, L.E. Tomlin, R.W. Schnell, T.W. Boutton, and B. Gerrish. 2022. Cropping system diversity and tillage intensity affects wheat productivty in Texas. Agron. J. AJ-2022-03-0205-A. Accepted for publication.
- Raul Rivera-Chacon, M.S. Castillo, T.W., Gannon, and P.E. Bekewe. 2022. Defoliation following freeze event effects on yield and composition of switchgrass. Agron. J. AJ-2022-04-0356-A. Accepted for publication.
- Castillo, M.S., P.E. Bekewe, and R. Rivera. 2022. Clover frost-seeding rate effects on productivity and nutritive value of tall fescue pastures during the year of establishment. Crop Sci. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20724.
- Bekewe, P. E., M.S. Castillo, J.J. Acosta, and R. Rivera. 2020. Defoliation management effects on nutritive value of 'performer' switchgrass. Crop Sci. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20036.
- Bekewe, P.E., M.S. Castillo, and R. Rivera. 2019. Harvest Management Effects on Canopy Height and Light Interception of ‘performer’ Switchgrass and its Relationship with Weed Infestation. Crop Sci. 59:1-8 (2019). doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.10.0612.
- Bekewe, P.E., M.S. Castillo, and R. Rivera. 2018. Defoliation Management Affects Productivity, Leaf/Stem Ratio, and Tiller Counts of ‘performer’ Switchgrass. Agron. J. 110:1467-1472. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.01.0003.
- Gyawali, A.J., H.L. Neely, J.L. Foster, C.B. Neely, k.l. Lewis, J. Pintar, P.E. Bekewe, and A.P. Smith. 2022. Sampling for biological indicators of soil health: How does sampling methodology effect research results? Soil Biology & Biochem. SBB20287. Submitted under review.
- Bekewe, P. E., Quirine M. Ketterings, Kirsten Workman, and Abraham Hauser. (August 18, 2022). Dairy Netzero greenhouse measurements. 2022 Aurora Farm Field Day – Musgrave Research Farm, Aurora, NY.
- Ketterings, Q.M., and P. E. Bekewe. (2021, Nov. 15-17). Dairy carbon footprint project. Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Ag Inservice Conference 2021, Virtual event, Cornell, Ithaca, NY.
- 19) Victoria, M., H.R. Leggette, J.L. Foster, H. Neely, C. Neely, K. Lewis, P.E. Bekewe, and J. Parrella. (2021, March 29-April 2). Adopt What? Describing Louisiana wheat producers’ level of adoption of soil health management practices [Poster Presentation]. Texas A&M Student Research Week, College Station, TX, United States.
- Victoria, M., H.R. Leggette, J.L. Foster, H. Neely, C. Neely, K. Lewis, P.E. Bekewe, and J. Parrella. (2021, Jul. 26-28). Adopt What? Describing Louisiana wheat producers’ level of adoption of soil health management practices [Poster Presentation]. 76th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference, Virtual event.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, T.W. Boutton, B. Gerrish, and A.J. Gyawali. 2020. Comparing soil health parameters in no-till and conventional tillage farms across three ecoregions in Texas. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2020 International Meetings, Phoenix, AZ, Nov. 8-11. (Abstr.)
- Pintar, J.R., A.P. Smith, A. Joshi Gyawali, H.L. Neely, P.E. Bekewe, J.L. Foster, C.B. Neely, and K.L. Lewis. 2020. Developing Sampling Strategies for Monitoring Microbial Exoenzyme Activity for Soil Health [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings; 2020. Virtual, Phoenix, AZ. Nov. 8-11; Virtual, Phoenix, AZ.
- Foster, J.L., P.E. Bekewe, H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, L.E. Tomlin, and K.L. Lewis. 2020. Wheat double cropping systems to improve soil health [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Soil and Water Conservation International Annual Conference; 2020 Jul. 26-29; Des Moines, IA.
