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  • Cornell Cooperative Extension
  • Animal Science
This fact sheet authored by PRO-DAIRY Forage Systems Specialist Joe Lawrence was shared in the July 2023 PRO-DAIRY e-Leader newsletter, distributed to an email list of over 8,000 dairy producers, agriservice, and legislators.
Corn silage is reaching an important stage in is growth which has coincided with excess stress from weather events in many areas. It is an important time to get out and assess your fields. Document the timing of pollination to aid in estimating harvest timing as well as assessing the impacts of rainfall on nitrogen status.
Reports of isolated crop damage due to recent weather events range from flooding to hail to wind. While some of these events have impacted relatively small areas in NY, the damage is greater in other areas of the Northeast. Regardless of whether it impacted a few acres or several fields, it is helpful to get out and scout your crops.

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individuals smile in front of pollinator gardens


Events Associate Professor Neil Lewis, Jr. , is delivering the Hedges Lecture, sponsored by the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. In his talk, entitled “Sharing What We Know (and What Isn’t So) to Improve Equity in Education,”...
A white farm house with the sun shining behind it and a pasture in front with a grazing animal


The College of Veterinary Medicine and partners have launched a free online course, “Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Rural America,” to give learners support strategies and resources to navigate mental health challenges in rural...

  • Agriculture
  • Health + Nutrition
  • Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management