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  • Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Emma Wang (she/her/hers), assistant professor of accounting, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Academic focus:

Corporate social responsibility; environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices; sustainable financing.

Research summary:

My research interests focus on corporate ESG practices, ESG standard setting and sustainable financing. My research aims to contribute to the understanding of ESG developments, stipulate discussions and facilitate policymaking.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

When I’m not working, I enjoy cooking, yoga, Pilates, running, camping and spending time with my family and friends.

What (specifically) brought you to Cornell CALS?

I believe that Cornell provides a great platform for me to keep advancing my research in sustainability. Many of my colleagues in accounting and other research areas share my interest in environmental issues and sustainability. CALS hosts a group of excellent environmental and agricultural economists. I trust that I will benefit tremendously from working with this diverse group of scholars. I also look forward to sharing my knowledge in this space with my students.

What do you think is important for people to understand about your field?

I think the most important thing to understand is that the conversation about sustainability is constantly evolving. The world is facing some grand challenges, and everyone in this field is trying to contribute to a better understanding of these issues. In this process, we should be careful not let perfection be the enemy of progress. When it comes to issues around sustainability (e.g., climate change), the cost of making mistakes is high. However, we should still allow room for exploration and mistakes. It can be frustrating, but it is part of moving forward.

Why did you feel inspired to pursue a career in this field?

I feel inspired to conduct research in the topics of sustainability because I think they are important. I hope my research can contribute to the understanding of ESG developments, stipulate discussions and facilitate policymaking.

What’s the most surprising/interesting thing you’ve discovered about Cornell and/or Ithaca so far?

The most surprising/interesting thing about Cornell is perhaps the campus-made ice cream. They are so delicious!

If you had unlimited grant funding, what major problem in your field would you want to solve?

I’d like to do the following:

  1. Figure out a way to measure and track ESG performance.
  2. Better understand the factors that drive/hurt the supply and demand for ESG.
  3. Design the ESG standards/institutional features to ensure that the ESG movement will make real impact. This may require a push for more transparency through public and private disclosure, assurance, and more stringent regulation.

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Photograph of a man standing at the front of a room with slides projected talking to about twenty people seated in rows.


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  • Department of Global Development
  • Agriculture
  • Environment