- Victoria, M., H.R. Leggette, J.L. Foster, H. Neely, C. Neely, K. Lewis, P.E. Bekewe, B.J. Gerrish, and J. Parrella. 2020. Minding the microbes: The adoption of soil health management techniques by Oklahoma wheat producers [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Soil and Water Conservation International Annual Conference; 2020 Jul. 26-29; Des Moines, IA.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, B. Gerrish, L.E. Tomlin, and T.W. Boutton. 2020. Building Soil Health and Food Security in Wheat-Based Cropping Systems in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop; 2020 Feb. 6 – 7; College Station, TX.
- Victoria, M., H.R. Leggette, J.L. Foster, H. Neely, C. Neely, K. Lewis, P. E. Bekewe, B.J. Gerrish, and J. Parrella. 2020. Measuring adoption of soil health practices of wheat producers in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the National Agricultural Communication Symposium; 2020 Feb. 2-3; Louisville, KY.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, L.E. Tomlin, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, T.W. Boutton, and B. Gerrish. 2019. Towards Improving Soil Health in Wheat Cropping Systems in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Texas Plant Protection Conference; 2019 Dec. 10 – 11; Bryan, TX.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, L.E. Tomlin, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, and T.W. Boutton. 2019. Can Double Cropping Provide Similar Soil Health Benefits As Cover Cropping in Texas? [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings; 2019 Nov. 10 – 13; San Antonio, TX.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, L.E. Tomlin, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, and T.W. Boutton. 2019. The Impact of Reduced Tillage and Double Cropping on Soil Moisture Dynamics [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings; 2019 Nov. 10 – 13; San Antonio, TX.
- Stufflebeam, A., H.L. Neely, P.E. Bekewe, K.L. Lewis, J.L. Foster, and C.B. Neely. 2019. Comparing the Impact of Short-Term Soil Health Practices on Aggregate Stability across Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings; 2019 Nov. 10 – 13; San Antonio, TX.
- Pintar, J.R., A.P. Smith, H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, P.E. Bekewe, A. Joshi Gyawali, and J. Desrochers. 2019. Developing Spatial Sampling Strategies for Monitoring Microbial Activity for Soil Health [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Meetings; 2019 Nov. 10 – 13; San Antonio, TX.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, B. Gerrish, and T.W. Boutton. 2019. The Impact of Double Cropping and Tillage Systems on Cropping Systems Productivity in Three Ecoregions in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Small Grains Workers Meeting; 2019 Aug. 28; College Station, TX.
- Bekewe, P.E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, and T.W. Boutton. 2019. The Impact of Double Cropping and Tillage Systems on Soil Health in Wheat Cropping Systems in Three Ecoregions in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Soil Survey and Land Resource Workshop; 2019 Feb. 7 – 8; College Station, TX.
- Bekewe, P. E., H.L. Neely, C.B. Neely, J.L. Foster, K.L. Lewis, and L.E. Tomlin. 2019. Towards Improving Soil Health in Wheat Cropping Systems in Texas [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the SSSA International Meetings; 2019 Jan. 6 – 9; San Diego, CA.
- Bekewe, P. E., M.S. Castillo, A.J. Franzluebbers and M.H. Poore. 2017. Defoliation management effects on productivity, persistence, and nutritive value of ‘Performer’ switchgrass [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meeting; 2017 Oct. 22 – 25; Tampa, FL.
- Bekewe, P. E., M.S. Castillo. 2017. Defoliation frequency and intensity effects on productivity and persistence of ‘performer’ switchgrass [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 71th Southern Pasture and Forage Crop Improvement Conference (SPFCIC); 2017 Jun. 5 – 7; Knoxville, TN.
- Bekewe, P. E., M.S. Castillo. 2017. Defoliation management effects on production and persistence of ‘performer’ switchgrass [abstract]. In: proceedings of the 12th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium North Carolina State University; 22 Mar. 2017. Raleigh, NC.
Perejitei in the news
- Animal Science
- Agriculture
- Agriculture
- Climate Change
- Environment